sarahwalker's Guestbook

15th October 2015

Welcome back...
I had almost given up hope of seeing another blog from you. Thanks for continuing. I haven't done this part of the Silk Road and am very interested in your accounts of overcoming the obstacles, which is one reason that I avoided this section. From reading your FB posts I can now look forward to reading many more adventures.
17th October 2015

Thanks, Bob!
I do feel guilty letting you and others down by not keeping it up to date but I've always found writing to be a chore. I'm trying to change that though! I have a bit of writing saved on here but it'll probably become a bit of a photo blog towards the end. Feel free to ask any questions if I don't supply the info and I'll do my best to answer! We're off to Palau in November so I do plan to write up that one!
10th July 2015

Plannning a trip to Lalibela in December
Thanks for the info.... very useful. Can you suggest some decent places to stay? Is it necessary to have a guide? Is local transport available or should we have to hire car to reach the churches?
From Blog: Lalibela
15th October 2015

So sorry for the delayed reply!
I haven't been on here for a while but I hope that will change soon... I'm afraid I don't remember where we stayed but it's always possible to ask to see a room before deciding to stay there. A guide is not necessary but definitely adds to the experience. It's a matter of choosing someone that meets your needs. Do you want to hear about the history in minute detail or are you happy to only have the basics. Where you stay or when you buy the tickets at the churches will be able to help you find a guide. The churches were all within walking distance, though there are also others that we didn't go to which are further out. Comfortable shoes, snacks and water will make the day a little easier but there will be people selling water along the way. Hope this helps a little bit! Let me know if you have any other questions!
From Blog: Lalibela
23rd June 2014

It's good to have a rest day occasionally...
to catch up on some sleep and write a blog or two.
22nd May 2014

Keep on blogging
What a wonderful trip and we are thrilled to be traveling along with you. The rock chapel frescos are simply amazing and divine. I can see why you are running out of adjectives. You are on an amazing trip and we are ready to read more.
21st May 2014

Turkey is a wonderful country...
I'm still in touch with my Turkish colleague from my NATO days. He was from Trabizon. I'm looking forward to your blogs from Iran. I thought your itinerary took you across the Caspian Sea to avoid Iran, but am pleased this is no so. Are there any difficulties for Americans to get into Iran?
21st May 2014

Hi Bob!
There are no Americans on this trip so I'm not sure. We met some today at the Turkmen embassy and they're avoiding it but hoping if the sanctions continue to lift that they'll get there one day. I'm trying hard to keep up with the blog! All the writing is done, it's having the battery power to upload, edit and and download photos for it! We'll be in Iran probably Friday so we're all very excited!
9th May 2014
The town of Ilhara

Oh my wow!
Your Ilhara pic is really nice. It seems so sleepy and timeless. Glad you are seeing these places. The world is your playground!
10th April 2014

Bated breath
We await with bated breath your blog details. Have yet another 'trip of a lifetime.
10th April 2014

As you finished writing about your amazing African trip you start another epic adventure! I'm so jealous you can't even imagine! Please, try keep us updated this time! ;) :D
10th April 2014

Have an amazing trip! I\'m looking forward to all of your updates and adventures! Travel well xx
9th April 2014

It was great to read about your epic trip in Africa and I'm looking forward to more blogs on your new trip. Congrats on being in the Hall of Fame!
From Blog: Egypt
9th April 2014

on completing the blogs of your Africa trip and being inducted into the TB Hall of Fame...intended to encourage your continued blogging of your impending Silk Road trip. I saw your Dragoman itinerary and it is fantastic. My son and I traveled the China and Uzbekistan portions exactly a year ago, so look forward to your impressions.
From Blog: Egypt
23rd March 2014

Not one picture of the beautiful author. But then again, if you consider the author is an extension of her camera, that makes sense. Great work and best of luck with future posts! Peace until we meet up again!
From Blog: Sudan
16th March 2014

Your trip is almost done...
thanks so much for finishing up the blogs...with a couple more to go. You won't regret having captures these memories...and for sharing such an adventurous trip with your fellow TBers. I noted that you have big plans ahead for another adventure...per the World According to Me...this time Asia and it looks like most of the Silk Road. I can't wait!
From Blog: Sudan
10th February 2014

Rock hewn churches
What a privilege you have visited Lalibela. Perched in the mountains with its powerful spiritual history preserved in its rock hewn churches. A place I am sure you will always remember.
From Blog: Lalibela
10th February 2014

Down time needed
These adventures can be tiring and you need to chill out from time to time. Listening to the rain is perfect. Thanks for the history it brings the area to life.
From Blog: Lalibela
5th February 2014
The Mattress Man

I love design of those sleeping mats :)
5th February 2014

4th February 2014

I'm not sure I would have trusted...
the hyenas.
From Blog: Harar
3rd February 2014
The Mattress Man

A big load
Love this photo. Perfect.
3rd February 2014

The artwork sounds fantastic. You are getting to see the back streets. Love following along on this trip.

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