Page 3 of squishNjohn Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Philippines » Manila January 15th 2011

Just thought I'd throw this pic in because it amused me a little. This was taken at Robinsons Mall in Manila. We had a Shakey's Pizza whih was pretty ordinary and highly salty, and so only ate half a small pizza between us. Took the rest as take away (sorry - take out). outside the street urchins started their normal thing. One of them pointed at my pizza pack so I thought WTF. . . . moved to hand it over and she literally snatched it from my hand and took off. I really believe we Aussies know very little of true hardship and hunger.... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 13th 2011

In Manila now and hearing some sketchy reports about floods in Vic as well. Excuse the obvious, but it never rains. . . . it pours. Can anyone bring me up to date on exactly where the flooding has been most severe and is our place at Wheatsheaf still a house - or a house-boat?? A post in the comments section will be fine - or email if you prefer... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 13th 2011

OK - you can put the spelling of Airline down to part poetic license, part a commentary on the inability/reluctance of their staff to communicate in English with any alacrity. First of all, I'd like to make it 100% clear that the opinions expressed in this post are mine entirely and in no way reflect the opinions or beliefs of the wonderful crew who provide this Travel Blog which has allowed me to share my travels with you. Today goes down as what will most likely be the low point of our sojourn given its pending expiration date. First the good news - I finally got to meet (yesterday) the street hawker who taught me her locally famous recipe for one of the delicacies that the Bicol region is known for - Almondegas. I won't bore ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 12th 2011

After the obligatory photos arriving at the reception centre, we enter the room. Two things strike me First of all, in the middle of the room was an entire pig that had been roasted - struck me as being Bacchanalian. Second - all the tables were fully set - food and all I looked across at Squish and the other couple and noticed that the other (re)Groom looked misty eyed and emotional. I found out later that it wasn't the wedding - the pig on centre stage was HIS . . . . . . . . So everyone is seated in order and then the MC says something liked DIG IN or words to that effect and people start eating. ALL THE FOOD IS COLD (no surprise I guess). Another thing NO GROG - only ... read more
Girls looking for a HOT Date
Is there hope left???

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 12th 2011

Tuesday morning came along and I was lucky if i'd slept any more than an hour or so. Between the aches and pains from the fever and the wooden mattress, that was basically a foregone conclusion. By this time the fever has set in fully and I'm feeling like MERDE. I figured I'd shower and get ready a little early, only to be told that I had to wait for the photographer. He laid out all my clobber on the 'bed' and took a bunch of shots of my empty clothes (perhaps for a sale catalogue???). I've been assured this customary in these parts. I then 'showered' ( a couple of buckets and a face washer) and started to get dressed only to be told that the dressing part was to be photographed (and videoed) as ... read more
Principal Flower Girl
Indulge me
A bevy of beauties

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 12th 2011

Well where do I start. So completely different from anything I've ever experienced before. The clobber for one is very different - the Filipino formal wear is basically any pair of strides, a T-shirt and an item called 'Barong Tagalog'. This is traditionally made of silk and is a very light weight top with (usually) ornate embroidery on the front. I gotta say, for something so light weight and with such an open weave - they're remarkably hot to wear. So let's go back a bit to the Buck's night. Firstly Squish insisted that I disappear and sleep elsewhere for the night, even thought the other (re)Groom stayed at home with his (re)Bride. The Buck's celebrations consisted of tw oof Squish's nephews (approx 14 and 17), a cousin of her's (probably in his 30's), her sister ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay January 10th 2011

Well we went to Tiwi Hot Springs with a cast of thousands . . . . . well 15 of us in the car actually. Bit of a tight squeeze, but we made it. The interesting thing about Tiwi Springs is that since they built the Geothermal Power Plant nearby, the plant draws all the heat leaving on Tiwi Springs now - not much help for the local tourist economy. Got some interesting snaps anyway. Tiwi Springs trip.kml I think by now - if you open all kmls in the single instance of Google Earth - you'll see we've circled Mayon... read more
Geothermal plant
Big Boy
Housing estate

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 9th 2011

Well the rain seems to have stopped - albeit a temporary respite from the downpours we've been having, certainly a welcome one. I've been promised a trip to Tiwi Hot Springs . . . BUT FIRST . . . . . you guessed it - Squish has GONE SHOPPING AGAIN. Just a couple of pics from yesterday amongst the rains.... read more
I promised you Farmer Brown in Town
. . . part 2

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 8th 2011

This vid was really shot for personal family consumption, but I really couldn't resist - so indulge me. (Damn - am I finally becoming clucky???? hmmmm she's just started singing Karaoke outside my door - perhaps not - hang on I think it's Squish singing with her that's causing the pain - and I know this comment is going to cost me . . . . . .) This is Janina, a grand niece of ours giving Squish a massage. What she's doing she's picked up from watching others. She's 4 yo... read more

Asia » Philippines » Albay » Guinobatan January 7th 2011

Due to the rains I've had a chance to cull and trim some videos... read more

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