Blogs from Yerevan, West, Armenia, Asia - page 2


Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan June 26th 2019

I've come up in the world. When I taught at AUA (American University of Armenia) in the summers of 2006 and 2007, I would find a gift basket waiting for me in my apartment when I first arrived. Typically, it would include a packet of crackers, a hunk of cheese, and a tomato. I'm back again, this time not as a lowly visiting professor, but as an external reviewer for the AUA Computer Science programs. This time my gift basket contains sweet rolls, a candy bar, and a banana! Sunday, June 16, Bloom's Day I used my free day to wander the streets of Yerevan, Armenia's capital. Appropriately, it's Bloom's Day, the day James Joyce's character, Leopold Bloom, wandered the streets of Dublin. Unlike Bloom, I do not encounter metaphorical witches and monsters. Instead, I fill-in ... read more
"Buy art or flash boobz" (Graffiti outside my hotel.)
12 Club with Saro
Kanye jumps in a lake

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan June 21st 2018

It's a long journey on an uncomfortable minibus with no air-con with a driver who is ken to get to his destination as quickly as possible,a a total of 6 hours including a border crossing that took one and a half hours, we arrived just behind a big tour bus. Immediate impressions of Yerevan are positive, a quiet city that’s easy to walk around. Staying quite close to Republic Square Walked in the centre of the city. From here it's easy to walk to the main sights, our first afternoon that included to the Cascades park which is a big staircase with art installations set up by the philanthropist Cafesjian. From the staircase we could just see Mt Ararat in the background on the Turkish border. The next day we did walking tour around the city ... read more
View from part way up the Cascades
GUM market
Republic Square fountain display

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan June 14th 2018

Armenien - 16. – 26. Juni 2018 Im Herzen des Kaukasus Travelblog: copyright by Bernhard Sonnleitner Sa, 16.06.18 Flug Wien – Jerewan via Kiew Anreise nach Jerevan: Flug mit Ukraine International. Abflug um 15:40. . Wir werden zum Hotel gebracht und beziehen Quartier für die ersten fünf Nächte. Was wir nicht wussten: Jerewan ist die Stadt die niemals schläft. So gehen wir um 2 Uhr Nachts in ein Restaurant auf ein Bier. Daraus werden 2 mit einem kleinen landestypischen Imbiss. Ins Bett kommen wir nach netten Gesprächen, auch mit Einheimischen (Englisch sprechend, da in Amerika arbeitend) um ½ 4 Uhr Früh…Armenien 16. – 26. Juni 2018 Sa, 16.06.18 Flug Wien – Jerewan via Kiew Anreise nach Jerevan: Flug mit Ukraine International. Abflug um... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 21st 2017

FACES OF ARMENIA...The Most Beautiful Women in the World. I am so embarrassed...I can't stop shaking my head in a snail hiding from the sun under a a chameleon afraid to show his true colours. What made me like this? Is it too much sun? Past my used by date? Silly due to the oppressive heat? Politeness overcoming common sense? An over abundance of self-conscious hormones in my jeans...or is it in my genes? The measure of a man is how he deals with disappointment. OK I'll fess up...missed opportunity after opportunity...not wanting to look like an Ugly Tourist...Yeh that's it. Others would say gutless I reckon. I visit Armenia voted by reliable sources as having the most beautiful women in the World...and I'm too timid to ask if I may take their photo. ... read more
Taco Me
"I Do"

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan August 27th 2017

After an amazing experience lead by the Travel Camel, it was time for another adventure…..this time just in the exclusive company of Dancing Dave and Denise. We’d decided long ago that after spending a couple of weeks in the wonderfully beautiful but rustic environs of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan that a jaunt to a nearby nation was in order to try and shake off the dust and take a good look around at another Asian nation…..Armenia. The Dancing One and Denise had made all the necessary arrangements, so when we landed in Yerevan, we were whisked off to the Grand Hotel to sort of clean up our act……and also some of our clothing. It was simply grand to be basking it a bit of luxury and we took full advantage of the situation by pampering ourselves in ... read more
The Singing Fountains
David feasting on the fish sauce
Rocks with meaning?

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan May 11th 2017

Vormittag Stadtführung. Ich notiere nur kurze Stichpunkte, die vielleicht interessant sind. Seit 1993 kein Grenzuebergang in die Türkei offen. Offene Übergaenge: zwei nach Georgien, einer in den Iran. Freedom Square: am 9. Mai war Nationalfeiertag, deshalb die vielen Blumen. 45 % des Stroms in Armenien kommt von einem Atomkraftwerk, das noch die Russen in der Sowjetära gebaut haben. Es ist also uralt!! Deutsch ist in Armenien eine anerkannte Minderheitensprache. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg sind deutsche Soldaten in Armenien geblieben und haben sich hier niedergelassen. Genozid: Die Türken geben als Zahl 800.000 Tote an und behaupten, sie seien einfach im Zusammenhang mit Kriegsgeschehnissen im 1. Weltkrieg umgekommen. Die Armenier sprechen von 1,5 Mio. Wir Deutsche sind auch involviert: Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg schrieb am 7.12.1915 auf eine Depesche: Our only a... read more

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan October 14th 2016

Douce Arménie, La chaleur Irannienne sous toutes ses formes est maintenant derrière nous. Le Caucase nous laisse entrevoir les prémices de son immensité et nous laisse pénétrer au coeur d'un peuple vieux de plusieurs milliers d'année. Nous découvrons un peuple fort, triste et fière. Sous la protection du mont Ararat qui avait veillé sur Alexandre Le Grand 2000 ans auparavant, nous vivons au ryhtme de sa capitale Erevan. Le contact est difficile, surtout après un séjour en Iran, mais il reste vrai est sincère. Tout au long de ce dernier mois, nous découvrons la culture arménienne, que ce soit au fond des villages, à l'opéra ou encore en plein centre de la ville, la danse et la musique sont omniprésent pour notre plus grand bonheur. Nous voilà maintenant en route pour la Georgie. Sweet Armenia, The ... read more
Chuch Shadow
Sepan Lake
Wine Festival

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan June 18th 2016

Day 149 Wednesday 15th June 2016 – Yerevan to Tatev Early start today as we are off on a long organised tour to South Eastern Armenia. Like a lot of places in this corner of the world, breakfast doesn’t start till 8.30, and we needed to be out of there by then, but we went down to the kitchen anyway where we can get tea and coffee 24 hours a day. The woman working the kitchen saw us and at least was able to put out some cupcakes for us so we got a small feed. Walked the 15 minutes up the road and got settled into our bus for the tour today. Unlike the last tour this one was on a minibus and there were 15 others with us. When we got underway ... read more
Holy Treasury - Echmiadzin
Zvartnots Cathedral

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan June 14th 2016

Day 144 Friday 10th June 2016 – Tbilisi to Yerevan A new morning, a new country and a new adventure. Before getting to the new country we needed to exit the old one, and today was to be one of the fastest exits we have ever had. The alarm went off at 6.30 and we did our now very professional and fast pack and check out and were out the front of our hotel hailing a taxi by 7.15. The taxi driver couldn’t speak English but we had the bus terminal written down in Georgian so he knew where to take us and quoted us a reasonable 5 Lari to get there. As always we prepare ourselves for the inevitable argument at the other end about the price but today the guy was happy ... read more
Outside Yerevan
Garni Temple

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan July 9th 2015

July 9, 2015 – Today went pretty well. I woke up feeling much better. No stomach ache, no gastrointestinal problems. Amazing! I took a couple more charcoal tablets and kept drinking that hideous liter of rehydration salts…so disgusting. But it worked. I had some crackers for breakfast and waited to see if it would be ok. Seemed to be. Then I took a walk in town and still seemed ok. So I decided to go for a half day trip to see Garni temple and Geghard monastery, the two main sights I wanted to see from yesterday’s missed day trip. It took some effort, but it was worth it. First I had to walk over to the KFC, and catch a bus to a place called Masivi Market. So I told the driver where I was ... read more
Entrance to Garni
View from Garni temple
First look at Garni

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