Sarah Wrigglesworth


Sarah Wrigglesworth

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens November 3rd 2023

Today we hit the big smoke of Athens, I cant believe that it has been nearly 30 years since I first hauled myself up the steps of the Acropolis to see the 2,500 year old Parthenon (used as the treasury for the Delian League (around 438 BC), then as a temple to worship the goddess Athena (around 5 BC), the Christians then dedicated to the Virgin Mary by 7 AD before it changing again by mid 1500s to the Ottoman's who converted it to a Mosque and (kind of stupidly) a store for their ammunition, this was pretty much the end of the Parthenon after a bomb hit it around 1687, it wasn't until the 1800s that some of the remaining sculptures were preserved (or stolen depending on which side of history you read) and ended ... read more

Europe » Greece November 2nd 2023

After leaving Italy we headed across the Ionian Sea to the Port of Katakolo and took a bus to the original Olympic Stadium in Olympia. Built over 2,000 years ago, the remains of the town, its temples, stadiums and gymnasiums are still there and continuously being restored, all of the sculptures that survived have been removed and are in museums. Today was our first day of wet weather, but luckily there was a guy selling brollies at the gates of Olympia, the gods must have been with him, because the rain inflation of umbrellas when bus loads of tourists get dropped off here is ~300%!!!! The little town is still thriving with plenty of gift shops and cafes and was very pleasant to have a wander through.... read more

Europe » Italy » Sicily » Mount Etna October 31st 2023

We overnighted at Siracuse and woke up to much warmer weather, although it would be soon be getting cold and windy for Leonie and I as we had opted to go up Mt Etna. The 90 min bus drive was well worth the trip - we were rewarded with amazing views and a walk around one of Etna's many craters - from some angles were could easily be on a different planet. It is hard to believe that people still leave on the volcano. With only 1 day in Sicily we did not have enough time to explore the island, but it was nice to be back in warmer weather - might even go for a swim!!!... read more

Europe » Italy October 30th 2023

Today was a full day at sea, sailing from Genoa to Sciliy - the weather was quite windy so spent most of the day inside but was a good chance to relax. We went to the Buble Experience for the show - which again was great.... read more

Europe » Italy October 29th 2023

Today we travelled from Milan to Genoa to join our new home for the next 21 days - MSC Opera. The train ride was a little hectic - with a police check before getting onto the platform - somehow we all made it through and the actual train ride went without a hitch. At Genoa - the station was chaotic, with 4 cruise ships in port there was people everywhere. Leonie and I decided to grab a cab and go straight to the port - so glad we did as we were able to get dropped off directly in front of our ship and were onthe liner and having lunch by 12. Not too much happening today as 2,500 people board the vessels, just looking around trying to find our way around. Had dinner and went ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan October 28th 2023

Today we had a full day to explore the little city of Milano all by ourselves (although i did spend the 1st half working - sorry Leonie) Inline with our normal modus operandi we headed to the tallest tower - this time is was by climbing up the Basilica of the Nativity of Saint Mary. We thought we would only get as fr as the terraces, but they actually let you climb to the roof top. We were rewarded with amazing views over the city. We did a lot of window shopping in all the high end brands but managed to stay strong, will almost, you cant go to Milan and not come back with a strong paper bag!!! The Crazy Rich Asians (they own reference to themselves) on our tour didn't disappoint and left Milan ... read more

Europe » Italy October 27th 2023

Today we left Verona and headed to one of the world's fashion capitals Milan. Another train ride for 30 of use - but much easier to navigate this time ( thankfully). No stairs between the platform and carriage helped. All on no issues, that was until about 1o of our suitcase decided to go walkie's by them selves down the carriage. We manage to retrieve them all and set them down on their sides do they could run away again. Once we got to Milan we head out for a spot of lunch, I then head back to the room as was still feeling under the weather. Leonie had a little explore by herself. Should be back on par by tomorrow for so high end shopping in Milan!!!... read more

Europe » Italy October 25th 2023

The weather started out being very foggy so Leonie and I decided it was a good time to find a laundrette. We found a little self service one about 1 km away so went off on a walk to find it. Luckily the instructions were in English otherwise I think we would have been in trouble. It did have the best coffee we had so far and only €0.5 a cup. By the time we had finished our laundry the weather rhad cleared so we caught a taxi into the city. We started by having lunch inthe Plaza Bra next to the Arena and people watched for a while, but the temptation to go into the arean and climb up to the highest point to see the view was too much for both of us so ... read more

Europe » Italy October 24th 2023

Today we finished our lovely river cruise and started our Italian leg of the trip. But first we had to figure out the German train system. It turns out there are 30 Australians doing the same tour and all 30 of us were under the impression that all transfers were included (because that was what it was advertised as - turns out this is not the case). So after being dropped off a Munich Station it was the start of our very own amazing race!!! We figured out which train we were on, got about 24 of the people and cases on (no easy task) when somebody said - it's the wrong train!!! So all off, only for us to double check and no were had been in the right train - so we had to ... read more

Europe » Germany October 23rd 2023

This morning we had a lovely sail between Linz and Passau, it started as a very cold foggy morning but soon changed into blue skies and a rather pleasant 16oC. I managed to catch up on some work whilst the boat meander along the Danube and navigated a couple of locks. After lunch we arrived in Passau, Leonie took the tour through the town whilst I adventured up the hill to the castle to get the views over the 3 rivers. All good things have to come to an end and this is our last day on the Avalon Endeavour. It has been an amazing week, see new sites and meeting new people. Next stop Verona.... read more

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