Page 4 of RedPlanetClaire Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 12th 2022

Today started by climbing very steep roads that turned into stairs and ended in a dead end. Glyn was pleased and if you read his blog too, I’m sure this will get mentioned no end. I was looking for a direct route up to Narikala Fortress, but instead found a variety of routes, mostly in the wrong direction, so we went up and down up and down the ridge like a game of Snakes and Ladders. We ended up near the Mother of Georgia statue that is situated a lot higher than the fortress, meaning we’d climbed a lot higher than necessary. It was also quite hot, but a small breeze at the top made it worth the trek, oh Glyn is going to bang on in his blog about this endlessly. Narikala Fortress is free ... read more
Random furniture in nearby street

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 11th 2022

Last year, when no one really knew when we could travel again, Glyn and I started making tentative plans to travel to Georgia because the flights were cheap. So less of a risk. We both knew little to nothing about the country, and so thought it a good idea to learn for ourselves. There’s very few guidebooks too, I couldn’t find any visual style ones that I prefer and Glyn’s Lonely Planet guide is also for Armenia and Azerbaijan, so not even a book to themselves. After a 4.5 hour flight to Istanbul, then under 2 to Georgia, we arrived in Tbilisi at around 5am, where a guy that Glyn had pre-booked waited for us wearing a recognisable red scarf. Despite being dark and early, quite a few people were about in the streets, hanging out ... read more
Shot from cable car
Balconies galore

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cumbria » Alston January 22nd 2022

Last night we’d stopped at Gretna Green to have a break in the long drive home. As we have been to Gretna Green before, we weren’t overly excited at visiting it again. So I looked at the map and decided we should do a detour through the Pennine Way as as far as I recall, I’ve never been there before. The Pennine Way is AONB (Area of National Beauty) and Glyn thinks that’s just bragging. I don’t even agree with it! Yes it is very beautiful but natural? No. The majority of it is farmland and fenced. To my mind natural is rugged, wild and untamed by generations of humans. But that aside, it was pleasant enough and we stopped at Ashgill Force that had a few positive reviews on TripAdvisor. Ashgill Force is a waterfall ... read more
Ashgill Force
Ashgill Force
Further down from Ashgill Force

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Small Isles January 21st 2022

Ever since I read a book, ‘500 places you must see on the British Coast before your die’, (as if there’s an option afterwards!) I’ve been wanting to visit Muck and Eigg, small Scottish islands off the west coast of Scotland. It wasn’t guaranteed during winter, so we were lucky to get a ferry to Eigg today. Once we were out of the port, Glyn received a text saying that the ferry maybe cancelled due to the weather. This was a concern in case the return ferry got cancelled and we would’ve been marooned. Eigg is about 5.5 miles long and 3 miles wide. With a population of 110, there’s no central hub, just houses scattered randomly over the hills and by the shore. A single lane road traverses from top to bottom with a few ... read more
Rùm as seen from Eigg

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Mallaig January 21st 2022

Today was our first boat trip, the 10am Knoydart ferry to Inverie on Loch Nevis. The other passengers were locals who appeared to have come to the mainland to get their food shopping and the crew helped them with their bags. They all seem to know each other. According to the lady that sold us the trip, that although it is on the mainland, it is cut off from everywhere else via road. So I was a bit surprised that they had cars there, although not a lot was tarmacced. A very few houses were dotted on the hillside, with a gift shop, forge, the most remote pub in Britain (it’s in the Guinness book of records) and all were closed as expected. A map showed us the walking routes and those to avoid if you ... read more
Loch Nevis
Camp site at Inverie

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Mallaig January 20th 2022

I awoke to the sound of sheep baaing and the rain pattering lightly on the roof of our wooden pod. The blue, low light surrounding us was thick with mist and rain, and it was beautiful in a cold, dark way. We drove to Mallaig to find out what’s going on with ferries and boats. Not much hope with the ferries to any islands as even though one was sailing to Eigg, due to the weather, they couldn’t guarantee getting us back today or tomorrow even. I was disappointed because I really want to see the islands but I don’t fancy being marooned on them in the winter and I hadn’t brought my book. There’s no ferries tomorrow as there’s charter boats instead, the day after there might be a ferry to Eigg, no one knows ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 19th 2022

The reason we’d come to Kingussie was to visit the Highland Wildlife Park but now that’s ticked off, we decided we should see more of the place. Things to do include walking and biking and we don’t have bikes, so a walk it was. There’s plenty of walking markers dotted around, so Glyn researched online and found a short circular walk via Creag Bheag. A small chance of see red squirrels in the woods sealed the deal and I packed my longest and heaviest lens in anticipation. What the walk lacked in length it more than made up in steepness. My regular exercise is a slow jog on flat towpaths, so this was a shock to the calf muscles. The thick forest eventually gave way to heather and low hedges that probably wouldn’t be so popular ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 17th 2022

The reason we’d decided to holiday in Scotland during January was in the hope of snow. Not because I’m a big fan of the stuff but because polar bars are and polar bears are very hard / expensive to see in the wild, with snow. So the next best thing was to go to Highland Wildlife Park in the Winter as they have the only polar bears in Scotland, but just to wind me up it was a beautiful sunny day; seven ruddy degrees! Not even a ground frost in the morning! Gah! Scottish weather likes upsetting me, the reason I chose to do the Edinburgh marathon in 2007 is that I assumed the weather would be cool, but no, there was a heatwave that day. Typically we were the first to arrive and had to ... read more
Artic Fox
Snow Leopard

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow January 16th 2022

Anyone else gone wandering in Glasgow and found themselves in the backstreets of Gotham city, USA instead? No? Well it happened to myself and Glyn today, I kid you not. The alarm went off at 7.30am, and it being a Sunday means only one thing, I’m on Wade holiday where I often get up earlier than I would for work so that we can cram in as much as possible until we both pass out exhausted at the end of the day. Glyn was perturbed at me setting an alarm that’s not on the hour. I find this hilarious and asked that we set if for 7.12am, I got frowned at for that. A walk that should have taken 40 minutes, didn’t because we went off piste a few times, took us through areas with awesome ... read more
Early morning sunrise
Gotham Roll Records
Botanical Gardens

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow January 15th 2022

Today we set off for our first holiday since July 2019! Woo hoo! Leaving home at lunchtime meant that we had beautiful golden light dappling the amazing landscape around the Lake District. There’s many motorways I hate, but the bit of M6 just north of Kendal is awesome. And it’s always been pretty empty when I’ve driven on it. The more north we got, the closer to we were to dark clouds. This is probably due to the North being uphill, or so Glyn says. There was intermittent rain but nothing heavy. To be honest I’m disappointed by the lack of snow. I saw a bit on distant mountain tops, but nothing worth writing about. Oh…. Arriving in Glasgow during the early evening, we found our Budget Ibis hotel on the Quays quite easily. The area ... read more

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