Blogs from Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 19th 2024

It's been a few years since I was last here, but I arrive in Kathmandu off a flight from Bangkok. I've come to Nepal to trek to Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp. I haven't had to arrange the trek as I contacted my friend Khim in Pokhara who has his own trekking company, and he has arranged just about everything for me. The trek is planned to take 17 days and will take me from a start at Lukla to Namche, up the valley to Gokyo, across a high pass to the Khumbu valley, onto Everest Base Camp and then back down the main valley following the main Everest trail back to Tengboche, Namche and Lukla. Khim meets me at the airport, and he has booked a good boutique hotel in Thamel for me. We ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 27th 2023

16. – 25.10. Was soll ich sagen: es war ein Krampf, ein Kampf, ein Pedale gegen den Wind, ein Erstrampeln von gefühlt hunderten Haarnadelkurven, es war kalt und hart und ungemütlich und trotzdem ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, und wir möchten keinen Moment missen! Jeder Tag bot wieder eine neue Facette dieses unbeschreiblichen Tibet: Steppe, Wüste, Felder, Gärten, Hügel, Schneeberge, Seen. Hirten mit ihren Schaf-, Ziegen und Rinderherden. Yaks, Hasen, Ziesel, Antilopen, Wildesel und sogar ein dreibeiniger Wolf! Zeltdörfer, Weiler, Städtchen, von China hingeklotzte Plattenbauten. Das versprochene Basecamp stellt sich als Fake heraus, es ist eher ein Mt. Everest-Aussichtspunkt, rund 8km vor dem Basecamp auf der tibetanischen Seite (das "echte Basecamp" ist jenes auf der nepalesischen Seite). Nichts desto trotz bietet es eine fantastische Aussicht, und dank des prächtigen Wetters verbringe... read more
viel Platz

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel January 16th 2023

From the AP: Home to eight of the world’s 14 highest mountains, Nepal has a history of air crashes. According to the Safety Matters Foundation's data, there have been 42 fatal plane crashes in Nepal since 1946. Six-eight died yesterday in the crash of the Yeti Air lfight. The country’s “hostile topography” and “diverse weather patterns” were the major challenges, according to a 2019 safety report from Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority, also resulting in a “number of accidents” to small aircraft. The report said such accidents happened at airports that had short strips of runway for takeoff and landing and most were due to pilot error. Yesterday's crash is yet another chapter in Nepal's poor track record. Their planes are not allowed to fly into the EU!!! Here are some brief notes I made when we ... read more
Very bad record for air accidents

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 10th 2019

helemaal uitgerust (of toch al voor een groot deel), gingen we ontbijten. Als één van de laatsten, want vandaag konden we uitslapen. Het ontbijt is hier ook geweldig. Veel keuze en vooral: pannenkoeken! Kan een dag nu nog beter beginnen? om 11u hadden we afgesproken met onze gids in de lobby om vlak daarna te vertrekken naar het Royal Palace, alé, het nieuwe en morgen bezoeken we het oude. Ah ja, en de dagen erna bezoeken we nog een royal palace ... :) En dat sinds er vanaf 2006 geen koning meer is in Nepal. Dus momenteel zijn het voornamelijk musea. De laatste koning woont nu gewoon in Kathmandu, tussen de gewone mensen. En eigenlijk zag het paleis er (ondanks de grootte en de vele kamers) er helemaal niet zo chique uit als je van een ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 27th 2019

Woke up at 05:45 to pack the duffel bags for our 06:30 pick-up. A bit of confusion on check-out which I had half expected in regards to the lunch and dinners on the first day. Rusha had confirmed the company would pay for the first day’s meals, but the hotel did not know about it, so Mitch paid for them and will deduct the costs from the money owed for the bungee jumps. The same guy who picked us up from the airport took us to the bus station and had our tickets and seats organized. It was just a 15 minute drive to the bus station which was near the airport so we had a 30 minute wait before the bus left on time at 07:30. It was pretty hairy ride with only a 2 ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel November 4th 2018

We had another early hours alarm to be ready for collection by Ransinga and our driver at 7.20 am. I can't say I leapt out of bed raring to go! Still, we didn't have to travel far to the airport - five minutes and we were there. I was really sad to be leaving this wonderful country and its people behind. I had grown especially fond of Ransinga, who had a brilliant self-deprecating sense of humour. He described himself as tall, dark and handsome - I could grant him the dark and handsome bits but he was smaller than me! He said he felt sure we would meet again, in either this life or another one. And of course I never got to meet King Jimmy 5. He has said his only wife is the only ... read more
Kathmandu stringy light boys
S chillin' with a beer
Festival dog

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 25th 2018

After three nights at the Newa we relocated to our next (original) hotel. We'd had a wander around previously to see what it looked like but we couldn't find it in the rabbit warren of streets. This time we stumbled across it almost by accident as we killed time waiting for our luggage to be collected from the Newa. What started out as a walk turned into a complete relocation as our new hotel-keepers insisted we stay, even though we had a dog from the Newa who had 'adopted' Steve in tow as it had decided to join us on our walk. We felt we had not said a proper goodbye to Prem but decided not to go back as he would have had hundreds of questions for us about our new lodgings. You may have ... read more
Prayer Flag Street
Electrical Gizmo Street
Janis and the rubbish

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 23rd 2018

Did you know that the Nepalese flag is the only one in the world that isn't square or rectangular? Me neither. It's like two pennants stuck together and is all the more interesting because of that. We initially decided to stay in Kathmandu because our future plans included trips to two nearby countries both at reasonably high altitudes. Kathmandu was the closest we could get and acted as a 'hub' for both countries. It would also mean we could acclimatise in the slightly elevated altitude of Kathmandu before moving higher. It is, however, also incredibly difficult to get all the visas and other documentation in place independently so we started to investigate using a 'facilitator' many months before leaving home. It was all a bit of a lottery ... How did we know that the names ... read more
Nepal map
Achut ManCanDo (left)
Getting my dog 'fix'!

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 22nd 2018

The journey to the airport was super-quick - don't know where all the traffic had gone. In fact, we were too early to check-in but we were soon on board the 9.00 pm Qatar Airways flight from Amman to Doha, in Qatar, where we would transit. The plane was lovely, an A350 XWB, with loads of films, entertainment, seat space, wifi and proper cutlery! It put BA to shame. We landed in Doha about midnight and the 3.15 hour wait between flights soon passed as I chatted with a woman from Oxford with not much of interest to say and a young man from NE England who I guessed was in the military as he was taking the long way home to Newcastle from Afghanistan via Kuwait, Qatar and Manchester. He was funny and entertaining and ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 8th 2018

Returning from the monkey temple, yesterday, we had this interesting idea of just getting small bits of food in different places, which worked great. That evening and the next day, we took it easy, had some good conversations with mostly Marynard, but also Jarod and Julien from Germany. In the afternoon, we picked up a simcard. In the end we went to our non-preferred provider, ncell, which they say has great coverage in the big cities, but not so much when we go hiking. We'll see. The reason for the change is that after going to many different shops, we couldn't find one that offered a lot of data for a good price. We should have gone for the deal at the airport: 28GB for 1200 rupees (9 euros), but the best thing we could find ... read more
Mark climbing the tower
Simon climbing the tower

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