Blogs from Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, Asia


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur March 19th 2024

We arrived in Udaipur airport and after successfully collecting our luggage set off to explore the ‘Venice of the East’. It didn’t disappoint. First up was a visit to the Monsoon Palace perched high on a hill overlooking picturesque Udaipur which is built on a series of lakes, the main one being Lake Pichola. Apparently it was featured in the James Bond classic ‘Octopussy’ although I don’t recall seeing it in the movie. The best part of the so-called Palace was the view which although the city was shrouded in fog was still a grand vista. The Palace on the other hand was more a slightly dilapidated white marble edifice complete with irritating monkeys that stole another tourists food right out of her hands. Then it was on to our very impressive hotel Ananta Udaipur which ... read more
Monsoon Palace
The view from high on the hill

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur March 2nd 2020

We are now on stage 2 of our trip. Vejay came to our BnB yesterday with all the paperwork for the next 16 days. And for us to pay the final balance... that's involved numerous trips to the ATM as you can't get much out each day ...and David has been spending money on getting a new suit made! So far all going to plan. He sent a photo of the car and driver and Mr Rahul arrived 9am Mon morning. Said our goodbyes to Elaine and Kevin, who are going to look for more Tigers. We are on our way to Udaipur, the White City, or the one famous for being in The James Bond film Octopussy. ... read more
Nice gate to a hotel

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 26th 2019

Today I was resolved to find some of the bazaars for which Udaipur is also famous. The main tourist trail in the old city goes south along the edge of the lake, past the Royal Palace and eventually ends up at the end of the lake. Today we discovered that there is a lot more to old Udaipur than that. We set off on foot to find the first bazaar I had earmarked, Hathi Pol. I had located it on Maps ME on my phone so knew where to go but MapsME was not terribly clear. This area of Udaipur, an absolute warren of back streets was somewhat off the tourist trail and we found ourselves in the real India. We encountered several donkeys which were rather cruelly being used to carry very heavy lots of ... read more
190226 Udaipur (54)
190226 Udaipur (41)
190226 Udaipur (4)

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 25th 2019

Today we decided to explore Udaipur’s other lake area. Fateh Sagar Lake. This is just above Lake Pichola and connected by a canal but not as picturesque as it doesn’t have the Royal Palace and all the other ancient buildings round its banks. We had checked which places were recommended to visit and booked a tuktuk with English speaking driver at the hotel reception. Have to say at the end of the trip we did not see exactly the places we had planned (I’m pretty sure we were going to Monsoon Palace but we never actually got there) but that is pretty normal round here and we have come to accept that where we say we want to go is not necessarily where we will be taken. In this case, true. So far we’ve only seen ... read more
190225 Udaipur (263)
190225 Udaipur (127)
190225 Udaipur (87)

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 24th 2019

Absolutely lovely to wake to the view from our balcony this morning looking out across the lake to the old town across the water. The lake is narrow here at the top and crossable by a foot bridge with another tuktuk bridge beyond. There is much activity in all directions. People chanting at Lal ghat, bells ringing, drums banging and most of all horns a honking as the scooters, tuktuks and taxis try there hardest to be fastest and loudest. Breakfast downstairs and then we set off to cross the bridge to the old town. Gorgeous day. Blue sky and sunny but not roasting hot. Just what we need to go sightseeing. We explored the part of the old town nearest to the hotel. A few minutes from the hotel via the footbridge to the ‘mainland’ ... read more
190224 Udaipur (176)
190224 Udaipur (20)
190224 Udaipur (244)

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 23rd 2019

Up before the crack of dawn ready for taxi at 3.45. Could have had an extra half hour’s sleep as only took 15 minutes to the airport because the road was pretty well empty. Slightly chaotic moment as we entered the airport. First we show boarding passes to security on the main door and then cases go through the scanner. That is how they operate here, you don’t get into the airport until your cases have been checked. We were surrounded by an Indian party with multiple cases and it was all very disorganised as we queued for our turn and were generally pushed and shoved into line. There was a Swedish couple in front of us who were getting the same flight and the man decided to go off to check if we were in ... read more
190223 Udaipur (130)
190223 Udaipur (61)
190223 Udaipur (26)

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur December 28th 2018

Off today to Udaipur. The Udai Bilas has grown on us despite its eccentricities and slightly haphazard way of doing things so it is sad to leave. We head north on NH8 towards Udaipur, just under two hours north. The countryside becomes more hilly and less productive. NH8 is in the course of being turned into a six lane highway; of course this being India, the construction goes on around you as you travel along. With little warning the existing roadway turns into a dusty track, with men with excavators slicing away the hillside in great clouds of dust as rock keeps crashing down (causing Mr Singh to cast anxious sideways glances), or hot tar is being laid and Mr Singh has to avoid driving inadvertently over it. There are numerous overturned lorries who negotiated the ... read more
Stained glass in City Palace Udaipur
Inner courtyard, City Palace Udaipur
Entrance to City Palace Udaipur

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur September 6th 2018

The original plan was to see the monsoon palace for sunset as advised by all the locals/hostels/guidebooks but given it closes at 6pm and sunset is at 630ish at the moment that was obviously not going to work. We considered going by scooter but thought that a bicycle might be easier in the traffic. Unfortunately no where seemed to hire out bicycles - our hostel had no idea, the bicycle shop only does tours and other people we asked looked at us like we were crazy. Finally finding somewhere that did them we set off in the mid day heat wondering what on Earth we were thinking. Especially since today is a strike day in Rajasthan so we had no idea whether the palace would even be open when we got there. The cycle to the ... read more
Monsoon palace
Monsoon palace
Monsoon palace

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur September 5th 2018

Today was a trip to the vintage car museum owned by the maharana. This was definitely a visit for Stephen more than me, having said that I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The museum is an easy walk at the far end of the palace from the old city. It is down a main road though so not a particularly pleasant walk. Entrance is 300 rupees per person, regardless of nationality. This is quite expensive given how small the museum is but if you have an interest in old cars it’s more than worth it. All the cars and carriages are still in working order and have a team of staff to look after them. One of the men came around and opened all the doors of the garages and told as ... read more
Udaipur view of lake
Bangore Ki Haveli
Bangore Ki Haveli

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur September 4th 2018

One of the reasons we picked the hostel we are staying at is because it got such good reviews, particularly about its amazing breakfast. We were, therefore, particularly disappointed to find it rather poor. Served on the lovely rooftop between 8-10am we arrived around 9ish to discover some cornflakes, toast, toasties and one omelette left. Stephen had the omelette and despite the fact lots of other people were turning up they didn’t make anymore. This is particularly frustrating as there are loads of cheap cafes serving much better looking breakfasts all around us. After eating (and getting cross that the WiFi kept bumping me off stopping me from updating the travel blog) we walked over to the palace. As soon as you get near it every shop front is selling leather, pashminas, tailor made clothes or ... read more
Palace museum
Palace museum
Palace museum

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