Page 3 of sarahwalker Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Ethiopia » Afar Region » Danakil Depression February 6th 2014

10 November, 2012 Seven of us have thrown sleeping bags and day packs into the back of a minivan and are heading off to Mekele for the night. Tomorrow after breakfast, we'll be leaving for the Danakil Depression, the northern part of the Afar Triangle near the Eritrea border. The highlight of the four day trip will be to stand on the edge of a lava lake on the active ErtaAle volcano. To say we're excited is an understatement. To heap praise on Toni who wanted to go there and introduced the idea while most of us didn't know it existed/ was possible is necessary. It takes us about six hours to reach Mekele and the company we're using, G.K. Adahu have thankfully organized rooms for our arrival. We gave them a budget per person and ... read more
A camel train!
Once again, I do not want to be a donkey in my next life...

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Lalibela February 5th 2014

9 November We've arrived in Lalibela where rooms cost almost the same as camping so we're in rooms. YES! And it's been raining so it's lovely to be able to walk under cover and step into the room dry. Ah, the little things. We had the rest of the day to ourselves and I wandered a little way down the street but spent the time lying on my bed listening to the rain or in the restaurant area of our hotel, planning our next mini-trip. The next day was a long one, spent exploring the main attractions. The monolithic churches were incredible and our guide was enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable but we were a large group with varying degrees of interest and even for those who were, it was information overload. It would've been nice to ... read more
Bet Medhane Alem
Locals cleaning the moss from the walls surrounding Bet Medhane Alem
Tombs that are now used by the living as accommodation

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Bahir Dar February 4th 2014

6 November, 2012 We arrived in Bahia Dar, met the truck and made for a campsite on the edge of Lake Tana. Over the next couple days, we made the most of the wifi, the bar with a large selection of drinks, the television and the rooms that some decided were worth the upgrade from the tents. The truck was parked in a large open space where we could set up the kitchen and chairs and it was a walkable distance into town. A café across the road served great coffee (so I'm told!) and Ethiopian dishes but Kevin and I found a pizzeria on the second floor of a building in town and settled on that instead. Nico and Alexis also had the same idea. I think the last time I'd had pizza was in ... read more
Ura Kidane Meret monastery
Best doorbell ever!
Art work, Lake Tana monasteries

Africa » Ethiopia » Harari Region » Harar February 3rd 2014

3 November, 2012 Seven of us have decided to head east to Harar, flying from Addis to Dire Dawa and then taking a taxi to the bus stop where we got on a minibus for the final leg. We'll catch up with the truck in a few days. It was during the bus journey that the local men on board introduced us to chat; a flowering plant whose leaves are chewed to obtain a mild stimulant effect. They offered us each a couple leaves but for someone like me who has never smoked or taken drugs, I really wasn't interested in chewing some leaves. I did try it but the bitterness was off-putting, as was the hard, leaf-like texture (funny that) and I soon spat them out. A few chewed them for longer but a much ... read more
Hyena Man and his loyal followers!
I never thought I'd be this close to a hyena
Old City marketplace

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa February 1st 2014

29 October, 2012 We in stopped in Shashamane, home to the Rastafari movement, for an afternoon en route to the capital. The population of the town is approximately 100,000 of which nowadays only 200-300 still call themselves Rastafarians, though numbers were as high as 2,000. The truck was parked at a café and we went out to the road to hail tuk tuks to drive us out to the area. I wasn't sure what I had been expecting and wouldn't be a fan of reggae and things I guess I consider to associate with them and although we were invited into a gated community, brightly painted in the red, yellow and green, no one was really able to explain anything to us. I wandered through the rooms with Bob Marley painted on the walls and articles ... read more
Banana Art Gallery
Banana Art Gallery

Africa » Ethiopia » Southern Nations Region » Jinka January 26th 2014

Ethiopia is going to be difficult to write about. We spent the best part of a month there and I was lucky enough to see a lot of the major sites. I should've written this sooner! October 23 After a couple stops en route to the tribes, we arrived at a lovely campsite alongside a dry riverbed. We set up tents under the shade of the trees and then it was back onto the truck for the drive to the village in the late afternoon. Three young boys stood staring at us as we pulled up and our fixer greeted Suse and took the group into the village. Everyone from the village as well as nearby villages were gathered together in a shaded area and a lot of them gave us nothing more than a glance. ... read more
Hamer village
Kevin sharing his photos
Also sharing my photos

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Moyale January 26th 2014

October 14 There's been so many amazing excursions in the past seven months but today was an unexpectedly brilliant day. Who knew that there was such a thing as the Nairobi Goat Derby?? Not only that but it's so well organized and all in the name of charity. Here we were thinking we'd go take a look for an hour and we shut the place down almost ten hours later... Most of the group came along for a look and we pulled some tables together with prime viewing of the starting line. A few goats munched happily on the grass and bushes, seemingly unaware of what was in store for them. The hilarity began when the teams tried to dress their goats in t-shirts. Obviously the goats weren't overly keen and it took several people per ... read more
A reluctant entrant
And they're off!
A well earned break between races

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Tsavo East National Park January 25th 2014

It's now over a year since I wrote (I've had to change that sentence several times as it took longer and longer to finish this entry) . And although I thought about my blog, I assumed it would fade away into the lasting graveyard that the Internet is and no one would mind. Well. I've received several messages from followers and others who stumbled across my blog and have finally arrived at this moment. I have written and apologised to those who wrote months ago and made a promise to finish off last year's trip. It's been quite humbling and flattering to think some care enough to want to see the trip through to the end. So yes, I am alive (to the person who asked, thanks for checking!) and am still somewhat struggling to fit ... read more
Giraffe crossing
Home sweet home
Here they come!

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja October 4th 2012

Thursday September 27 After two nights in Uganda's capital Kampala, we drove north to Kibale for a night and then onto Kisoro. Lying in bed at Gorilla's Backpackers, it's like the night before Christmas when you're a child. The excitement and anticipation mixed with relief that it's finally here. Except it's not Christmas. It's far, far better than that. I'm going to meet the mountain gorillas tomorrow and I. Can't. Wait. Well I can wait, actually. I've waited a really long time so a few more hours is okay. But at 6am tomorrow we'll drive an hour and a half to the check in point, be split into groups and begin the trek to the family we're going to visit. No bright colours, no flash photography, no standing taller than daddy gorilla and definitely no looking ... read more
Rainy season
Cultivated landscapes
Scenic drive

Africa » Rwanda » Province du Nord » Parc National des Volcans September 29th 2012

Saturday September 29 I took no photos in Kigale. There was so much to digest after the obviously heartbreaking Genocide Memorial and reminders were everywhere in the shape of amputees, some begging. Men on crutches with one leg. A woman with only one finger. Boys whose ages I can match to children I know with only one arm. I felt myself unconsciously cringing at the sight, tears welling in my eyes that I had to rapidly blink away. Our driver, William, tells us as we drive over a bridge that the river below us is where bodies were thrown. I pass boys playing football on a dirt field and wonder how old they are. Who they are and what their childhood was like. I would've been in my mid teens when Rwanda descended into chaos. I ... read more
Snack time
Gorillas, gorillas, everywhere!

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