Blogs from Luxembourg, Europe


Europe » Luxembourg February 21st 2024

The city sits atop rocky promontories, surrounded on three sides by ravines cut by the meandering Alzette and Pétrusse rivers; the defensive advantages of the location are clear. Approaching the old city gives great views of the fortifications, grand palaces and government buildings, as well as down to the river and gardens below. The outskirts of the city beyond this deep natural moat are modern glass edifices, often belonging to banks, which dominate Luxembourg’s economy and give it the highest GDP per capita in the world. We visited the Bock Casemates, which are the defensive tunnels below the original castle, the Christmas markets in every square (we were there in December), the cathedral, and otherwise just wandered around enjoying the views. The city is definitely worth a visit, but you don’t need long. Our radius for ... read more
Vianden Castle
Kneiff, the highest "mountain" in Luxembourg at 560 m
Bourscheid Castle

Europe » Luxembourg September 1st 2023

Necakane sa mi naskytla prilezitost spravit si solo vylet na dve noci do luxemburska resp zostat v nemecku (taku som dostal povolenku, bo 2/3 rodiny slo na dovolenku do slnkom zaliateho slovenska). Nuz berem prvu moznost a prakticky celodenny vlakovy presun. Vdaka 49€ listku co mi preplaca amazon a free verejnej doprave v lux ma presun vide 0€. Bookujem uplne mega drahy Youth Hostel Luxembourg City , ked ma jedna noc vysla cca 42€ (vratane ranajok), dalo sa to zrazit o 7€/noc ale potom nebola k dispozicia moznost free zrusenia, ono som cakal ako sa vyvinie pocasie, ak by prsalo, co prsalo furt v tomto obdobi, tak by som nesiel. Na bookingu som pouzil 10perc kod, takze sa cena defacto zrazila na cenu bez free cancel. Piatok vyrazam super skoro rano na zel.stanicu bremy, ... read more

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 11th 2022

This is our last full day in Luxembourg. I am feeling better - thanks for asking - and was up during the night keeping the medication routine unbroken. It may have worked. Natalia drove down to the P.O today to pick up a light fitting she ordered a month ago , which was fortunate for me. I was relaxing, lost in a book, when the door alarm from downstairs announced her arrival. It was similar to the knights trumpeting in the arrival of royalty, but louder. Luckily my son in Oz is an electrician, so I remember the advice he gave me a week ago on how to hardwire a light fitting. I’ve done it before but who knows what’s what over here. Did you know that in England you could, maybe still can, earn an ... read more
Natalia’s Light Fitting.
A Neighbour’s Autumn Display.

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 10th 2022

The good news is that I tested for negative for Covid. The bad news is that I feel worse than some people do when they get Covid. This morning was a lazy, late start, and after breakfast, Tim, Sue, and I went for a walk in a nature reserve located at the outskirts of ESch. We walked on dirt tracks through old beech forests, the trees that traditionally grow in this area. The forest was also heavily wooded with oak trees, with acorns lining the paths, and the large leaves reflecting bright green light as they started to turn for autumn. It was a warm morning for this time of the year and thankfully the trees offered welcome shade for most of the journey. A farm occupies most of the walk, and cattle grids mark the ... read more
A Long Grove Of Walnut Trees Invited Free Picking by the Luxembourg Government
Getting Started On The Forest Walk
Sue and Tim

Europe » Luxembourg » Luxembourg City October 10th 2022

In October 2022, my dear friend Christiane and I had a big anniversary to celebrate: 20 years ago, we met at university, and that was the start of a wonderful, deep friendship. A reason to celebrate! We decided to spend a weekend in Luxembourg together, the second weekend in October. I was happy to drive and picked her up by car in Hagen on Friday in the late morning. Three hours later, at around 2 pm, we arrived in Luxembourg. We had a late lunch at Girotondo where we had one of the best pizzas I ever had, with tasty mozzarella and a crunchy, think crust. Of course, we also had some champagne to our wonderful friendship. Then we walked into the pedestrian area and listened to a street musician for a bit. The weather was ... read more
Guided walking tour of Luxembourg I
Guided walking tour of Luxembourg II
Guided walking tour of Luxembourg III

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 9th 2022

We are back in the land of Lux. Everything is spread from the lounge to the kitchen; stuff needs sorting out and washing, and we are on a train to Paris in two days. The big adventure is over. Last night in the Hotel Barsey By Warwick we had a 4 star classic experience. It is an older hotel located in the prestigious shopping district along the Avenue Louise. It‘s a blend of modern comfort with traditional style, and the staff were extremely accommodating. The room was very old school, but it was the best sleep I’ve managed in weeks. Ed, Tim, Natalia ad Anna Maria stopped by on the way to breakfast , and the cafe we went to had a 4 part menu, including dessert, which was really a Sunday brunch menu. It was ... read more
The Barsey Style.
The Bar and Dining Room at The Barsey.
La Table Rustique

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 3rd 2022

The Trip around France was a rapid 3800 kilometre epic, and while we saw more than we would if I had planned it - that may have been a few villages and many patisseries - we are grateful for Tim’s obsessive planning, and his ability to keep the Old People on track. He was very considerate of his mother, as I’m sure Andrew would be, because I usually like to just get going and am often a few metres ahead. I would like to believe that I am just checking that the way ahead is safe, but the reality is, I’m not very patient. This morning was the first time that we have had some weighing scales available, and I’m pleased to report that we are both lighter than when we left Esch, 14 days ago. ... read more
Fourteen DaysLater, And It’s Foggy In Esch
Esch Municipal Pool
Autumn Is Here

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 2nd 2022

We slept on a fold out couch last night. Not all of us. Just Sue and me. It was better than many beds I’ve been on, so we’re rested up and heading to breakfast in the city centre. We will do the day on foot, The apartment has a 1990s decor, combining salmon carpets, beige and cream striped wallpaper with walnut veneer cabinets but, other than no coffee or milk, it was perfect for our agenda. Just getting a bit off track; while I think of it I’ll make an important announcement about fuelling up your car. Most of the service centres we have visited are stand alone, self serve , unstaffed stations and quiet a few wouldn’t accept my credit or debit card. The debit card is a European founded company, ING, and a Citibank ... read more
Quack Quack
Falling Croc
….but it’s a Michelin star restaurant.

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 16th 2022

Today’s post will be brief. My focus today is to try and straighten out a severe upper back strain, and more importantly, to survive the experimental medical treatment that I’ve been subjected to. Normally I wouldn’t show a picture of my skin from the waist up, but I have put it out there so there is proof, just in case things go awry, and Sue needs them for litigation. I have a strain spanning my shoulder blades and every so often a shock of pain causes an involuntary spasm, causing me to drop or twitch. It qualifies me as a member of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks, a club I want nothing to do with. Unfortunately the local physiotherapist doesn’t work on Friday so it’s desperate measures for desperate times. We walked down to the ... read more
Alternative Medicine From GG Patisserie
Pâté au Riesling
Backyard Electric Therapy

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette September 15th 2022

After a stack of Vegemite on rye bread for dinner last night, preceded throughout the day with sweet pastries and a Club sandwich for lunch - I suspect the Club was Collingwood, judging from the taste - I was pleased to have covered the five main food groups ; coffee, sugar, salt, butter, and carbohydrates. I feel Olympic. Is that even a thing. Don’t even ask why dinner was Vegemite on toast but it wasn’t the cook’s fault. Let’s just say, never buy smoked tempeh, and if you do, bury it deeper than nuclear waste, and under no circumstances attempt to open the packet. Tim tried to remove the tempeh from his serve, and then he ate it. I thought we brought him up better than that. It was inedible. Luxembourg has a very ridged rubbish ... read more
Our train at Esch-Sur-Alzette.
Luxembourg Railway  Station
Our Lunch Wagon

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