Blogs from Nagasaki, Japan, Asia


Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki March 24th 2024

In the annals of history, there are many moments which stand out, some for positive reasons, some for what can only be considered negative reasons. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the reasons are absolutely mixed. Two events, separated by a mere three days in August of 1945 changed the world forever as the world was thrust into the age of nuclear warfare, a point from which there is no return. Our visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki provided us with yet another reminder of how fierce war can really be, and in this case how a moment in time can change the landscape forever, both locally and worldly. Dave has more than a passing interest in World War II history, so our trip to Japan had to include stops in two of the most memorable cities of the ... read more
Inside the Bomb
Atomic Bomb Dome
Photo from the Museum

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki February 10th 2024

Tour Day 122, Cruise Day 24 – “Ground Zero & the Atomic Bomb Museum” Shore Excursion – Nagasaki, Japan – Nagasaki was opened to foreign trade in 1570, and flourished as the sole portal through which Western culture entered Japan during the isolation period. Along with Christian culture, foreign learning found its way into the country - particularly in the fields of shipbuilding, mining, printing and medicine. In addition to its many historic places, the city and its surrounding area are also very rich in scenic beauty. Today you will visit Nagasaki Peace Park, created in remembrance of the atomic bomb explosion on August 9, 1945. Conclude with a trip to the Atomic Bomb Museum and Hypocenter before returning to the pier. . Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring local currency for any purchases. This tour ... read more
“Ground Zero & the Atomic Bomb Museum” Shore Excursion – Nagasaki, Japan
“Ground Zero & the Atomic Bomb Museum” Shore Excursion – Nagasaki, Japan
“Ground Zero & the Atomic Bomb Museum” Shore Excursion – Nagasaki, Japan

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki October 18th 2019

We caught a fast ferry to take us over the sea to the Nagasaki Prefecture. Then the local train that took us along the coast. By lunch time we were at the city of Nagasaki, located on the west of Kyushu well known due to its history. Surrounded by majestic mountains the city feels less 'city' like than many of the other places we have been to, with trams rattling along the streets and a huge port area. In the evening we had a catch up drink and dinner with Davids cousin, Alison and her husband Rod,who only live in London but we haven't seen them for ages. The next day we went to the Peace park and museum... bumping into Alison and Rod.. In the evening we took the cable car up to the viewing ... read more
Luxury ferry
One of the top night scapes

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki May 18th 2019

My father wasn’t very keen on walking slopes and steps; so my mother suggested joining the bus tour on 19 April. She paid fees for this bus tour for us. This bus tour would start at 10 o’clock. As lunch wasn’t included in this bus tour, we bought snacks at the convenience store before getting on the bus. Like Hiroshima, Nagasaki is known as the place where an atomic bomb dropped on 9th August 1945. Our first stop was Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. This museum was built for the anniversary of 50th year of the disasters of the atomic bomb and was opened in 1996. My mother and I went to the old one in 1989, admittedly, I didn’t remember much of the exhibitions at that time but thought exhibition rooms had been enlarged since the ... read more
One of the statues in the Peace Park
Fountain in the Peace Park
one of the statues in the Peace Park

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki May 18th 2019

It was another bright and sunny day on 20 April. As we had planned travelling with trams, we bought one-day tickets. Momument of the Twenty-Six Martyrs and Museum My mother suggested that we should visit the site of the Martyrdom of the 26 Saints on the Nishizaka Park, which was just behind the bus terminal. Nagasaki is known as the city of Slope: we would have to walk uphill a bit to go to the destination. We remembered seeing the monument of Twenty-Six Martyrs shown on the NHK World’s programme. It was also interesting to see very ornate church spires of St John the Baptist Church behind the monument. There spires looked like spires of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. We found the Twenty-Six Martyrs Museum behind the monument and visited there. We found a number of ... read more
Dejima Museum
Dutch House in Nagasaki
Trading scene in Nagasaki

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki April 7th 2018

Spring blossoms can be mercurial..blink and you might miss them. In 2015 we arrived in Tokyo on April 1 with Probus friends on the peak cherry blossom day when you couldn't see the sky in Ueno Park for blossoms. This year we arrived on the same date but were 10 days too late for the blossoms. Given the Zen view that perfection is transitory and that once past their peak blossoms will gently disappear, we should have accepted our lot. However, that first afternoon, after a short flight to Osaka and a coach to Shigasan Onsen in the mountains near Oji we saw blossoms at their best in a cooler climate. They hung outside every room at the onsen and were right through the mountains and the valley. Two nights were not nearly enough to take ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki September 29th 2016

Hashima, czyli Gunkajima to wyspa, która została elementem scenografii przedostatniej części przygód agenta Daniela Craiga, Skyfall. Gdy widzi się ją z bliska, nietrudno się domyślić dlaczego. Sama idea utworzenia betonowej wyspy 20 km od lądu i wybudowania na niej mieszkań, szpitali, szkół etc. Dla ok 5 tysięcy ludzi, po to, aby mogli oni wydobywać węgiel na środku morza wydaje się irracjonalna. Taka idea jednak zaistaniała w XIX w. a pracujący tu do 1974 roku górnicy wydobywali największą ilość węgla w czasie roboczogodziny na świecie, pracując na 3 zmiany przez ponad 100 lat. W 1974 roku rząd Japonii zaprzestał wykorzystywania obecnych tam złóż a wszyscy mieszkańcy zostali wysiedleni. Dopiero w 2009 ktoś wpadł na pomysł aby zniszczone przez tajfuny i morską wodę betonowe budynki zacząć pokazywać turystom. Hashima jest tak ciekawym miejscem, że nie wybaczylibyśmy sobie, gdybyśmy ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki June 30th 2016

One of our last stops in Nagasaki (we are now in Fukouka) was at a museum dedicated to Dr. Nagai Takashi (and heard from his grandson)--an atomic bomb survivor and a doctor who treated people effected by radiation. His story is heart wrenching and compelling. But his message was so simple....yet so hard...Dr Takashi saw so much human suffering and had a deep desire for peace....while dying he would write his thoughts from his bed (he died due to radiation exposure), his writing in his dying days was described as....he would write a thought....and then rest to get his next breath (if that isn't mindfulness....) and so on. He said that peace isn't a today, tomorrow and the next day kind of's a lifelong pursuit that is never over, and that if you can't be ... read more
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Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki June 29th 2016

So many pictures to share from today...and I will...but another Facebook novel about a bigger lesson is due....I think I have said before feel free to scroll or block. :) it goes... Blessed are those with the COURAGE to tell their stories. We each have powerful stories that we silence due to fear of not thinking they are 'enough' or that they're 'too much' least that's the truth for me anyway. I posted in March about the awesome event we had at RMS due to Annelee Woodstrom speaking about her experience of being a c... read more
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Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Unzen April 19th 2015

After an hour ride from Nagasaki to the Shimabara Peninsula, we arrived in Hell! Yes, that is the real name because the ground continually spews hot water and steam. The smell of sulphur was pretty strong but as we meandered along a pleasant and scenic path we didn’t notice it anymore. In one location, the water was bubbling on the surface which meant is was at boiling temperature. At a local restaurant, we were served a delicious although very Americanized lunch. The chicken which was delicious was covered with cheese and served on noodles with french fries. The salad was very similar to our tossed salad and of course, a lovely layered cake for dessert. The Japanese guide next to me didn’t eat what we did (she said she had allergies - probably to our food) ... read more
Unzen Hell
Scene of 1991 Volcano eruption
A sweet school girl

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