Blogs from Yerevan, West, Armenia, Asia - page 4


Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 21st 2012

Tuesday 2 October 2012 We had arranged to meet Hasmik after breakfast. We took the circular road route to Vernissage - Moskovan which turns into Kanjian Street. It was turning into another hot day so we tended to hug the shade. Apparently, we have been really lucky with the weather. The temperatures in this Armenian autumn have been higher than a typical English summer. Vernissage was a very scaled down version of the weekend market. Probably, a tenth of the size. Despite that, we managed to get what we came for which was an achievement. It really helps to have a local person with you to help with the negotiations. A quick drink at Smokey Ribs - good wifi here, we made our way to the metro. I never managed to go on the metro on ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 21st 2012

Friday 28 September 2012 An early start today as we had a few things to see en route to Yerevan, the most important being, the cable car to Tatev. This was being built when I visited two years ago. The drive to Tatev had been one of the scariest of my life and nothing would have induced me to do it again. Rod had a similar experience. Going by cable car was a different story. It is the longest cable car in the world and costs 300 AMD one way. The road has improved and Saro persuaded us that we should come back in the car. The car we were in was completely full and it was like being on a fairground ride. The ride over the gorge is spectacular and only takes 10 minutes. I'm ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 5th 2012

Saturday 29 September 2012 Our first day in Yerevan. We started with a bit of housekeeping, washing clothes etc before heading to the shops to get some breakfast stuff, bread, butter and honey. Our plan was a visit to Vernissage the outdoor market that sells a variety of stuff- jewellery, second hand goods, paintings, clothes etc. On our way we went to the tourist information office but it wasn't there anymore. We have no idea where it's gone. Some of the people selling at Vernissage are artists with their own handmade wares. We saw a lovely stall with handmade jewellery made from leather. We return there tomorrow. Our aim was to scope the market out and return to buy what we want. Vernissage is only open on Saturday and Sundays so this was our only chance. ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 4th 2012

Wednesday 3 October 2012 We'd arranged to meet Hasmik at 9am - early for Armenian standards - to go for a swim and sauna at the Business Centre Health club. We got there but found that it was closed for maintenance. A bit disappointing but we had a coffee in the cafe before deciding to go to the best place to buy good Armenian coffee. This was a metro ride away to the end of the line in the north of the city. Again, it is so good to have someone to advise us. I also bought a Jazzve - the coffee pot used to make Armenian coffee. It's different from the one I have at home and slightly bigger. We also popped into Grand Candy - Armenian's main sweet outlet. I managed to come out ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 22nd 2012

I am now nearing the end of week two. It felt like an extremely long week though. I hit some road bumps this week which finally frustrated me. I kept getting on the wrong marshrutkas to work, which would take me halfway around the city and then once I realized I was nowhere near where I needed to be, I’d get off and have to cab it quickly to make it on time. I made it a point to attempt to remember every major sign and store along the way to and from work and the city to decrease the chances of this continuing to happen. Another frustration was the language. I kept repeating and learning new words and had a really hard time remembering any of them. This was all at the beginning of the ... read more
Happy 21st B-day Hayastan!
View from the window

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 18th 2012

Well, it’s been exactly a week since I’ve arrived in Yerevan and I can say I’m lucky enough to feel very welcome here. Perhaps for the simple fact that I feel at home with my host family and have reunited with some relatives I do not feel as though I’m in a foreign city, but that I belong and fit in as I should. Although, everything about this city is foreign for the simple fact that I haven’t been here in 20 years and don’t speak the language. Not understanding what people are saying around me is frustrating and makes me feel like the outsider that I am. For some reason I am emotionally withdrawn from my usual reactions/feelings when I travel. I typically feel inspired, motivated and super excited. However, this week I have felt ... read more
Armenian Alphabet
Horseback riding
Rusty beast

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 3rd 2012

Hicran Ciğdem Yorgancıoğlu ‘nun Armenia Ermenistan Yerevan Erivan Devr-i Alem Hicri Alem Hicran Çiğdem Seyahatnamesi’nden ..seyahat notlarından alıntılardır . Her hakkı saklıdır .. / Eserin tüm telif hakları H.Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’na aittir . Eserin izinsiz kopyalanması çoğaltımı ,yayını ,dağıtımı halinde 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunun hükümleri geçerli olacaktır.Hicran Ciğdem Yorgancıoğlu ‘nun Armenia Ermenistan Yerevan Erivan Devr-i Alem Hicri Alem Hicran Çiğdem Seyahatnamesi’nden ..seyahat notlarından alıntılardır . Her hakkı saklıdır .. / Eserin tüm telif hakları H.Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu’na aittir . Eserin izinsiz kopyalanması çoğaltımı ,yayını ,dağıtımı halinde 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunun hükümleri geçerli olacaktır.Hicran Ciğdem Yorgancıoğlu ‘nun Armenia Ermenistan Yerevan Erivan Devr-i Alem Hicri Alem Hicran Çiğdem Seyahatnamesi’nden ..seyahat notlarından ... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan May 17th 2012

Geo: 40.1596, 44.509Short report today 'cos I have to pack and get ready to leave in the morning. Staying in Goris tomorrow night then a guest house in Dillijan for two nights, wifi might not be available. Today was four churches and a Greco-roman temple, the only one in the Caucusus apparently. It is the age of some of these places that is astonishing, one church - St Hripsime' - was built in 618 over the saints mausoleum which had been built in 395. She was a nun who fled Rome to escape persecution (before Rome became Christian) and arrived in Armenia only to be killed by King Tradt III, because he wanted her to marry him and she wouldn't, that must have been 2nd century. , chanced on a service today at the cathedral in ... read more
The service in progress
The Catholicos arrives
A shaft of light

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan May 16th 2012

Geo: 40.1596, 44.509As you may have seen from the quick upload I did this morning of Mount Ararat it dawned clear and sunny and it stayed sunny enough and I was in- and - out of the car and then found I had walked 15 minutes in the sun and the factor 30 was back in the car, result - stupidly, a bit of sunburn. It stayed clear long enough to get some more pics of Ararat, first as we drove up to 2000 metres on the southern slope of Mount aragat (pay attention now, don't confuse your Ararat with your Aragat, there's a mount ara as well) to see a Fort and a church. On the way up Gregor said he could hear a funny noise from the car, I walked alongside while he drove ... read more
In the distance Amberd church and fortress
The picnic girls

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan May 15th 2012

Geo: 40.1596, 44.509Well the train didn't exist, somewhere along the line - in April I think - someone decided that instead of running trains from Tbilisi to Yerevan on even dated days and back on odd dated days, they would do it the other way round! Not having the luxury of being late to Armenia the only option was to get off the train and straight onto a bus or minibus to Yerevan, 5 hours away. At Tbilisi got to minibus station and got last seat on a minibus to Yerevan, problem was it was in back row where the seats are raised up and my head was above window level and I couldn't see out. Two Japanese guys on the minibus and when we stopped at roadside kebab place for lunch there was a motorcycle ... read more
Mother Armenia
Me with Mount Ararat in the background
Mount Ararat

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