Blogs from Czech Republic, Europe


Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Cheb January 28th 2024

Am Sonntag frühstückten meine Mutter und ich ausgiebig im Hotel in Karlsbad und fuhren dann nach Eger. Dort war es anfangs eher neblig, aber danach kam die Sonne durch. Hervorzuheben sind der Marktplatz und das Haus, wo Wallenstein im 17. Jahrhundert ermordet wurde. Dann gibt es noch die Burg und ein Kloster. Die Stadt macht durch die vielen alten restaurierten Gebäude einen schönen Eindruck. An diesem Wochenende schafften wir es ohne den Tausch von tschechischen Kronen auszukommen, aber die Einführung des Euro wird in unserem Nachbarland verstärkt diskutiert.... read more
Spaziergang durch Eger.
Spaziergang durch Eger.
Spaziergang durch Eger.

Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Karlovy Vary January 27th 2024

Am letzten Samstag fuhren meine Mutter und ich vom Raum Nürnberg nach Karlsbad. Dort checkten wir ein und tranken erst einmal im Hotelcafé einen Kaffee. Danach starteten wir unseren Spaziergang durch die Stadt. Es gab mehrere Kolonaden und es wurden auch die bekannten Schnabeltassen verkauft. Ich erwarb auch Karlsbader Obladen. Das Wetter war sehr schön und es gab viele Spaziergänger. Die Stadt ist sehr sehenswert mit vielen historischen Gebäuden. In der Unterkunft wieder angekommen besuchten wir den Spa-Bereich mit Pool und Sauna. Abends aßen wir dann noch im Hotelrestaurant und saßen in der Bar.... read more
Spaziergang durch Karlsbad.
Spaziergang durch Karlsbad.
Blick von meinem Zimmer.

Today Leonie and I headed into the Czech Republic to the little fairytale town of Kesky Krumlov - with its own tower and bear guarding it, the little quaint alleyways, cobble stoned paths and very cute houses it did not disappoint. We had a good chat with 2 of the bears - not sure where the other 1 went to bit we didn't hear any screams so hopefully was just at the pub have a quick pint. As always we had to climb to the highest point, so up the tower we went - even had a quick stop in the dungeon on the way up. We made it to the top and the view didn't disappoint. With all those stairs we decided we had earned lunch, so we headed to the pancake and waffle Cafe- ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 26th 2023

Well here I am in the airport in Prague waiting for the flight to JFK . It has been a wonderful 3 days here after a quite miserable bus ride from Budapest. It is a 700k journey which should take 6-7 hours that ended up being 11 hours . Traffic , two accidens and construction all slowed us down . I did not envy the bus driver . Needless to say we were miserable when we finally arrived . Fortunatly Vedran , our guide worked extra hard , definately more than required to make our time in Prague informative and enjoyable . We started our first morning with the panoramic bus tour and then stopped at the Castle . Theresa our local guide was excellent . She explained who peoples were , the eas in which ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic September 21st 2023

I am amazed at how fast time pases . It's hard to believe we will be leaving the ship tomorrow morning and heading off to Prague . We certainly have seen and done a lot these 11 days . I better start writing where i left off with my comments on Serbia . Our next stop was at the Croatian town of Vokovar . In 1991, during the Croatian War of Independance , the city was under seige for 87 days by the Yugoslav Peoples Army and the Serbian Territorial Forces. 36000 of them . The city was defended by 1800 . . 879 died and 770 were wounded along with 1,131 civilians .An additional 550civilians went missing and are believed to have been buried in mass graves bruised. A massacre of patients lead to a ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 9th 2023

We arrived early morning on the 7th, and Elly's friend Zori came to pick us up and take us to our Home Exchange apartment. Our hosts, Franta and Milena, who live above the apartment they offer, were there to meet us and offered us breakfast. After we got settled in and had something to eat, we walked into town. The apartment is in a great location at the top of the hill, just a short distance (maybe a 15 min walk) from the castle. We continued down to cross over Charles Bridge. There was way more congestion with tourists here- maybe because it's smaller than Budapest. Some areas were packed with people, mostly tour groups following around behind a guide. We weaved our way through them and checked out a few other sites, like the Astronomical ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague August 4th 2023

Day ten, prague. Up to a very leisurely breakfast on the boat, we had decided to wander to the glow golf to get there as it opened. As we walked towards it there was the loudest alarm type noise for what seemed like days. No one seemed bothered or rushed so we just kept on walking. I still have no idea at all what it was! A bit early we had a drink in a cafe before the wonder that is glow golf. Face paint on (Seth) and spreadsheet at the ready (Ash) we played our hearts out, two of us got holes in one (sorry Ash) and we finished just in time for the massive party of Chinese school kids to pile in! Next up was the hall of illusion. In a shopping centre, it ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague August 1st 2023

A much calmer start today. Yesterday, the first I knew of Ash being awake downstairs (long story) was him coming up to tell me he had heard strange noises in the night and again in the morning and he was sure he could hear tweeting. When he went back downstairs, almost immediately I got a picture message of a bird in the glass fronted log burner. No idea how it hour in but we definitely needed to get it out. Ash opened the door downstairs then set it free from it's firey confines. Sadly the sparrow didn't want to leave and instead flew upstairs. It chose not to go out of either velux and so as a final last ditch attempt not to have to live with a bird for a night, we opened the full ... read more

Dag 14: 27 juli Onze laatste dag in Tsjechië hebben we ingezet met knuffelen en spelen in bed. We hebben een rust- en inpakdag op de planning staan, dus we hebben tijd. Eerst op ons gemakje ontbijten. Daarna spelen Nore en Berre al wat samen op de mat. Al snel zijn ze toch al wat moe, dus allebei naar boven en hun tentje in. Wij maken van de tijd gebruik om al een deel in te laden in de auto en de dakkoffer. Ook de tent moest nog even terug open gedaan worden en (hopelijk) wat kleiner opgerold worden. Er hing nog wat gras en zand vanuit Lipno, dus we hebben hem open gelegd en laten drogen. Toen ons Nore wakker was, ging Rick in bad. Terwijl Berre nog sliep, en Nore eigenlijk heel flink alleen ... read more

Dag 12: 25 juli Vanochtend hadden we een wekker gezet om 6u30. Met kleine oogjes stonden we op en maakten ons snel klaar. Terwijl ik lunchpakketten klaarmaakte en fruitjes sneed, maakte Rick de kinderen klaar. Onze zakken hadden we gisterenavond al klaar gezet om geen tijd te verliezen. Op de planning vandaag: een wandeling tussen rotsformaties van Adrspach. We hadden een ticket geboekt in het tijdslot van 8 tot 9. Om kwart voor 8 vertrokken we met de auto en was het nog 3 kwartier rijden. Waze stuurde ons langs Polen en net op het moment dat hij ons een enkelrichtingstraat wil insturen (langs de verkeerde kant), heeft Rick geen netwerk. We moeten dus blijven rijden zonder een idee te hebben naar waar. Na 10 minuten was het in orde, maar wij waren onze marge kwijt. ... read more

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