RHS Rosemoor Gardens

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May 12th 2024
Published: May 17th 2024
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Another glorious day of blue sky sunny weather on Sunday. I concluded the best place for us to be were some lovely gardens rather than perhaps too busy beach areas with famililes taking advantage of the sunshine. So we headed for Rosemoor RHS Gardens.

A real delight. So different from the wild gardens of the day before. These with lots of formal areas but also swathes of wild flowers with narrow mown paths down. Had a really lovely walk and managed to only buy one plant in the superb plant shop before we left.

Had to include more than one photo of the magnificent peacock who so very kindly put on a full twirling display for us. Took lots of photos as I'm enjoying checking out my new camera (Panasonic Lumix DMC G8) as as I use so much, taking photos of my glass everyday, I decided it was time for a new one. George, my grandson, now has my old one and i am hoping he will discover a love of taking photos as i always have.

There will be no photos from tomorrow, monday as forecast is Rain rain and more rain so will not be Going Out 🙂

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