AnnaW travels' Guestbook

11th June 2017
Little trails off the main path to the fortress...

You saw the fortress. We didn't
It is interesting that different people can see so different things in the same place. You saw this fortress, which we totally missed whereas we walked around in the old town and took photos of all the different balconies there. We were fascinated by them. /Ake
8th June 2017

Stunning photos
All of your photos in this blog are beautiful. I suspect you've embraced this country and it is showing in the photography. Sometimes those clouds won't go away but that didn't stop you.
3rd June 2017
Beautiful streets of the Old Town of Dubrovnik

Love this street
Scenic Dubrovnik
28th May 2017

Beauty of the Dalmation Coast
People talk about the beauty of this area and your photos show us why. Great architecture and scenic views.
22nd May 2017

Millie's on the move...
Wow Millie has started walking? This will add another new dimension to the way you travel :) That apartment sounds totally gross, and I think they use granny as the front person so people would be less likely to complain. I hope you complained, or at least wrote a stinker of a review :)
29th May 2017

Millie's on the move...
Yes Millie started walking almost straight after her first birthday - definitely more difficult to keep her in one place since then... ;) I'm getting goosebumps thinking about that accommodation again... And totally agree - the granny was there on purpose! Very sneaky ;)
20th May 2017
Lovely spot for a bite to eat

The setting
Food always taste better in a setting like this. Life is grand. Thanks for sharing your trip.
22nd May 2017
Lovely spot for a bite to eat

The setting
Great location definitely has a good effect on the taste buds! Thanks for reading :)
16th May 2017

Zadar is definitely on our radar ;)
I love the sound of that Croatian surf n turf! I would never have thought that fish and pork would work together, so I'm intrigued :) Looking forward to Spilt x
18th May 2017

Zadar is definitely on our radar ;)
The Croat 'surf n turf' did look a bit odd when they put the plates in front of us, but it wasn't too bad at all! Or maybe I was just really hungry? ;) Best to check it yourself :)
18th May 2017
Greeting to the Sun by night... By day - a fun place for kids to play on!

Good one
Thanks. I was simply there at the right moment
15th May 2017

Pizza - the meal that ate Zadar, and the world.
Yes you are certainly right with the lack of (affordable) food options in Zadar, but we did get some good tasting and HUGE pizza while there. Reading your blog reminded me of how much we loved Zadar, the town does have a great vibe and we both felt it trod that nice thin line between quaint and over touristy, but that perspective can sometimes vary on when and where you stay. Will need to do the booze cruise on our eventual return as it sort of reminds me of my time of working with Croatian formworkers on Sydney building sites in the 80's.
18th May 2017

Pizza - the meal that ate Zadar, and the world.
Zadar was a perfect place to start our Croatian adventure and as we moved along the coast we were definitely happy we chose to come there in the low season - way more affordable and less crowded. Happy to have brought back some memories for you from Sydney.
15th May 2017

Ariport mightmares x 3
We have been through heaps of horrible late night airport fiascos but just could not imagine doing it with a small child, hats off to all three of you for surviving it. As for your London room, it sounded pretty bad, and as much as you can expect a cheap room for a cheap price, it is unacceptable for it to be unclean, just know that feeling when you get lumped with a crap room. Glad to see that you could tick the boxes in a short space of time and get out to warmer climates.
18th May 2017

Ariport mightmares x 3
Stansted definitely didn't welcome us with open arms. Not much you can do about it though... When I think about that room in London, I keep wondering why we didn't ask for another one straight away? Ah well... We got spoiled further along the way though so all good.
15th May 2017

Damn that Shengen!!
Yes we substituted "Shengen" for all our swear words whilst in Europe, you just wish you could get 30 days in each country rather than 90 days in Europe - just not fair. We are having trouble getting tradesman to work on our house at the moment so I am wondering perhaps we should be looking for someone from New Zealand as well. Just love the photos of Queen Maeve burial site and Dublin, I think we may need to start planning the next trip.
18th May 2017

Damn that Shengen!!
Yes, they definitely should make some changes in the Shengen visas - way too little time to explore the countries. We actually made it to Croatia just before it joined the zone! Ireland is really beautiful! Love Dublin, Wicklow, Sligo and Donegal but haven't even been to the south-west yet. From what I've heard Kerry and Cork are a must visit also! Next time...
14th May 2017

We've heard so many wonderful things about Croatia and your blog highlights things we would love to see. You captured the history, architecture...and cute stories of Millie. Happy travels.
18th May 2017

It really is a beautiful country. A visit here highly recommended! Happy travels

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