AnnaW travels' Guestbook

8th April 2013

Interesting entry with nice photos! Makes me want to go to Nepal even more (though I'm not so keen on the climbing and the possibility of altitude sickness).
1st May 2013

Thanks Jay! Absolutely love Nepal! So you should definitely head in this direction, there are some amazing treks at lower altitudes as well, especially around Annapurna! Regards!
7th April 2013

Enjoyed your descriptions
Sounds like you are making the best of a miserable situation. Sorry to hear about the rain and your illness. Hopefully, you will continue to feel better and enjoy it a bit more.
1st May 2013

Thanks Dave & Merry :) Very behind with my blogs now, but will try to catch up this week... All recovered now, madde it to the Base Camp and just finished another trek now actually as well! Regards!
7th April 2013

I love the way you share your thoughts...
hang in can make it! Looking forward to the rest of your blogs.
8th February 2013

Not confused...
just making the right choice. Good for you!
7th February 2013

Great blog
Really enjoyed reading it. I felt like I was there myself. It is so cold and snowy up here, so thanks for letting me take a vicarious trip to sunny Spain:)
10th January 2013

Magic trip , brilliant pics
18th September 2012

love Tatras
Fantastic pics , exciting blogs , waiting for next one
30th August 2012

This is an amazing photo. The colours, the light, the subject. Fantastic!
24th August 2012

Just saw your comment on Amy and Chris's final blog...
so thought I would check out who was one of their Followers just as I am. Then I noticed one of your 5 star pictures in the right column and had remembered seeing it on the Front page as I was logging in, but the picture had changed in the time I took to go from the Control panel back to the front page. I was afraid that I had lost it there it was. Your photography is excellent, too. Anyway, I am now a Follower and look forward to more blogs from you. My wife and I are also looking forward to visiting Poland in the not too distant future. My wife's ancestors come from both sides of the Tatras Mountains...Poland and Slovakia.
27th August 2012

Re: Thanks Bob
Thanks a million for your comment. I absolutely love this region, so would recommend to anyone visiting these sides... Nice to hear that you're planning a trip with your wife there, I'm sure you're both enjoy it. It gets pretty crowdy during summer months, especially on the Polish side, still totally worth it going there any time of the year... Thanks again for reading...
23rd August 2012

Hi Ania Fantastic Photoes ! You can have a lok and enjoy. Krzysztof
11th May 2012

re sunset photo
Thanks Mell and Michelle :) appreciate it!
10th May 2012

Welcome to snowboarding :-)
Hi Anna, Good on ya for giving it a go and then giving it your all, and I'm definitely with you not being a t-bar fan! You couldn't have done any worse than I did my first day out (pretty embarrassing!) Some great photos you have on this entry :-)
11th May 2012

re: Welcome to snowboarding :-)
Thanks for your comment Jo :) really appreciate it! it was definitely a challenge for me... was still sore a week after, or even longer! totally worth it though! loved it!

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