


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 12th 2022

This morning we woke to a light frost. It was below zero overnight, and that hits you after 5 weeks of warm sunshine. The bags were packed, they were overweight, so some careful rearranging will take place in our hotel room before we go to the airport on Friday. I jettisoned some books, alcohol, and like a boxer weight cutting before a bout, I think we will make it. Tim and Natalia had to go into their respective offices this morning ( so they do really work ) , so we dropped Natalia off, Tim unloaded us at the station, and continued on. The traffic is a slow crawl in the morning, and this is the norm. So I can only assume that we have a sister city thing with Luxembourg, and a study group of ... read more
Gates to Luxembourg Gardens
Luxembourg Palace

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 11th 2022

This is our last full day in Luxembourg. I am feeling better - thanks for asking - and was up during the night keeping the medication routine unbroken. It may have worked. Natalia drove down to the P.O today to pick up a light fitting she ordered a month ago , which was fortunate for me. I was relaxing, lost in a book, when the door alarm from downstairs announced her arrival. It was similar to the knights trumpeting in the arrival of royalty, but louder. Luckily my son in Oz is an electrician, so I remember the advice he gave me a week ago on how to hardwire a light fitting. I’ve done it before but who knows what’s what over here. Did you know that in England you could, maybe still can, earn an ... read more
Natalia’s Light Fitting.
A Neighbour’s Autumn Display.

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 10th 2022

The good news is that I tested for negative for Covid. The bad news is that I feel worse than some people do when they get Covid. This morning was a lazy, late start, and after breakfast, Tim, Sue, and I went for a walk in a nature reserve located at the outskirts of ESch. We walked on dirt tracks through old beech forests, the trees that traditionally grow in this area. The forest was also heavily wooded with oak trees, with acorns lining the paths, and the large leaves reflecting bright green light as they started to turn for autumn. It was a warm morning for this time of the year and thankfully the trees offered welcome shade for most of the journey. A farm occupies most of the walk, and cattle grids mark the ... read more
A Long Grove Of Walnut Trees Invited Free Picking by the Luxembourg Government
Getting Started On The Forest Walk
Sue and Tim

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 9th 2022

We are back in the land of Lux. Everything is spread from the lounge to the kitchen; stuff needs sorting out and washing, and we are on a train to Paris in two days. The big adventure is over. Last night in the Hotel Barsey By Warwick we had a 4 star classic experience. It is an older hotel located in the prestigious shopping district along the Avenue Louise. It‘s a blend of modern comfort with traditional style, and the staff were extremely accommodating. The room was very old school, but it was the best sleep I’ve managed in weeks. Ed, Tim, Natalia ad Anna Maria stopped by on the way to breakfast , and the cafe we went to had a 4 part menu, including dessert, which was really a Sunday brunch menu. It was ... read more
The Barsey Style.
The Bar and Dining Room at The Barsey.
La Table Rustique

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels October 8th 2022

This morning was a crisp, early start, and after a few free coffees from the hotel we slept in, Natalia drove us to Kinderdyjk, a cluster of 19 traditional windmills that has been preserved for tourist and cultural reasons. The complex offers a boat ride/ mill inspection guided tour for a small ransom, so we opted to walk along the tarred tracks that line the banks of the canal. Once again we have been blessed with unseasonal sunshine, as we dodged speeding cyclists, broke through large groups of old, and I mean old old, tourists travelling on the super long Viking Cruises Barge docked nearby. It was like stepping back in time, and some of the windmills dated back to the early 15th century. Modern windmills are electric powered and while they don’t have the smooth ... read more
Kinderdyjk Windmill.

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Dordrecht October 7th 2022

This morning we had to vacate our rental at !0am, and we just made it. There has been some comment about the energy levels of the more senior cohort of this touring party, but maybe the body clocks fire up at different times. I was ready early. Enough said. Gouda was our first point of interest for the day, en route to Dordrecht. We arrived here at dusk, and it is a black brick hotel, located next to the local McDonalds. It normally caters for travelling businessmen and has a humble conference centre and ‘work point’ attached. The rooms are OK and suit our intransit status. Just don’t pick it as a honeymoon destination; it won’t kick the marriage off at a high point. It’s 9.15, my mates are relaxing with a chilled refresher in their ... read more
Tiny Houses, Gouda
The Old Weigh House, 16th Century, Gouda
Choices.. Gouda

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Delft October 6th 2022

This morning I was up early to catch the morning light. It was a soft pale blue fading into a pastel pink. Two guys were craning a long timber boat onto the slipway opposite us, and pretty soon were scraping and power cleaning the hull before lowering it back into its mooring. An hour later and the lake was glistening. The water mirrors the shoreline, as large black birds glide across the sky, occasionally swooping downwards towards the water. The only sound is the young T-shirt clad workman getting an early start across the lake, and the hum of our refrigerator. Looking around our compact house, I’ve noticed subtle differences between the lights and furniture compared to home, and while we all might go to IKEA, and like their products or not, here we are virtually ... read more
The Church Tower, Utrecht
The Hash Cookie Shop

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Gouda October 5th 2022

Well, today isn’t yesterday. After a shower, I walked barefoot outside, and the hard ridges on the grey weathered timber deck dug into my feet and transmitted an instant message to my brain; it was cold. The rest of my body soon caught on, so I’m now sitting outside, wearing all the warm clothes that I brought, drinking coffee that has gone cold sooner than it normally would, and eating that old Netherlander breakfast favourite , muesli. I’m pretty sure they’d really start the day with a cooked breakfast. The cold breeze coming off the lake has done a 180 degree turn, and is now at my side, creeping down the neck of my jacket. I’m not freezing, but I’m not cozy. Still, I will stay out here, because watching the shimmer of light on the ... read more
De Lichtfabriek Restaurant
Canals In Gouda By Night

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Gouda October 4th 2022

Today we are driving to the land of channels and dykes, The Netherlands. I buried my head in some online courses and podcasts on the way here, as until you get close to the Netherlands , it’s all pretty much the same as what we’ve seen in France. The drive took 4 hours, including a toilet/ snacks break at a Service Station. The system with the toilets is practical. You pay 80 cents at a turnstile , receive a receipt and the green light, and when you return to the shop, your receipt is a discount card for any purchases. No pulling in for a Free-Wee; its a pretty fair system. The landscape is covered with corn crops, and the usual low lying green salad crops, but extensive glass houses are also prevalent due to the ... read more
There’s wind power everywhere
This Truck Makes A Sydney To Melbourne Run Look Mild
The Lake House, Reeuwijk

Europe » Luxembourg » Esch-sur-Alzette October 3rd 2022

The Trip around France was a rapid 3800 kilometre epic, and while we saw more than we would if I had planned it - that may have been a few villages and many patisseries - we are grateful for Tim’s obsessive planning, and his ability to keep the Old People on track. He was very considerate of his mother, as I’m sure Andrew would be, because I usually like to just get going and am often a few metres ahead. I would like to believe that I am just checking that the way ahead is safe, but the reality is, I’m not very patient. This morning was the first time that we have had some weighing scales available, and I’m pleased to report that we are both lighter than when we left Esch, 14 days ago. ... read more
Fourteen DaysLater, And It’s Foggy In Esch
Esch Municipal Pool
Autumn Is Here

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