


Carys and David from Yorkshire enjoying exploring the world.

Asia » India » Kerala March 21st 2020

Kerela Wow, what a shock! It’s as if we’ve been put in a time machine and fast forwarded about 60years. Apart from the heat that greeted us at 10pm. our taxi driver was the only one waiting for passengers! The drive to Fort Kochi was on good roads, hardly any tooting, passed numerous large car showrooms, plenty of neon lights, not a single cow and from what we could see in the dark, no obvious piles of rubbish. Usually Fort Kochi is a very popular tourist visit, however all the attractions have been closed due to the Corona virus. There are a few White people around, very few! Consequently plenty of tuk tuk drivers trying to get a job. One guy we were talking to, asked if we could do him a favour, he didn’t want ... read more
Lighthouse Alleppy
Balcony view

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh March 18th 2020

Varanasi After our exciting journey from the train journey, we unfortunately had to wait rather s long time to check into our hotel as they were full and nobody was checking out until 11am. But they did give us an upgrade with our room, which was very nice. We also had a guide for the afternoon, which we didn’t realize and he took us around . We visited the University. One of the biggest in the Area especially for the medical department. A couple of Temples...a weaving village..and shop of course! Having never had a guide before we’ve missed out on the hard sell of these types of places. We then walked along the riverbank and watched all the goings on. He explained the ritual of the cremation . It did seem very odd sitting on ... read more
Evening ceremony
Kids playing with water buffalo
Stack of logs ready for the cremation

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh March 14th 2020

Our drive back to Jodhpur for our overnight train to Agra was such a contrast to the drive three days previously as it was Holi, and there were hardly any vehicles on the road... still plenty of cows and goats though. Our driver stopped at a beer shop saying that as it was Holi he should buy us a drink. He came out of the shop with a big bottle of Kingfisher beer, which is the local fizzy beer but this one was 7.5% proof and a little bottle for himself....I didn’t think we’d be drinking it during our 10 am..... Apparently the police are all on holiday so no rules apply and we had all day so didn’t have to gun it along the road. Back in Jodhpur to while away a few hours ... read more
Beautiful ceiling made of different stone
One of the gates to the Baby Taj
Can you see David's shirts?

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 13th 2020

Jaisalmer Another 4 Hr drive to our next stop, Jaisalmer in the Thar Desert. Once a flourishing trade centre on the busy caravan trade route to Afghanistan and Central Asia, the early traders grew very rich and competed with each other to beautify their austere desert surroundings with splendid palaces and havelis (houses) Made in the local golden sandstone. The fort is unlike any other that we have seen so far and it is very like a sand castle ! There are plenty of roof top bars and cafes to sit and watch..... It's Holi festival time and people are getting ready by buying the colourful powders to smear people with or just throw it about....our driver said that we'd miss this as we'd be in the car driving to our next destination, a Desert Camp ... read more
Fresh chick peas.. delicious fresh
Jain temple

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 8th 2020

Udaipur to Jodhpur We had about a 2 hour drive through interesting countryside this morning, through small villages, and busy people about their daily lives. Lots going on with animals and harvesting. Also plenty of marble cutting factories and lorries piled high with all shapes and sizes of marble.A bit further was the sand stone cutting factories and mines, this is were all the Indian patio slabs come from. Stone is used for everything, even fence posts around animals. Wood is very scarce. Set in the lush green valley of the Aravalli mountain is the Ranakpur Jain Temple, which is one of the biggest and most important Jain Temple complexes with 28 halls, 80 domes supported by the 1444 marble columns, no two alike. The carvings were beautiful. Unfortunately I didn’t pay for a camera permit ... read more
Dining like a Maharani....well a drink it was chilly!
Step well
Step well

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur March 2nd 2020

We are now on stage 2 of our trip. Vejay came to our BnB yesterday with all the paperwork for the next 16 days. And for us to pay the final balance... that's involved numerous trips to the ATM as you can't get much out each day ...and David has been spending money on getting a new suit made! So far all going to plan. He sent a photo of the car and driver and Mr Rahul arrived 9am Mon morning. Said our goodbyes to Elaine and Kevin, who are going to look for more Tigers. We are on our way to Udaipur, the White City, or the one famous for being in The James Bond film Octopussy. ... read more
Nice gate to a hotel

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 1st 2020

The Grand Floral Affair We had to be at the show by 7.45, typically the Uber that we booked that was just 3mins away from picking us up, cancelled, so we had to book another one that was 6 minutes away... luckily we’d given ourselves a bit of wiggle room and got there in time. We found our space and pleased to see that we were in a corner, so more moving around space and not so much bumping into other competitors. There was a big brown box some sticks and a bucket of flowers.....we weren’t very impressed with the flowers...a bunch of gyp, yellow chrysanthemum, some dead looking grasses, 2 strelizia,and some reeds. The box held a metal stand, lots of different strings, jute, wire, different types of spheres and glass tubes . Quite a ... read more
Finished exhibit
Janta manta
Man washing

Asia » India » Rajasthan February 25th 2020

Jaipur So having walked about a mile along the platform, we eventually found our carriage and settled in for the 5hr.journey to Jaipur. The Pink City. The train took off exactly on time but some how we ended up being 45 minutes late arriving at Jaipur. The first hour was mostly traveling alongside various rubbish dumps and shantytowns which was really very surreal and unbelievable that people lived in those conditions. We shared our compartment with an other couple, who where doing an organised tour....their luggage was following the train with their driver, who then met them on the station platform!!...why?!! Anyway we are now in Jaipur for a full week and even though there’s still lots of traffic and horns blowing, it feels very different to Delhi. Met up with Kevin and Elaine at the ... read more
Amer fort
Amer Fort

Asia » India February 22nd 2020

India Thursday 20th. February 2020 Every thing went to plan, with the train down to Gatwick airport, the overnight stay at the Premiere Inn and it’s always a good result if you can get extra leg room on the plane... without paying extra for it. A 9.40 start so didn’t have to be up at silly o'clock and 6 hrs and a bit with a good tail wind we arrive in Dubai and only an hour and a half until our connecting flight to Dubai. So all in all just shy of 11 hrs travelling ,which for us was a doddle. We both watched the Korean film Parasite, which was excellent and I watched Judy, and one called Denmark with Rafe Spall and I got half way through the Fisherman’s friends.... Delhi Airport.... bedlam! So many ... read more
Red Fort
ISA Khan's Tomb
Parakeet on big door

Asia » South Korea » Busan October 30th 2019

I'm liking these 50 min. Flights! Flying into Busan in daylight, really helps to understand the geographical landscape of the city. The 2nd largest in South Korea. Huge forested mountains and tall skyscraper buildings in every nook and cranny and beautiful beaches along side. I don't think we've been to a city with so many beaches , beautiful clean soft sand within minutes of the tube station and also within minutes of a woodland walk. The weather has continued to be lovely, though the Koreans are all now wearing puffy jackets !(It's 20C) So we've had our last few days of the trip exploring the city. Cultural and the largest department the World....(they say) Our daily bit of fun has been trying to beat the gangs of little old ladies to the lifts in the ... read more
Anyone want any socks,?
Gyeongju old capital of the Silla Kingdom
Art on the beach,  Dadaepo

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