Page 4 of squishNjohn Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 6th 2011

Can't believe that last post took so long to upload. This bunch of pics will mean more to MPL staff than anyone else. Even saw a shop called Eric's Store - told them they should change it to Pappa Smurf store Further to my earlier post with the news article - it has just started POURING here - incredibly heavy - a little daunting actually to hear the intensity. The rain is literally THUNDERING down on the roof tops and within seconds i could here water rsuhing down the side of the house. Never experienced anything quite like this before. And it keeps just coming on - relentlessly. Based on our last foray after the rains - don't think Legazpi City will be on today's agenda... read more
Cagsawa Sports Arena

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 6th 2011

It's 5:30 am when i start this (probably much later when I publish/post) and Squish's family have gone to a special memorial mass for her mum (deceased). I will join them for the visit to the cemetery plot. More rains predicted today so I thought I'd a a few more misc pics.... read more
Gardening 102 (advanced)
Road canopy
Outdoor Furniture Bicol Style

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 6th 2011

Weather outlook not so flash... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 6th 2011

OK - this should bring me up to date. Yesterday, Squish had to be confirmed (a Catholic thing) before the locals would agree to marry us in the church. Won't bore you with the details as it's really just a personal thing. Today has been raining again and so I've been stuck in our little 6x7 drinking SML and trying to get up to date with the blog. Since there's no travels to record, I thought I'd go through the squillion pics I've taken and jujst show some random stuff i thought was interesting, unusual or simply a little different. Over to the pics and see you next time when i'll try and show some video snippets. Promise to keep them short to minimise download times and bandwidth requirements. Hope MPL haven't blocked youTube again. . ... read more
Comparative Panorama
Law and order Legazpi City

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 5th 2011

As I've said earlier, so far I have not seend a single pic that does this majestic landmark any justice whatsoever. I reckon you could spend a lifetime shooting this wonder and still not get THAT SHOT. I have included a few though just to show a couple of aspects of it. Just an aside for the non-Filipinos taking the time to read my waffling, MAYON actually means Beautiful and personally I believe that to be a gross understatement. Personally I have been awestruck by it's presence. Interestingly, because of the cloud cover that's been in place most of the time, I didn't realise, but if you walk about 20-30 paces up the road of Squish's place - on a clear day (like today and yesterday) you can actually see the peak. The only reason we ... read more
Panorma 2
Mayon Whale Spotting

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 5th 2011

Another beautiful day and this time a trip from Legaspi City to Donsol, Sorsogon - home of the Butanding or Whale Shark. . . . see link for the kml file. As much fun as it was looking for and then watching these gentle creatures, the picture taking opportunities were not that flash. At best you can see a shadow in the water you can pretend is a whale shark .. . . :-? The locals, with the help of WWF ( you know - that dopey looking Koala bear that walks Chapel St Prahran shaking a tin) have developed a haven for this creature and built a tousist industry around it. They're kinda like dalmatians of the sea . . . but in reverse, dark skin with white spots - don't believe I got a ... read more
On the way to Donsol
Truckload of boys going to work
NO! This not another fully loaded Jeepney shot

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 5th 2011

Sorry I've been tardy in the updates folks, but between less than average wireless coverage and a busy couple of days it's not been that easy. First important note - I've switched from Colt 45 to SML (San Mig Light) - shorts are getting too tight. - BTW by light they do NOT mean low alcohol, merely claim fewer calories per serve - still 5% Jan 3 finally saw some nice weather and we traveled to Cagsawa ruins and then for another trip up the side of Mayon. Actually got to see something this time, but hazy as usual so I've tried some GIMP tweaks on contrast etc. I was surprised, given how hot it was down at ground level, it was really chilly (Melbourne chilly) up at 800 plus meters above sea level. I was ... read more
After the eruption - typhoons
On the way up the side of Mayon  againa

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 2nd 2011

Yesterday was another garbage day on the weather front, but a couple of things happened which were worthy of note - well in my mind anyway. First we had brekkie in Guinobatan CBD, just Squish, myself and her brother and sister (Arthur and Annie). This is the very first time we've had a meal with an entourage of ess than 8. Also the first brekkie I've had that wasn't western based fast food, Pancit Lapad, flat tagliatelle type noodles with a very strong egg flavour mixed with some shredded noodles - pretty nice actually despite its simplicity. The Filipinos really need to learn what bread is about though. The dread rolls resemble scones rather than bread - sweet and stodgy. ZTM a business opportunity perhaps???? ;-) We then went shopping in the local 'wet market'. I ... read more
well perhaps not quite
Veggie Section
Seafood section

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 1st 2011

Well folks - I've done it, I have 'touched' Mayon. Last major eruption was this time last year. We went up the side to an elevation of about 820 metres above sea level (summit is something like 2.5km I think) and this is as far as the car could go. The scenery from up there is breathtaking ;-) . I think we're going to revisit when the weather improves. For the Micks reading this, they actually have the stations of the cross up the side of the mountain and this is walked and prayed by the faithful during Holy Week in the lead up to Easter. For those of you with Google earth, I have included the link to a kml file you can download which traces the drive back from Mayon to our home base ... read more
Shopping Mall - Mayon Style
The view from Mayon
The Sixth Station of the Cross

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan December 31st 2010

Happy New Year. Well the Filipinos certainly know how to celebrate NYE. You certainly can't miss midnight here - collectively I reckon as many fireworks went off around the place as a the fireworks display in a major Oz capital city. Then there's the food - tables and tables groaning under the weight of all sort of delicious stuff - lots of it deep fried unfortunately. One food item I couldn't resist taking a pic of was Ube - for Dr Holloway and Dunnie - it was YUM (remember Margie Carcallas offering you some when I was still on lvl 16????) - for the rest of you it's YAM - and yes the colour in the pic is real - no added food colourings. The locals have a novel approach to disposable plates too; a woven ... read more

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