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Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean
April 14th 2022
Published: April 16th 2022
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Thursday, April 14, 2022

At Sea

Oh LORDY. Yet another night when we rocked and rolled. I think this cruise left Miami a BIT too early – the weather hasn’t been great, and the seas haven’t cooperated all that much. Must say, the ship REALLY moves from side to side. Watching people TRY to walk is a both comical and frightening at the same time. Gee, I hope no one falls and hurts themselves. We’ve already had way too many people removed from the ship for health issues. So glad we’ve decided to travel in our “youth” (haha) before we become incapacitated in some way. One never knows what is in store for one. So … LIVE now.

Today is our last full day on board the ship. Too bad the weather isn’t cooperating. Outside it’s grey, cold and windy. So perhaps we should be happy that we’re not missing anything because we have to pack. We hate to pack – for a variety of reasons – one the journey is at its end, and we have to find room for everything to fit once again. Why do the clothes we put on seem to shrink but when we go to pack, they expand? Is there a valid answer? IT all fit in the suitcase previously – Now? NO WAY!! Each suitcase is approaching the bursting stage. Oh well…this too shall pass, particularly when we OPEN the darned things up again. Just an evil vicious cycle.

So this is basically what we’ve done today. Pack. Oh, Christopher got his haircut. I thought about it, but changed my mind. I can wait, even though my hair is actually driving me crazy. We need to use up our shipboard credits, so we purchased some moisturizer along with the haircut. Guess we really didn’t drink all that much. We also had the “Bermuda Credit” of $100 – so in actuality – we shall take home about $65.00. YAY! We done good. It helps that the previous occupants left a “few” bottles of wine – so when the Sommelier comes up and says – “Oh, you have such-and-such bottle of wine in the cooler” we say, OH of COURSE…please bring it up!! Hey, their loss is our gain. I wonder if they had the beverage package and just gave up, or if they ordered while “under the influence” or just plain FORGOT. Unsure – but we’re NOT going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Right? Not my monkey, not my circus.

We spent most of the day in our suite – it’s just WAY TOO COLD outside – and the wind is something fierce. All the outside decks are closed. We mad the mistake of going out the wrong door. I doubt my hair will ever recover!

Christopher is back from his cut. Glad I waited! NO. Seriously it is a good cut – just not what he’s used to – I’m CERTAIN the rocking of the ship didn’t help any. So today is just a lazy day. Packing is done, and no-one got hurt. Always a plus.

Dinner – our last in the GDR. We both order the Chateaubriand (we could have & SHOULD HAVE split – will we EVER LEARN?). Christopher started with the Caviar, me – the Borscht. MEH. The menu called it “Russian Borscht” – that should have been my first clue. It tasted more of beef than beets. I guess Mom always prepared a “Polish” borscht. Hers was superb and shall always be my measure of a good borscht. Particularly when she topped it with Sour Cream. OMG – so good. She was an amazing cook.

At least the rocking has subsided somewhat.

Tomorrow – our 28-day voyage ends in Civitavecchia. Now we have to fend for ourselves AND pay for everything. UGH.


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