Blogs from Mediterranean, Oceans and Seas


Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Ionian Sea October 18th 2023

Today was a “down day”, sleeping in and various other low energy activities. I spent it catching up on blog posts, exchanging photos with Sharon and taking a nap. The weather is lovely and I normally would love to be outdoors, but I declined to be in the wind since I have a lingering cold.... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean July 10th 2022

1. I learned that travel is not expensive. Easy thing to do 2. It was easy to travel once you have done that for a while. 3. Made me grateful to see everything in the world since not many people actually have the opportunity to do this. 4. Helped me see every single country and region in the globe. 5. Took less time for me to do it. 6. Prioritizing what's more important to you is the big thing when it comes to visiting more than 50 different countries. 7. You don't necessarily need to learn a new language in order to visit a country. Ex. I learned Spanish while I was in College but it helped me see all different Spanish Speaking Countries. 8. It's the best education in the world. 9. You should visit ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean April 14th 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022 At Sea Oh LORDY. Yet another night when we rocked and rolled. I think this cruise left Miami a BIT too early – the weather hasn’t been great, and the seas haven’t cooperated all that much. Must say, the ship REALLY moves from side to side. Watching people TRY to walk is a both comical and frightening at the same time. Gee, I hope no one falls and hurts themselves. We’ve already had way too many people removed from the ship for health issues. So glad we’ve decided to travel in our “youth” (haha) before we become incapacitated in some way. One never knows what is in store for one. So … LIVE now. Today is our last full day on board the ship. Too bad the weather isn’t cooperating. Outside it’s ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Balearic Sea February 19th 2022

Apologies for the delay in getting another post up with updates about Maggie's trip, but it has been a bumpy ride the last couple of weeks. We've added photos to the last post about Croatia, and pictures in this post are from Malta, so be sure to check those out. The ship made it to Malta, and Maggie spent some time bike riding around the city as well as taking a ride with a large group of SAS voyagers on a catamaran. She took advantage of free wifi at a local cafe to download some audiobooks and videos the last day, since her phone has essentially been without data since leaving Greece (something she hopes to rectify when she finally gets to Spain). That proved to be fortuitous on her part, as once they left Malta, ... read more
Maggie Kristin and Allegra in Malta
Gelato in Malta
Maggie Allegra and Meadow on Catamaran

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Adriatic Sea February 1st 2022

The MV World Odyssey arrived at the Croatia port of Dubrovnik yesterday and Maggie will disembark today to begin exploring Croatia. They spent the last 7 days at sea, so we thought it might be fun to share what a day is like on the ship. Here's Maggie's description: I wake up around 9:30 and then I go to Global Studies every day at 10:00am and that goes until 11:00am. Then I come back to my room for about an hour for either a nap or some quiet time, before heading to lunch with friends around noon. I don't ever eat the ship breakfast because it's served from 6:30 - 8:30am, so instead I just grab some of my snack food in the room. I have class at 12:40 on both A and B days (A ... read more
Learning a Croatian dance

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Tyrrhenian Sea January 7th 2022

We got our first ship-to-shore call from Maggie today. If we need to call her, it will be $4 a minute! But thankfully, she can purchase calling cards on board for a much more reasonable price (about $5 per hour). It was great to hear her voice, though we do miss FaceTime and seeing her. She's started classes, and says Global Studies is going to be great because it's totally geared toward Semester at Sea and she loves SAS! She will also be taking World Music, Oceanography, and Introduction to Global Theatre. Her biggest news is that everyone on board is experiencing seasickness....except her! Not sure where she got her sea legs, but she's very grateful she is currently being spared the symptoms her shipmates are enduring right now. She did say that the constant rocking ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean October 1st 2018

If we have counted correctly, today is Monday and is the first day of the week for most people. For cruisers, we do not keep track of the day of the week but instead of the location in the itinerary. Anyway, we are at sea in the Mediterranean and the temperature has been about 70 most of the day with occasional overcast. The sea has been fairly smooth with just mild swells. This is good because Janet has been doing without her seasick patch for a couple of days and has managed pretty well. The real test will be when we get back into the Atlantic or the English Channel, but she has done pretty well today. We got up about 8:45 and planned our activities. We decided to trade out excursion tickets in the next ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean September 28th 2018

Hello Everyone. Let’s start with the good news we’ve been waiting to receive. We finally got the message that our granddaughter (Tessa Brink) had successful surgery on her arm to insert a couple of long nails to align the two bones she broke in her right arm almost 2 weeks ago. The doctors have been waiting for the swelling to subside so they could set the bones properly and she is doing fine. In 2 more weeks she will need more work, but not to worry. She will stay overnight in the hospital, but Valerie will stay with her and they should both go home tomorrow. We are really relieved this is done and that all went well. Now for the bad news. Janet has relapsed into having more stomach distress and had a rough night ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean September 26th 2018

Hello from the Mediterranean Sea. We went through the Straights of Gibraltar in the middle of the night and all day we have been sailing through the Med. David actually got up at 2:00 this morning to see if there was anything visible in the moonlight. What he found was that the wind was howling and he barely opened the balcony door before closing it again and going back to bed. So we will hope to have a better viewing opportunity when we sail back out later in the cruise. We slept until the alarm went off at 7:30. That gave us enough time to get up and dressed before we went to have a nice breakfast in the dining room. Janet had bacon & eggs while David had the lumberjack breakfast (steak & eggs). That ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean April 13th 2017

We woke up to more fog this morning. It was very bleak to say the least. We took a couple of looks at the posh deck, but each time we decided that it was too cold to sunbathe. We did stop for a drink each time though as this was our last chance to use this. It also provided us with a chance to appropriately tip the three barmen that have been looking after us for three weeks now. We have one more speciality meal left of the six included in our cruise package. After breakfast, we enquired about going to Cagney’s again this evening, but were told that there was a waiting list of five people. We added our names to the list, but really were not hopeful of getting a reasonable timed table. Later ... read more
Fog from the balcony
It´s cold out there

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