Page 9 of AnnaW travels Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 19th 2013

D12 Thorung Phedi to Muktinath (3,760m) There were no doubts that it was going to be a difficult day – not only it would be a pretty long one, as we were waking up at 3am and were supposed to be walking 9 hours that day, but also it would be quite challenging altitude-wise as first we had to climb 1,000m to Thorung-La Pass and then descend 1,700m all the way to Muktinath. Quite a difference in altitude that was for sure! But I think everybody was happy that we would be sleeping that night under 4,000m. It was a huge relief, despite the devilish hour, to wake up and realise that my headache was finally gone. I didn’t really have the best of nights as had to get up a couple of times and run ... read more
Taraaa... We made it! :)
amazing view of Fish Tail
with Grant at Poon Hill :)

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 14th 2013

D7 – Chame to Lower Pisang (3,200m) A new year was starting that day in Nepal – and it looked like from one day to the other I have aged quite a bit as they were celebrating year 2070 (Hindu calendar)! So officially I became a granny – 90-year-old granny for that matter! ;) Still it didn’t seem like there were going to be any celebrations taking place around here. I asked Prem whether people were doing something for new year here and he said that it was very family orientated holiday – families would just spend time together, maybe went to a picnic but that would be all. It certainly is a very different way to celebrating New Year comparing to what goes around in Europe, as there it is simply another excuse to spend ... read more
just lovely :)
Annapurna III and Gangapurna once again!
beautiful mani stones

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 7th 2013

D1 – Kathmandu to Bandipur Just like on the Everest Base Camp trek my Annapurna Circuit trek started with an organisational meeting the day before. Again the majority of people in my group were Aussies – 5 out of 9, add to it an American, Chinese, German and a Pole (that would be me of course) and you get quite a mixture of nationalities and cultures. Looked like a nice bunch of people from the very beginning so was very happy with that especially that we would be stuck with each other for the next three weeks. ;) No trekking on the first day, we just hopped on a bus and set off for Bandipur. On the way we stopped for lunch at an Intrepid rafting place on Trisuli river. I was glad I did my ... read more
on the way to Chamche
lovely views around
on the way to Dharapani

Asia » Nepal » Patan » Durbar Square April 6th 2013

Once you are in Kathmandu and have a day to spare a visit to Patan should definitely be included somewhere in your itinerary. I found this place to be pretty charming from the first sight really – beautiful Durbar Square, narrow colourful streets, hidden temples and shrines here and there, little workshops and most of all the smiling faces of people all around. Everything seems much more relaxed in here comparing to Kathmandu as well – people sitting outside chatting and laughing everywhere, children playing in the streets, happily posing for pictures for passing by tourists. You can wander around the streets and watch the people around for hours really… I know there is quite a bit of history behind all the buildings and temples that are scattered all around Patan as well but watching the ... read more
lovely old lady in Patan
just adorable!
realaxing at one of the temples in Patan...

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan March 28th 2013

Once you walk around Kathmandu you can find Chitwan offers practically on every corner. Obviously you don’t need to book any tours and just do it on your own. It’s a matter of choice really. After spending two whole days in bed with my stomach all over the place and crazy Holi soon after, I just felt like I really needed to get away from Kathmandu for a while and since I didn’t really want to waste time searching around for best options, I just went for the easy option and booked the Chitwan package through my hotel. The programme seemed pretty decent and the price more or less also, I thought why not? My bus was supposed to leave at 7am. I got to the bus stop a few minutes before and was surprised to ... read more
at the Breeding Centre
getting closer to rhino

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel March 26th 2013

I was very positively surprised when I found out that I would have a chance to witness Holi festival while I was here! Since there is no fixed date for the festival as it follows the lunar calendar, I was pretty lucky that it was happening at the time I was in Kathmandu! Now it kind of made sense why people (well I’m assuming they were kids actually practicing for the festival) threw water at me the day before when I was coming back from Swayambhunath – I have to say I wasn’t too happy about that at the time as a full bag of water splashed right on top of my head (don’t really mind the water on me, but my camera was in danger!). So when I found out about Holi suddenly the water ... read more
Adorable kid!
Happy Holi!
Still looking decent, but hey! it's only the beginning...

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp March 18th 2013

Day 9 – Gorakshep to Orsho It was absolutely freezing in the room in the morning – even my hygienic wipes were frozen (which meant there would be no shower that day ;))! So it was quite difficult to get out of the sleeping bag and even more so when thinking about walking again… I was feeling much better – physically and mentally!, but still pretty week and all my muscles were sore. But then it sure was time to head back to lower altitudes. There was an optional trek in the morning to Kala Pattar (they say if you have a choice and the strength to go to only one – either to the Everest Base Camp or to Kala Pattar, you should choose the latter one, as to be honest except the sign and ... read more
soooo cute!
Sherpa woman

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp March 13th 2013

Day 4 – Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3,860m) When I opened my eyes in the morning I felt quite relieved straight away as was pretty hungry meaning my appetite was back and it looked like my cold might actually be going away as well so it seemed like I was on a good way to full recovery. :) Actually everybody seemed to be in very good spirits and shortly after breakfast equipped with new gear we set off on our seven hour trek. As soon as we left Namche some amazing views appeared right in front of our eyes again! Even though you look upon the same mountain range along the trail, the scenery each day is changing so much that somehow it seems as if you were looking at different peaks each time…That day we ... read more
prayer wheels
on the way to Gorakshep
at EBC! :)

Asia » Nepal » Namche March 9th 2013

I remember looking at different options for Everest Base Camp trek a few months back and having some serious doubts whether I should sign up for one or not… After all the trek did look pretty demanding and let’s be honest I don’t think there was ever a time in my life when I could say that I was really in top shape. But then I thought if I booked it relatively early, there would be plenty of time to work on my fitness levels and maybe it would work after all… So I did book the trek some time last year– I actually went beyond that and in the moment of total madness booked two treks, Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit, one just after the other, thinking piece of cake! ;) So the months ... read more
beautiful stupa along the trail
incredible views around!

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel March 6th 2013

Planning and preparations… And here I am… In Kathmandu… Honestly it seemed like this day would never happen… Probably because I started thinking about this trip a year and a half ago! So I guess I had quite some time to prepare myself for this journey… Still the more time you have, the further you postpone the preparations… At least that’s how it was in my case… And since I couldn’t really decide where it was exactly that I wanted to go, the itinerary was changing throughout quite rapidly… The more I was reading about different countries and the more I followed the adventures of fellow bloggers, the more confused I was getting and the more chaotic everything seemed… I have to say at no time at all I felt prepared for this trip, neither physically, ... read more
lovely stupa hidden in one of the side streets around Thamel
somewhere in Thamel...
peaking through rickshaw...

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