Blogs from East, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Europe


Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo » Ilidža August 10th 2021

Bonjour à tous, Hier petite soirée tranquille, cet hôtel perdu dans la campagne, vraiment très bien. Le resto du soir choix, pâtes ou pizzas. J'ai testé la pizza bosniaque, c'est soit disant le fromage local qui fait la différence, pas spectaculaire la différence, par contre dessus une espèce de chorizo très bon, mais toutes les heures de la nuit, obligé de boire. Ce matin lorsque je tire les rideaux, j'ai cru que la montagne était dans la brume, non c'était de la fumée. Il doit y avoir de gros incendies, dans la région car pendant 100km, dans la fumée, et avec cette désagréable odeur de brûlée. Impossible de faire une photo. Compte tenu du soleil, en contre jour, et de cette épaisse fumée, je sais qu'elles ne seront pas exploitables. Comme j'ai pris le pdj à ... read more
Cathédrale de Sarajevo
j'adore à l'entrée de l'hôtel

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo August 8th 2020

According to Business Insider: Travel has continued to surge in July and August, and travel shaming and COVID-call outs are becoming more common.While some travelers continue to share their photos and experiences on social media, many are choosing to curb their online presence or to not post at all."I think people are afraid. Everyone's under a microscope," said food blogger and influencer Ali Maffucci, who exp... read more
Flying shame?
Behave yourself!

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo October 23rd 2019

After checking into our hotel in Sarajevo, which was just across the river from Baščaršija, we set out for a walk through the city. Sarajevo is full of history, both ancient and modern. The city was the meeting point of Roman Catholic west, Eastern Orthodox east and the Ottoman south. Historically it was a fairly tolerant city where Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism coexisted peacefully for the most part. That tolerance and mostly peaceful coexistence was shattered in more recent history first with the expulsion of Jews when Bosnia was under control of the Nazis and then even more recently during the Bosnian war. Nowadays the city is on the road to recovering its tolerance. As soon as we crossed the river and entered Baščaršija. The part of Baščaršijawe enteredwas constructed in the 15th century by ... read more
The Sarajevo (War) Tunnel Museum
View of Sarajevo from Trebević mountain
Bobsled run on Trebević mountain

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo July 6th 2019

Naš rad obuhvata izradu seminarskih, diplomskih, maturskih, magistarskih radova na srpskom, hrvatskom, francuskom, španskom ili engleskom jeziku iz svih oblasti ekonomije, menadmenta i biznisa i svih drugih oblasti… Za razliku od drugih koje samo interesuje novac kupca, nas cilj je da prvi utisak o nasem radu bude pozitivan, da se postigne redovno i kvalitetno poslovanje sa nama, takodje diskrecija je zagarantovana. Jos od samog pocetka uspeli smo da stvorimo auran i kvalitetan tim strucnjaka iz oblasti: ekonomija, menadment, bankarstvo, finansije, ljudski resursi, psihologija, marketing, informacione tehnologije, istorija, sociologija, pravo, itd. što je rezultiralo mnogobrojnim zadovoljnim klijentima.Postavili smo odredene standarde u ukupnom poslovanju i dostigli lidersku poziciju u našoj branši. Cilj nam je da istu dugorocno zadrimo, te da svoje poslovanje proširimo i na druge ... read more

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo May 27th 2019

Als wir den Ramskosee verlassen sind wir ein bisschen traurig, denn wenn wir Adrijan glauben dürfen, wird es diesen schönen Ort schon bald nicht mehr geben. Da der See lediglich aufgestaut wurde um mit seiner Wasserkraft Elektrizität zu erzeugen und derzeit ein neues Elektrizitätswerk gebaut wird, soll er in den nächsten Jahren quasi wieder „abgelassen“ werden. Dann fließt hier einfach nur noch ein Fluss durch die Berge und die Halbinsel Scit ist eine kleine Ansammlung von Häusern auf einer Anhöhe. Kurios. Aber vermutlich wird es dennoch ein schöner Ort bleiben. Als wir weiterfahren und mit dem Jablanicko See auf halbem Weg den nächsten türkisblau schimmernden, sich fjordartig durch die Berge ziehenden Stausee erblicken wissen wir aber auch, warum die Bosnier der Verlust eines weiteren Sees nicht schmerzt. Sie haben diese glasklaren Gewässer einfach im Überfluss. Was ... read more
Sarajevo (3)
Sarajevo (21)
Sarajevo (5)

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo April 6th 2019

From Mostar’s mountainous hills, we drove to Sarajevo where snow-covered, high mountains showed why it was host to the 1984 Winter Olympics, just before Calgary. The drive was captivating as we followed the Neretva River valley through ever-more beautiful arrangements of hills. Towns were populated by three-story homes, topped with red clay tiles. Larger towns sometimes had a few high-rises, and some of the lower buildings were large enough to be multi-family places. A few un-reclaimed bombed-out stone houses were half-over-grown with grasses and bushes. Because of the war in 1992 – 1995, almost all buildings looked new, although some must only have been restored. We stopped at a petrol station for a break; the solitary se... read more
Samira, our guide, in the old market
Latin Bridge 1568
Fountain at the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo September 25th 2018

After good breakfast, best we've had so far, departed for Mostar. Stopped at border crossing to Bosnia for almost 3/4 hour while checking passports etc. Arrived Mostar about 11am when weather changed, a north wind, really strong then turned cold. Walked to the bridge through market stalls, lots of people. Bridge was very difficult to climb as it was so steep and very windy. Diving had stopped because of wind. Just started to rain so found a restaurant and stopped for lunch, nothing exciting. Didnt find the whole bridge visit that good, too crowded and cold/wet.Really just a tourist trap now. Back to bus in the rain to leave at 2.30pm. Driving around amazing to see the bullet holes still in many buildings, some still abandoned and burnt out. Long drive to Sarajevo Novotel Bristol hotel, ... read more
Bus at our rest stop
Mostar bridge

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo September 21st 2018

We get up and go for breakfast. Hotel Lula is a unique place. I can’t quite decide if the décor is shabby chic or just shabby. The stains on the carpet have almost sold me on shabby, when we descend into the basement dining area. Along one wall is the breakfast buffet. The other 3 walls consist of a fake cottage, a fake woodpile and a fake forest. Running right through the middle; a fake tree. After breakfast we set off to explore Sarajevo. We start at the Yellow Bastion which offers a great view of the city (ie involves a long uphill walk). It’s next to a huge war grave, one of many you can spot from the top of the hill. Next we visit the beautifully restored City Hall with its ornate interior and ... read more
View from the Yellow Bastion
Kovaci graveyard
City Hall

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo September 20th 2018

Today is going to be smelly. We have run out of clean clothes and yesterday’s car troubles put paid to our laundry plans. So we will be driving to Sarajevo with the windows open. 3 things I know about Sarajevo; (1) Franz Ferdinand was assassinated here, an event which sparked World War I, (2) during the Bosnian War the city was under siege for several years and (3) it hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics. This morning entails another scenic mountain drive, much of it along the valley of the beautiful blue-green Neretva River. We stop in Jablanica, site of a WW2 battle where Tito’s Partisan forces took out a railway bridge to thwart the advancing Germans. The bridge still lies upended in the river as a monument to those who fought. On the outskirts of Sarajevo ... read more
Welcome to Jablanica
Neretva River
Battle of Neretva memorial

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