Blogs from Japan, Asia


Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ginza June 1st 2024

Most of you know by now that I have the best travel buddy EVER! Mike and I have been traveling for about three decades now. We have covered every continent except Antarctica. Our travels include: Angkor Wat and Amazonia (my two favorites), golfing all over the world, along with places like African safaris, SE Asia, Europe, driving Chile from top to bottom, and most recently, Japan. But what makes a great travel companion? Adaptability-changing on the fly, or not worrying about the next hotel or destination can be both fun and challenging. Preparedness and patience go together. This goes along with being very flexible. Patience-while neither of us are paragons of patience, I think we take things in stride, without getting too upset. Plane delays, road detours, sold out hotels, and bad weather all force us ... read more
Me and Mr. Mike
Me with Kenbob and Nelly

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shibuya May 7th 2024

From MSN Explore: Even as millions of tourists flock to Japan, keep in mind that Japanese people make up the vast majority of those dining at restaurants across the country. According to data from the CIA, a whopping 97.5% of the population is Japanese. Moreover, Japan ranked 87 out of 113 countries in EF's English Proficiency Indexlist, landing in the lower end of the "low proficiency" category. With this in mind, the owners and staff at some establishments may be reluctant to welcome guests they fear might misunderstand them and their culture. Restaurant workers might not have translated menus prepared, and they may not know how to explain their food to people who don't speak Japanese. That was the reason one Okinawa bar owner gave for posting a "Japanese only" sign, according ... read more
Fresh from the tank!
Eel is a delicacy!

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Hakodate May 6th 2024

Japan is truly timeless, a place where ancient traditions fuse with modern life, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Japan may be small, but with its captivating blend of tradition and modernity – and bustling cities and stunning countryside – it offers a mighty experience to visitors. No matter when you choose to visit, I promise, you'll be on the trip of a lifetime here. In spring, the blossoming of the sakura (cherry blossom trees) creates a beautiful natural display that transforms the country into a vision in pink, luring travelers from all over the globe. Fall ushers in the resplendent koyo(autumn foliage) season, while summer opens the two-month window for summiting Mt Fuji. Winter is a great time for skiers, as Japan’s slopes are dusted with some of the finest ... read more
Miyako Harbor and Port
Miyako Island
Amori and cherry trees in bloom

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ginza May 5th 2024

I still miss the little boy (and girl) on this special day. May 5, formerly known as Boys Day in Japan, is now called Children's Day. (Written in 2009) Many of you think of May 5 as Cinco de Mayo. But May 5 is a big day in Japan as well, for it is an annual event, now called Children's Day, or originally Kodomo no Hi. It is set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness. It became a national holiday in Japan in 1948. It was always a special day when my son was a little guy. And of course, like most Asian families, the boys are favored with gifts, toys, sporting goods, and money. Originally, May 5 was called Tango no Sekku, or Boys' Day, and known as a Feast of ... read more
Hachiko visit, April 2024

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku April 24th 2024

Have I spent so much time at LAX. I had almost 7 hours between flights. But Mr. Mike is here to monitor my champagne intake. An 11 hour flight to Tokyo is a loooong flight. By the time I arrived at our hotel, I was awake for well over 28 hours. But the hotel is nice, within a 5 min walk to Shinjuku Station. Mike is still the BEST travel companion ever, despite not traversing the world with me for at least 5 years. I can't believe we saw a cantaloupe yesterday with a 32,000 JYen price tag, well over $200 USD!! Friday, cold and dreary. The Sakura (cherry blossoms) are spectacular, and I love the symbolism they find in their short, but repetitive life. So far, no car horns honking and no sirens! Kabukicho, the ... read more
And the cheerleaders
More beer please!

Asia » Japan » Osaka April 24th 2024

Checked out at 10:00 and were allowed to leave our luggage at the hotel as our plane wasn't leaving until 21:25. We thought we would take a taxi because I'd put in Osaka Airport and estimated cost was about $80, but the very helpful hotel receptionist said the cost would be about $250. I showed her what I had on Google Maps and it was then she pointed out that we had to go Osaka Kansai International, not Osaka Airport. I thought they were the same, so it was lucky I checked. She told me that the best way for us to get to the airport later was to catch a bus or taxi to Osaka Station and then an Airport Bus from there. She said they would a order a taxi for us. That sounded ... read more
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Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka April 23rd 2024

Late start this morning. Left 8:45 and went down the road to the hotel's cafe. We didn't think it had what we wanted, so we decided to go to the Umeda Sky Building. Not best day for it as it's raining, but thats okay. We hailed a taxi because otherwise we'd need to catch a train and bus and with the rain, worth the extra cost ($21). We reached the Umeda Sky Building at 9:10, 20 minutes before opening. We decided to go to the cafe at the top for breakfast. The building is very impressive. The elevator to the 39th floor is glass so you can see 360 degrees as you ascend, then you take an escalator through a glass tube to get to the 40th floor. We had very nice breakfast of coffee and ... read more
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Asia » Japan » Kanagawa » Kamakura April 23rd 2024

I headed to Kamakura as my last stop in Japan for this trip. I had earlier planned to visit Hokkaido, but April is not a great time to go, the winter hasn't fully ended nor is it there, so not the best time. I hope to cover it in another trip. Kamakura is in the Kanagawa prefecture in the Honshu island, a seaside city close to Tokyo. I stayed at Fujisawa, about 30 minutes by train from Kamakura and rested the first day after a long journey from Takayama. Next day, I visited Kamakura and my first stop was the Kotoku-in temple, to see the Daibutsu (Giant Buddha). This Buddha sits in the Amitabha posture, weighs 120 tonnes (made of Bronze) and is 13.5 meters tall. You feel dwarved by the Buddha, but also know that ... read more
Kotoku-in Daibutsu
Hasedera Temple
Hasedera Temple

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka April 22nd 2024

Early start so we could try the hotel's buffet breakfast at their Slow Cooking Restaurant. We left at 8:30 and reached Platform 11 easily, for our last Shinkansen bullet train to Osaka departing 9:11. It's been quite easy finding the correct platforms. If you find your trip on Google Maps, it tells you where to go and also the cost. At the station, there are many signs in English, and arrows on the floor, directing you to Shinkansen or JR (Japan Rail) lines. As we took the Shinkansen, it meant we were a little further away from our hotel, meaning another two trains after reaching Shin-Osaka, so we decided to catch a taxi. It was so much easier and was worth the $19. We dropped off our bags again at the Del Style Osaka Higashi Temma ... read more
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Asia » Japan » Hyogo » Himeji April 21st 2024

Easy start to day. Left Hotel Flex at 8:20 and reached Platform 14 at 8:40 for our Shinkansen bullet train, Mizuho, to Himeji. This one is older than the others we've been on, but still very comfortable. On arrival at Himeji Station we bought our reserve tickets for the fast train to Osaka at 9:11 for tomorrow Raining today unfortunately, but all good as we found our hotel easily and were able to go up another covered arcade almost the whole way. We left our bags, bur Oscar was reluctant to leave as he just wanted to play. Finally convinced him to go at 11:15 and again undercover right up to the park adjoining Himeji Castle. We decided to have lunch at the Kassui-ken restaurant within the Koko-en gardens which are next to Himeji Castle. We ... read more

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