Blogs from Hungary, Europe


Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest January 5th 2024

I have had a slightly better night’s sleep last night, but feel so much worse! I went to sleep at about 11, was up at 1:30, had water and a lozenge, then I did go back to sleep until about 3:30, more water, more lozenge. I mentioned to Kerry that I feel that I’m struggling with the air on a night due to the air con, and that it seems to really affect my sinuses. Last night when we were out, I started to feel achy and shaky across my back, then overnight, I feel I’m in for another chest infection, I feel horrendous. I am hoping that when I do get up and around, it’ll drop off a bit, I always feel better during the day, than I do overnight with this problem! The feast ... read more
The queue for New York Cafe
Yayyy.. we saw Santa!
The Great Market

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest January 5th 2024

A good start to the day today…. I actually had a good night’s sleep! I only got up once in the night for not being able to breathe. I went to the loo, I had a drink of water and an extra strong mentholated lozenge, then was able to go straight back over to sleep. Now that’s a good result for me! I woke up at about 7am, but considering that I went to sleep early last night, at about 10pm, that was a long sleep! Kerry and I laid in bed and chatted a fair bit this morning, then did what we consider to be our ‘housekeeping’ for the day. This duty consisted of me checking us in for our return flights online! So that job took all of 30 seconds, then back to gabbing! ... read more
Loving my new Moon boots!
1st day of Hanukkah
Inside Dohány Street Synagogue

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 8th 2023

Well, that was a rubbish nights sleep! I can decide if it was because of the Two Baileys that I had, the fact that I’m over tired, or the bunged up sinuses from the air on! Who knows? But the outcome is rubbish. I finally got up at about 6:30, but tried not to disturb Kerry, but that’s hard when you’re sharing a double bed! Although Kerry had never complained! In fave, she’s been most gracious about my rubbish sleep patterns… lo lleven feeling sorry for me at times, but as we have both said, there is nothing I can go about it! C’est La vie!! Although Kerry was annoyed at the ladies from Wales, they made a right drunken song and dance in the corridor at about 1am. I never heard anything as I had ... read more
The queue for The New York Cafe

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 7th 2023

A good start to the day today…. I actually had a good night’s sleep! I only got up once in the night for not being able to breathe. I went to the loo, I had a drink of water and an extra strong mentholated lozenge, then was able to go straight back over to sleep. Now that’s a good result for me! I woke up at about 7am, but considering that I went to sleep early last night, at about 10pm, that was a long sleep! Kerry and I laid in bed and chatted a fair bit this morning, then did what we consider to be our ‘housekeeping’ for the day. This duty consisted of me checking us in for our return flights online! So that job took all of 30 seconds, then back to gabbing! ... read more
Outside the Great market

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 5th 2023

Day 2 in Budapest I woke up this morning at 8:55, it did seem like a bit of a sleep in, but to be honest, I had such a rubbish nights sleep last night! I went to sleep about 10:30, I was definitely tired at that time. I woke up to quite a bit of noise outside, and we are on the 5th floor! I looked at my watch…. It was only 12:30…. I had only been in bed for a couple of hours!! I laid back down p, but was tossing and turning for what seemed like an age!! Realistically it was an hour, or so. I got up to get a drink. It felt so hot in the room that my mouth had fully dried up. I was so jealous of Kerry, she seemed ... read more
St. Stephen's Basilica
The Chain Bridge

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 4th 2023

City break I’m going on a welcome city break. It’s a bit different though, I’m not going on my own for a change! I’m going with my friend’s younger sister, Kerry. I have been friends with my friend Donna since we were about 11 years old. We met at Amy Johnson High School for Girls. I was given a locker on the top level…. That, at my height, was just about impossible to reach! Donna, a stranger at that time, stood next to me at her ‘given’ locker, which was at my perfect height! I instantly looked up at mine, down at hers, back up at mine, and back down at hers…. Then I ceased the moment! I introduced myself, and asked her if she would agree to exchange our lockers…. Pointing out the obvious elephant ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest October 24th 2023

Not much to report today …… after breakfast in the dinning room we spent the whole day in our room resting and recovering after the last 6 weeks … Don slept all day with another bug brewing 🤯….. ventured out about 5 pm and had dinner at KFC 2 doors down it has been drizzling all day…. Back to the room and ready for flight tomorrow to Switzerland.... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest October 23rd 2023

Had a sleep in and leisurely breakfast with our bunch as check out over here is normally noon …. Got bags down to lobby and into store room around noon….. went for a wander along to the Shoes On The Danube (Jewish lined up shot and pushed into the river to drown in Second World War)…..scouted out some amazing buildings ….. luckily still a lot preserved from past wars and sat and enjoyed coffee and cake …. Still very warm over here !!! Returned to the hotel and got a taxi up to our new abode the Corinthia Hotel for 2 more nights …. Got sorted rested and walked 25 mins back to town to meet the others for our drinks and evening cruise on the Danube at 5 pm ….All sat together and enjoyed the ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest October 22nd 2023

(Have got very behind with blog as been very down and out with our THIRD set of virus in 7 weeks 🤯…. ). Up and off on our tour up to the hospital in the rocks on the Buda side of the Danube …. Great walking tour of a few important sites first on the Pest side in city and a look out over the city on the Buda side…. Short walk to the hospital in the rocks and a very interesting hour tour underground (10 km of tunnels) lots of history and information great to experience and something different!!!… from there we travelled about half an hour up the hills through nature reserves to the restaurant for lunch … traditional Hungarian fare and music entertainment…. Back down the hill around 3 pm back to the ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest October 18th 2023

Budapest never disappoints and always leaves you wanting for more. Leonie and I had an excellent day, started with hiking up the Citadel to see the Lady of Liberty and views across the Danube to Pest. I managed to sneak in a couple of hours of work before we headed out again on an Arts and Architecture Tour of the City. We had a tour of the Opera House, ending with a short performance by two incredible opera singers. With so much culture under our belts we had to experience the delights of the local coffee and cakes - we definitely had to do some more steps after that. So to work off our afternoon cake we headed to the underground and rode the subway to Varosliget Park and looked around the Gyogyfurdo Uszoda (Spa) and ... read more

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