Blogs from Yerevan, West, Armenia, Asia - page 5


Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan March 14th 2012

We originally planned to visit Armenia in the Easter break however when we heard a group of teachers were going to take advantage of the extended weekend due to woman’s day (which is a massive celebration is this part of the world) we thought why not. We will now have the chance to celebrate Easter Georgian style, which we are both looking forward to. We met up with the group (nine of us) who would be travelling to Yerevan via night train in Tbilisi on Wednesday. We had some time before the train left to meet the people we did not know and find out where in Georgia they have been teaching and living. It was quite interesting to hear everyone’s stories. Within the group there were people teaching in cities, towns and villages. All of ... read more
Garni Temple
Lake Sevan
All set!

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 1st 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011 - Yerevan, Armenia After 17 days and 6,800 kms on dirt roads through the mountains, combined with our final night celebration party, I'm exhausted!!! I was up at 6am, took Shelly to the Airport, and went back to bed until 11am, then joined the remaining Team members in the lobby. As you probably know, this whole Challenge was to benefit the Armenia Mission - an NGO that helps refugees from the war, earthquake victems, and the poor and homeless. Attila (our Leader) organized a visit to a refugee school in North Yerevan. We jumped into our cars and convoyed to the school. We entered to school armed with toys, clothes, school supplies and checks. There were about 30 children aged 5 - 15. They were very quiet and didn't quit know what ... read more
Dinner with Suzy
Geology Professor at Armenia U

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan August 18th 2011

From August 18th to August 23rd... read more
79(1) Yerevan
94 Geghard
84 Geghard

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan August 13th 2011

From August 13th to August 15th... read more
2 Yerevan
3(1) Yerevan
3 Yerevan

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan July 23rd 2011

June 2011 Armenia doesn't get along with Azerbaijan to its right or Turkey to its left -borders closed. With Iran to the south, that leaves a US passport holder with Georgia to the north. Moscow–Yerevan, Armavia Airlines I felt like the only non-Armenian on a plane full of super-sized families. At the airport in Yerevan, as the ONLY person at the visa window, it was fact. Yerevan had lots of character. Kind of rough, but nice architecture characterized by reddish-brownish stone construction on most buildings. Nice parks, good restaurants, Cafesjian Center-Hanging Gardens very nice with great view. Found a great place to sit on the street and sip beer on a perfect evening. Watched Armenians walk by for a couple of hours. Yerevan Hotel Villa Delenda was very cool, an old residence, in an ally in ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 15th 2010

Wir hatten viel von Armenien erwartet und unsere Erwartungen sind nicht enttäuscht worden. Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Jerewan recht russisch, doch bald stellt man fest, dass sich armenisch und russisch doch stark unterscheiden. In der Stadt wird viel gebaut, die schwierigsten Zeiten, in denen die Armenier isoliert und mit Kerzenlicht auskommen mussten, sind definitiv vorbei. Aber es könnte besser sein. Die Blockierte Situation mit der Türkei und Aserbaidschan ist stark beeinträchtigend für die Wirtschaft (alle Grenzposten geschlossen), Armenien könnte unserer Meinung nach ein oder das Handelszentrum auf dem Kaukasus sein. Seit in Georgien die Mafia nicht mehr am Ruder ist, kommen die Transporte aus Russland wieder bis auf Armenien. Der Handel mit dem strategisch wichtigsten direkten Handelspartner Iran blüht und ist unverzichtbar. Wir fühlten uns wohl in Jerewan, obwohl z.B. uns ... read more
Park mit gesponserten Laternen
Unser Abteil mit Ararat-Foto
...und viele gemütliche Kaffees rund um die Oper

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 20th 2010

Arrived 6am in Yerevan, the airport is busy with a few early arrivals along with us, I took the Air Baltic from Riga.The airport was surprisingly modern and for most, we have to queue to the visa counter, fill up forms then queue for the visa counter, almost halfway through when I realized I have to pay in local money so got out and looked for ATM, there was none in the area and so I have to change $10 which was the exact amount for a 21 day visa. Took almost an hour waiting in line, then at the immigration counter had a chat with a fellow American also from Boston, this dude works here for the American University, after immigration that was the last I saw of him as I gather my belongings and ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan July 10th 2010

My options of getting to Armenia from Iran were somewhat limited. I could either take an overnight bus from Tabriz which would involve the extended bureaucratic bollocks at the border and twenty seven hours without sleep. The alternative in my head was to cross into Turkey and then quickly into Armenia - but their borders are closed (what with the rather silly argument over the Armenian Genocide 100 years ago). The only other viable option was to take a bus back down to Tehran and get on a plane to the Armenian capital - that also might be my last (the previous summer a flight on the Tehran-Yerevan route had fallen out of the sky killing everyone on board). I opted for the coach which I knew would be a test of endurance. In Tabriz, the ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 7th 2009

Hi guys, As you can see we got carried away heading East!......... I also have a correction to make - on the last blog I was spelling Bizaar wrong so I stand corrected - I realised as I looged out. Since my last update we carried on in Turkey. We did a section of the black sea coast and it was amazing (The western half, the eastern half was shit). Mountains, private bays, little villages and forests. The sea looked lovely (although we didnt swim). We stopped at a little town and stayed in a hotel as the campsites are few and far between. We went out for a lovely fish supper and tried the Raki (I love the stuff!). From there we headed along to a place called Boyabat and found a great castle with ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 2nd 2009

I finally found a computer that would allow me to actually see the pictures before posting. I am sorry if you got this message twice. Today, I had a problem in that the language was in Georgian. It took me awhile to figure out what to do. Everette... read more
Limes cut like Ukranian Easter Eggs
Marshrutka - minivan

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