Page 6 of AnnaW travels Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Khanh Hoa » Nha Trang August 21st 2013

When I was reading about Nha Trang before, I wasn’t exactly sure whether to include it in my itinerary or not as it simply looked like a party place. With a nice beach that is… Some people were even comparing it to Koh Phangan and the full moon party, with this difference that these kind of parties were taking place here on a daily basis apparently. Since Koh Phangan turned out to be nothing close to a party place – we really enjoyed our stay there and thought of it as a very relaxing and beautiful place actually (maybe because we escaped it just before the full moon? Naaaah… We just stayed away from all the craziness… ;)), we decided to give Nha Trang a try as well. If only to break down the journey south ... read more
at the Cham Towers
quite a few vendors on the beach...
big reclining Buddha at Long Son Pagoda

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An August 16th 2013

How long does it take to cover 100km by bus in Vietnam? Well... Apparently it takes 5 hours! First of all it took a while to leave Hue itself as we were circling around the same streets and stopping at every corner and picking up people. Aaaah… They sure teach you a lot of patience here. One thing that I can’t comprehend though is why we were speeding for the first hour or so, dangerously overtaking everything that was moving on the road, only to slow down so bad for the next few hours that even bicycles were passing us by? Ah well… At least we got to Hoi An in one piece… There were a few offers from nearby guesthouses so we decided to check one out – bad decision this time though… It sure ... read more
where one went, the other followed! :)
Getting ready for the Lantern Festival!
one of many local sellers at the market in Hoi An

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Thua Thien - Huế » Hué August 12th 2013

Don’t you just love Asian bus schedules? Hmmm… ‘Yes, should be here somewhere between 8 and 9…’ Always so precise! ;) So once we were told that our bus would come between 8 and 9pm, we thought that probably it would come somewhere around 10 or even later… Taking into account that it was coming from Hanoi and we experienced this part of the journey the day before already, well… anything could happen… To be honest it didn’t really matter to us what time the bus would be there anyway… We were tired after the whole day of driving around Ninh Binh, had no room to stay at and relax anymore as had to check out in the morning, so all we could do is have dinner, a beer or two and just patiently wait for ... read more
one of the main landmarks in Hue, at night...
at Minh Mang Tomb
beautifully decorated gates!

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Ninh Binh August 11th 2013

I have to say that at the time we were booking a bus to Ninh Binh I had some serious doubts whether we would be back on time from Halong Bay to catch it on the same day. After all we had only 1 hour between being dropped off at the office and catching a bus further on. And so far I don’t think any of the buses (or trains) we travelled with in South East Asia arrived on time at their destination…. So I was more than surprised when we arrived at the tourist office in Hanoi right on time! We would be able to get to Ninh Binh on the same day after all! Happy days! :) It was supposed to be only 2 hour journey to Ninh Binh which only made me think ... read more
around Kenh Ga village
a view of the river from Mua Cave pagoda
peace to you! :) what is it exactly that you are smoking there ha?

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hai Phong » Cat Ba Island August 9th 2013

Waking up to see it was still raining outside was pretty disappointing to say the least… Ah well… Nobody would give us money back for the trip at this stage, so rain or no rain, we were off to Halong Bay! I was really surprised how flooded some areas of Hanoi were when we were driving through the city. Still it didn’t stop all the bikers from moving around! Raincoats on, legs up in the air and speeding through the puddles… I was more than happy to be sitting in a van though… We had 13 people on board and it looked like it was going to be our group for the next days. Good size of a group I would say! And we had quite a mix of nationalities as well which is always interesting ... read more
incredible Halong Bay!
quite a busy floating village...
quite a few old looking boats at Halong Bay

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa August 5th 2013

With the typhoon on our heads during the weekend we started having serious doubts whether to go to Sapa or not. The last thing we wanted was to get caught up in the rain while trekking. But then on the other hand we thought that since we were here already, we couldn’t just skip it right? Then there was another matter that needed attention – should we go on our own there or book the whole deal through some agency and if so, which one then? I have read so much about the scams in Vietnam that at this point I was thinking that everyone was trying to scam us… And once you see some big differences in prices between the offers around, the cheap ones surely look very attractive but then what’s the guarantee that ... read more
terraced rice paddies around Sapa
local Red Zao woman
us trekking around Sapa :)

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi August 1st 2013

As much as I enjoyed doing almost nothing during our last couple of days in Laos, I felt I was becoming more and more lazy by the minute. Let’s just say I was getting used the laid-back style of Lao living, I was getting used to it way too fast though, so finally the 1st of August came and we were able to head on to Vietnam. We went to the bus station a day before just to double check whether there definitely was a bus to Hanoi the next day and were told that somewhere between 7 and 9am indeed there would be a bus going in that direction. What a precise timetable! No surprises at this point though… We got to the station before 7am just in case, and of course were there way ... read more
in Hanoi
quite a few bikes in Hanoi...
selling fruit in Hanoi

Asia » Laos » East » Sam Neua July 27th 2013

Another bus journey… This time we chose to go during the day though. The bus was supposed to leave at 8am from the Northern Station, but thanks to a guy working at the bus station in the centre we would be picked up from the centre instead! He said it was no problem at all, he would just divert the bus for us. Wow! How nice was that! As we were waiting for our bus I thought that maybe he forgot to do that after all as it was 9am and the bus was nowhere to be found yet (we were supposed to leave at 8am). But eventually it came a few minutes after – funny yellow minibus packed with locals and their stuff. At the beginning it looked like we might have to fight over ... read more
incredible limestone formations in Viengxai
local women going to the market in Sam Neua
huge cave in Viengxai

Asia » Laos » East » Phonsavan July 21st 2013

The original plan was to take a usual (meaning sitting) bus to Phonsavan but since we left the booking for the last moment it appeared that we had missed the only sitting bus that day already so we were left with a choice of either staying another night somewhere in Vientiane and leaving the next morning or taking a sleeping bus the same evening instead. We really wanted to move on further so after bargaining on the price a bit, in the end we chose the latter. We were picked up from our hotel and on the way to the bus station we realised that we were missing the best sunset in Asia so far! Every evening I was hoping that finally we would see some decent sunset (as they have been quite disappointing until now) ... read more
at Jars site no.2
Plain of Jars site no.3
old bullet made into a lighter...

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 17th 2013

Even relaxing the whole day can prove to be a bit of a tiring experience as we were more or less exhausted waiting for our bus to depart for Vientiane and it wasn’t even 8pm yet! Having seen the bus I knew it was going to be a pretty long journey as well... Very little space in between the seats, pretty stinky seats in general and a person in front of me lowered her chair to the maximum capacity before we even left Luang Prabang while my chair was broken so I couldn’t lower it at all… yep! it was going to be a pretty long journey indeed! In the end I managed to catch a few hours of sleep, but every part of my body was sore, my head the most as managed to bump ... read more
UXOs found in Laos
sun setting over the Mekong
at Patuxai :)

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