AnnaW travels' Guestbook

22nd April 2017

Late trains...dont stress
You really need to chill out. You can't change the system! Always enjoy reading your blogs and getting a chuckle. Happy travels.
18th April 2017
Our blue eye happy traveller :)

Happy traveller
I bet you have hundreds of photos of your little bundle Anna...but this one is for the ages...scrumptious!
30th March 2017

Hi Anna, Enjoyed reading your blog on Prague equally as much as Cesky. My husband and I are so looking forward to visiting both this year and it's really good to have a little inside information beforehand on what to expect in these two cities. The astronomical clock is also on our list of things to do and, was interested to read your comments but, sounds as though it is a little over-rated. Will still go and check it out but, won't have great expectations - will wait and see. :) Weather should be a bit colder than your visit when we are there so also hoping for lesser crowds - if that ever happens in Prague :) - and will also make sure to watch out for the Segwayers! :) Jan
3rd April 2017

Thanks for reading Jan :) There is plenty to see and do in Prague so I'm sure you'll find things you'll really love. The astronomical clock is well worth seeing for sure, seeing it was created in the XVth century, it's just the hourly show that's slightly overrated and then of course there are the crowds... I hope it will be less busy in Prague when you're there and the crowds won't be a problem at all... :) Enjoy!
28th March 2017

Pushy Prague
Reading your blog reminded us of the horror of the tourist swarms, especially those @#$% Segways!! but then your photos reminded us how beautiful the place is and why it is so popular. Wasn't in a good frame of mind when we hit Prague so I guess that is part of the reason we didn't enjoy it, but unsure we would ever go back. So glad you all survived the tourist crush and you got to see that underwhelming clock chime and had a far better experience than we did.
29th March 2017

Pushy Prague
It was definitely the busiest city we've been to on this leg of the journey, but like you said the city is really beautiful so no wonder hordes of people visit it every year... If we go there again, definitely not in summer months though!
27th March 2017
At the main square in Prague

Ripper pic Anna...Brilliant
12th March 2017
Stunning panorama of Cesky Krumlov

Great shot
Great photo. Your blog brings back some memories from when were in Bohemia a few years ago/Ake
17th March 2017
Stunning panorama of Cesky Krumlov

Thanks Ake. The place was so picturesque that all I had to do was press 'click' - very charming little town. Happy to hear I brought you back some memories.
8th March 2017

Looking forward to a visit ...
Loved your blog on Cesky, Anna and now looking forward to our visit even more, a bit later in the year. We just love wandering the quaint, cobbled streets and lane ways of these European "old towns" and cities. We visited Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia several years ago - experiences we shall long remember. These places have a charm all of their own. Thanks for building the anticipation and will look forward to your blog on Prague - also on our intended itinerary. :) Jan
17th March 2017

Looking forward to a visit ...
Thanks for reading Jan :) Really happy to hear my blog was helpful. We loved Split and Dubrovnik as well - charming little towns! I'm hoping to write about these places soon also, a bit behind with my blogs though... Prague on its way soon hopefully... Hope you'll enjoy Cesky as much as we did, if not more!, as it really is a little gem of a town. Looking forward to reading about your trip to Cesky as well!
18th February 2017

I've never seen the Sound of Music
I love music but do not like musicals. I loved Vienna and long to go to Salzburg. I've been to the Eagle's Nest and enjoyed the area. Thanks for the blog. Very nice.
8th March 2017

The Sound of Music
Thanks for reading and commenting. I think everyone could find something they would like in Salzburg, even without watching the musical. So maybe next time you go to Vienna, you should do a little side trip to Salzburg as well, lovely and very picturesque little town.
13th January 2017
St Stephen's Cathedral

One of our favorite cities
19th January 2017
St Stephen's Cathedral

Nice to hear that. Hope it will grow on me one day as well.
9th January 2017

Does the Danube flow through Vienna?
Great job at stitching together all those connections in one day. We always try and limit it to two connections per day after a disaster in India, I guess there is a huge difference between India and Europe, but with a child in tow you did really well. It is so funny how the Danube is not an attraction in Vienna, well at least we didn't think so, you just feel that the town is really overlooking such an important tourist zone. The place does have a weird vibe and we loved it but know we are in a very small minority - perhaps the 2% of visitors.
19th January 2017

Does the Danube flow through Vienna?
I don't think any train journey in Europe comes anywhere close to travelling in India (not that I know from experience but can only imagine), but some European ones could definitely be improved as well! It also seemed pretty strange to me that Danube was somehow forgotten in Vienna - especially that Bratislava and Budapest seem to be thriving from the river... I guess the city itself attracts more than enough tourists anyway... I think we were a bit close-minded about Vienna from the very beginning so the city definitely deserves a second chance... Who knows maybe next time we'll fall in love with it as well?
9th January 2017

Lavender Beer???
Love my Lavender and love my beer just do not put the two together, who thought that would work??? Sort of could understand giving it a try and glad you did as a warning to others. No fan of walking around in the sun when the temperature gets over 25 and will always seek out the shade of a bar.
19th January 2017

Lavender Beer???
Exactly my thoughts... Some things just should not be mixed together! EVER! At least I know I won't be drinking any concoctions like this anymore... Shade of a bar in a heat always welcome!
7th January 2017
Fashion in Vienna

You never cease to amaze me Anna...backpacks and a pram...Grant & Millie in tow! Kinda think it could not happen if you were not so organised. Good for you. Gotta say Millie gets more gorgeous by the day. Enjoy her childhood while you can.Soon she'll be a Gretl then before you know it a Liesl (Sound of Music kids)!!!
19th January 2017
Fashion in Vienna

Thanks Dave! I definitely don't feel organised... not at all actually! Still all working good so far and everybody's happy... most of the time at least! ;) I know, time flies... She already turned from a baby into a little girl, when did that happen?
3rd January 2017
Walking around Tihany

Adventure of travel
Love these moments in time.

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