Page 5 of sarahwalker Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Congo Democratic Republic » West » Matadi July 16th 2012

Monday July 16 Crossing into our fourteenth country today, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the lovely roads of Angola ended at the border with sandy roads greeting us the minute we crossed. There were several villages that we passed through and then a larger town where adults and children alike asked us for food, water, cigarettes and money. I find myself getting annoyed sometimes but am working on the 'if you don't ask, you don't know' theory. They're not necessarily expecting us to give them anything but if they don't ask, they don't know. For the most part we just wave and when it gets too much, I lie down on the seat so I can't be seen. Hearing them calling is enough to make me feel guilty though. Along the sandy road is remnants ... read more
Backburning before the rains
New clinic being built in a small village
Family time at home

Africa » Angola » Cabinda Province » Cabinda July 15th 2012

Sunday July 15 We drove along smooth tarmac all the way into town and found the Catholic Mission with ease. Situated opposite a beach, the guys put up their tents and legged it across the road and jumped in. The sand was black which had made the water look dirty from a distance but it was actually quite nice. Denise, Suse and I stayed along the water's edge watching the sun setting over the horizon. It was lovely and peaceful until Justice ran out of the water towards me, intent on hugging me and I ran to Denise who held the cameras. We got a good photo out of it though! It was the perfect night to snuggle under the sleeping bag and I found ear plugs necessary with the wall behind my tent backing onto ... read more
Bar #1
Goat meat to accompany the beer
Bar #2

Africa » Congo » West » Point Noire July 10th 2012

Tuesday July 10 We're in The Congo! Well, Republic of Congo to be exact; not too far from the Gabon border that we crossed earlier today. Our free camp isn't too far off the road and several youngsters found us but either they kept their little secret to themselves or the adults weren't interested. Driving along solid dirt roads again, the landscape was similar to yesterday. A small section of sealed road appeared in the border town where people frantically pointed to the building we'd driven past and listening to them, Suse turned the truck around and we found out it was immigration. Notes said it was 48km further down the track but here it was. Somehow we'd missed the tiny sign sitting under the window from the main road 100 metres away. Go figure. Filing ... read more
Bush camp
Heading towards Pointe Noire
Lunch stop in Dolisie

Africa » Gabon » West » Lambaréné July 7th 2012

Saturday July 7 My writing kinda fell to the wayside after my bag was stolen. I've been so preoccupied with thoughts of all my lost photos that are meaningless to them that I haven't really felt like writing. But, new country, new thoughts so let's get back on track... Left Yaounde at 07:30 and Nico and I sat up front. Trip notes told us to exit the city the way we came in which is hard when we screwed it up the first time! But, past the breweries we went and after asking directions only a couple times, we were on our way south to the border town on Eking. Thick lush jungle again accompanied us and we drove along in companionable silence. It's been almost four months and we were leaving West Africa and crossing ... read more
Bush camping
Heading for the Congo!

Africa » Cameroon » South » Yaoundé July 2nd 2012

Monday July 2 I sat up front with Denise for the drive to the capital, Yaounde. Still being obsessed with 'The Meat Man', we found a good one for lunch, huddling close to try and stay out of the rain. It seemed to stop and Denise and I went looking for a bathroom when it began to pour. Within seconds we were soaked through, needing a change of clothes. It was an easy drive along good roads and we were on the outskirts of Yaounde when a tyre burst. Pulling over, I jumped out to help Suse reverse a short distance to a petrol station where we could turn in and change it off the road. The directions into town weren't overly helpful as there seemed to be several new roads to choose from. Taking a ... read more

Africa » Cameroon » West » Limbe June 26th 2012

Tuesday June 26 Today we crossed into Cameroon after stopping in Ikom. We picked up pasta and ingredients for a tomato sauce and a noodle omelette for lunch (yay!) before I bought some ridiculous pants and an old t-shirt to wear if we got stuck so I wouldn't destroy my clothes. The elasticated high-waist pants will probably never see the light of day, more suited to... Probably rags! The road was slow going but not too bad to begin with. The usual small potholes, crevices and uneven ground with occasional muddy areas was nothing we hadn't seen before and we were beginning to think we may be lucky with the weather and conditions. We met traffic moving in both directions but it was only when a truck bumbled towards us and refused to move off the ... read more
Bumpy, but the roads are still good
Glad we're not going up there

Africa » Nigeria » Calabar June 16th 2012

Saturday June 16 We had packed everything up and were on the truck before the rain became heavy, waving goodbye to villagers who came out to see us off. Back onto the main road, most people settled in to sleep, read or watch the world go by and it was quiet. We arrived in Osogbo after midday where trip notes gave us directions to 'Okonfo's house'. With nothing else mentioned, we had no idea who - or what - Okonfo was so at the bottom of the street, Toby took off on a moto-taxi to investigate. Returning with a thumbs up, we navigated the narrow path with deep crevices and low wires and coming over a final crest, arrived at Okonfo's house. What a character. Okonfo is of indeterminate age with an abundance of energy. A ... read more
Highly 'in'flammable
Crossing the Niger River
The aptly named Paradise City Hotel

Africa » Nigeria » Logos June 13th 2012

Wednesday June 13 We're sitting between the borders of Benin and Nigeria and I'm up in the front with the Pastor (more in a minute!) when the truck jumps forward. Looking through the left side mirrors, I see we've been clipped by another truck who doesn't even stop and acknowledge it! This is coming after Benin officials accused us of having fake passports! Good morning! We were giving Pastor Emmanuel a lift into Nigeria as he'd delayed his departure to make sure Cecilia had her visa. Conversation was stilted at first but slowly warmed up as he told us a bit about himself. We'd been close to one border but were advised not to cross there and so we were heading a little further north to another crossing. Upon arrival at the border (a rope separated ... read more
Pre-birthday drinks!
Trying to squish people into the photo!
The road from Abeokuta to Lagos

Africa » Benin » South » Cotonou June 5th 2012

**photos have been added! Tuesday June 5 It was a stroke of luck deciding to sleep on the truck as a huge storm arrived in the middle of the night without warning, catching everyone off guard and flooding tents before people were able to get their rain covers on. I lay on the seats under my mosquito net (first time it's been used!) watching the lightning and torrential rain and jumping when the thunder crashed directly overhead It was an uneventful morning until we were all on the truck, ready to hit the Benin border late morning. When the truck wheels first spun, barely anyone moved; it happens occasionally and we're used to the sound. But then the front right hand side seemed to drop and that got our attention. Jumping down we saw the source ... read more
Voodoo village chief
Fetishes in the chief's room

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra June 1st 2012

(Hi guys! Internet access, yippee! I've a couple days here in Yaounde, Cameroon to try and get everything up to date but uploading photos is slow. Apologies that this blog isn't split up into smaller digestible blogs but it's better than nothing - I hope!) Friday June 1 Rain overnight meant we packed away wet tents which is never fun (they're smelly!) but sometimes unavoidable. We were in the truck before the next shower hit and sat ready to pull down the sides when it did. It very quickly became hot in the truck but there wasn't much we could do (except take a spoonful of cement and harden ... up - something we say to each other quite often!). We were heading for the Ghanaian border which was exciting because we could speak English again(!) ... read more
Daily catch
Body boarding
Hide and seek

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