Page 2 of squishNjohn Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Philippines » Batangas » Taal January 7th 2013

Taal - the great Filipino Con Job. - Jan 7 Given we're staying on the side of Taal's original volcano - I figured we should probably get a closer look at this icon so we loaded the car (Nissan Urvan) to capacity again and headed off, up over the edge of the caldera and down to the lake. All of the kids were still knackered from the Pinatubo trek, so we were to book only a single boat to the inner volcano. When Arthur mentioned that there was the option to ride a horse to the summit and back, suddenly ALL the kids got fired up and wanted to come along. So we hired TWO boats and half a dozen horses for the trip - the blokes decided to do the trek on foot. The CON ... read more
Look left
The climb
looking back

Asia » Philippines » Manila January 6th 2013

8 Waves - January 6 Everyone is completely buggered after yesterday's Pinatubo Trek so a quiet day. First item on the agenda was to visit Squish Dad's grave. I thought this was going to be a relatively short rund trip so took my camera and nothing else. Turns out NOTHING is a short trip from our base in Apiad. 3hrs to get to and through Manila and then another hour the other side. After respects were paid to Squish's dad it was decided to take the kids to 8 Waves, a wave pool 'resort'. After stopping by the supermarket and buying 9 sets of swimming cozzies we went there. 250p/head to get in and then another 800p to hire smoewhere to sit - 4300p in all (approx $100). Don't know how the locals afford it given ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Pampanga » Clark January 5th 2013

The trip started with 4x4 drive to a base station. Not Mazda Tribute drive to Wheatsheaf, but a bone jarring, butter churning experience that nearly caused an eruption of my own which would not have been pleasant for anyone complete with sulphurous gases, albeit hydrogen sulphide not sulphur dioxide as one might expect wth a volcanic eruption. I did get a sense though of what 4x4 enthusiasts get out of the 'sport' - by the return trip though - I was completely over it. The first thing that struck me was the terrain - almost lunar if you ignore the luh tropical growth at the top. The amount of lahar that reamins after the lasst eruption (1991 I think) is truly amazing. Having said that - I was told that it's a common misconception that a ... read more
Geaological Autmn
And again
Pit stop

Asia » Philippines » Benguet January 4th 2013

Next stop after Vigan was Baguio City; 1500m above sea level and another cool micro climate (22deg C flalling to 14 overnight). The drive up here reminded me of driving through the Dandenong Ranges, tree ferns and all . At one stage the fog was so thick we couldn't see the side of the road, then suddenly clear as a bell. Some of the views of Baguio City are like the poster shots of Portofino Italy - sans the sea. Think I'll let the pics do the talking . . . .... read more
Sgt Peppers Lonely Heart Dating Service
Mail order bride anyone????
haven't chosen yet????

Asia » Philippines » Ilocos » Vigan January 3rd 2013

So,..... yesterday, after 7hrs and 7000 km on a plane followed by 7 days sitting around in a small room watching downloaded videos, we're on the move. Spent most of the day in the car travelng North along the MacArthur highway from Tagaytay to Illocos and a small historical town called Vigan. I thought it might be worth seeing after seeing a feature on in back home on a cooking show (Island Feast). Any travel blog or travelouge will tell you it's an old Spanish Town with cobbled streets and Spanish Architecture. Turns out it's only one street, but WHAT A STREET!!! At the risk of sounding just a little cliched, it's a little like walking through a time warp - except for the foreign tourists, souvenir vendors, cameras and motorised traffic crossing at every intersection. ... read more
Local SUVs?
Speaking of Bob

Asia » Philippines » Batangas » Taal December 31st 2012

It seems bloggiong is going to be more difficult this tiome than last. Not a lot of Internet cafes where we are and the bloody ASUS tablet is hopeless running on 3G up here... read more

Asia » Philippines » Batangas » Taal December 29th 2012

Not much to say at this stage as we haven't really done that much. ;;'re staying in Apiad near Tagaytay City.My turn to cook last night so I did the old garlic honey ansd soy marinade for chicken wings and then played with some of the local produce. Made a salad of julienned green mango and white radish with rice vermicilli and a dressing of bagoong paste cocnut vinegar and kalamansi juice.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne December 5th 2012

You're getting this because you're in my email address book and we're about to embark on another trip to the Philippines - a very short stay in manila, then off to Tagaytay (BATANGAS) and then wherever Squish tells me to go. OK - if I bored the cr@p out of you last time - or if you've been added to this list and don't want to be here - now's your chance to opt out before we ambark on another sojourn to the Philippines. Squish departs 20th dec and I'm going Dec 26th and back around the 3rd week of Jan. If the last trip is anything to go by you can expect daily emails covering my views on the trip. If you're not interested in getting a copy of the Daily Drivvle, let me ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Glen Iris January 17th 2011

Ahhhh espresso coffee. Vegemite on toast. Some things simply can't be replaced. You've guessed it folks we're back home and the trip is over. It's been fun and it's been fun having you come along for the ride. Thought I'd leave you with this parting pic of street life in the Philippines. 'Til next time - it good bye from me. . . . and it's good bye from him. ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Manila January 15th 2011

In today's paper. I've folded the paper a little so I could get the newspaper header and the article headline big enough to read all in the one shot... read more

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