Page 2 of RedPlanetClaire Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Uganda September 7th 2023

Seeing a leopard in the wild is a blessing, having the vehicle you’re riding in breaking down adds to the excitement. Seeing your spouse getting out of the vehicle to push adds extra excitement, there’s not been a dull moment today. Another early start meant that when we got to the gate of our fenced off area, we were still locked in. A young man came who out of the gate hut was still getting dressed, to unlock the padlock. Just outside our fenced area are dwellings where local families live, I guess they have a better idea on how to protect themselves from predators than we do. Today there were only waterbuck and a cat lining the path today. It was still dark when we left. The drive took under an hour to Kalinzu Forest ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Queen Elizabeth NP September 6th 2023

I never expected to witness a naked man swimming in a lake teeming with dangerous snakes, crocodiles and hippos, but part of the fun of travel is witnessing sheer insanity I believe! And also seeing lots of wild animals and their babies. Today’s excitement began with a neighbour’s cat visiting us during breakfast. It even let me stroke it :-). Glyn pointed out that it’s fur wasn’t as soft as our boys’, but it does look like it is well fed. Now our lodge is a distance from the main area, and does have an electric fence to keep out elephants and predators, but I did wonder about the walk between the fenced places, what happens when we get big and wild visitors? However, there was a man at the gate with a torch ready to ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region September 5th 2023

The alarm went off at 5.45 am as today we were chimp trekking which required an early start. Zedius drove us to the nearby Kibale Game Reserve which is 795 sq km. It’s home to many primates and is known as the primate capital of the world. Upon arriving I was dismayed but unsurprised to see around 30 other tourists. All donning new and expensive khaki gear, some even wearing chaps. I’d pulled my socks over my trousers to keep the ants out and Glyn had elastic bands. If you don’t take this precaution, you may find yourself doing an involuntary dance. The tourists were a mix of European and American and I knew at least one would wind Glyn up. Now the security at this park is good, we were asked to bring our passports ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kibaale September 5th 2023

Do I want to walk in the forest at night looking for snakes? And pay $40 for the experience? No. Absolutely not. But thanks for the offer guys! This was during our first night in Uganda, in a dark forest where our accommodation is at the end of a very long path, amongst the wildlife, making me nervous of every dark tree root and stem by torchlight on my way to bed. Even in my hiking boots, I did not want to step on a snake. After a 24 hour journey from home via Birmingham airport, Istanbul Airport and Kigali airport, we finally arrived at Entebbe, having had very little sleep - screaming children put a stop to that. It was warm and still dark and we soon found our guide, Didan, who Glyn had booked ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin December 11th 2022

The long weekend totally flew by! One minute we had arrived and then we were getting up at 5am to catch the plane home on Sunday. There’s so much more in Berlin that I want to see, so I do need to come back, maybe try it in the summer! The majority of the historic stuff I’ve seen has been about WW2 and the Cold War occupation. I would like to learn more about earlier history plus more recent culture and what it’s like to be a German these days. Unlike many other countries I’ve visited, they certainly openly confront the very worst parts of their history, don’t try to make excuses but try to educate. I wish more countries could do that, including my own. Their architecture is pretty wonderful and I prefer it to ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin December 10th 2022

Another frosty day in Berlin and we walked to Alexanderplatz to catch a train to Gesundbrunnen where we were to go on an Underground Tour of a communal air raid shelter. Our multicultural group had two guides: Eran who did the talking and Christina at the back to ensure no one wandered off. There were very few communal bomb shelters in Berlin during WW2, most people were encouraged to use their own basements. This particular shelter was created within existing tunnels around the underground station. I did find it a bit odd that there were spare rooms created when the station was built, but that was the best reasoning I got for their existence. There was only 8cms of concrete above us and the shelter wouldn’t have been all that protective had there been a direct ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin December 9th 2022

Glyn strode out into the frosty, misty morning purposefully as though he knew where he was going. I followed like I believed it. We had to purposefully walk a bit further after crossing the wrong bit of road and missing the tram stop. However, we managed to catch the correct tram and travelled past the places we’d walked along last night. We’ve still not sussed where we’re meant to scan or present our travel tickets. Technically we’ve not paid for any of our journeys yet, despite having paid for 4-day travel cards. But no one else appears to be scanning tickets either. We caught an old fashioned looking underground type train. It was meant to be one stop and would have been, had we gone the right way! Announcements on the train said that wearing a ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin December 8th 2022

Arriving at BER we were stuck at the back of a massive queue with all the other Brits. I’d left a scarf on the plane and returning to retrieve it meant we were one of the last to join the queue too. Salt was rubbed into the Brexshit wounds when a member of staff shouted, “anyone with Resident passes or EU citizens?” as they could go to the fast automated EU line, but we were stuck with the rest of the world in the painfully slow, non automated dickhead queue. We gazed longingly at the empty auto passport scanners with the info screens rotating videos on how to use them, that meant you didn’t have to talk to officials. There were only three passport desks open as I guess they’re set up for EU citizens in ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 24th 2022

This morning we were packed and ready to go to the airport and home. Glyn ordered a Bolt to get us to the airport with no hassle. Sadly I was unable to see Kiki the cat to say goodbye, but instead met with the cat she fights with. I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in Georgia and it has been very good. There’s never been a dull moment and I never ran out of things to do and see. There’s been a wide range of history from ancient to very recent. I’ve also learned a lot about what it’s like living in a part of the world that’s often in conflict. As one tour guide pointed out, it’s the politicians at war, not the people and that they hate Russia but love ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District September 23rd 2022

If you read my blog on Monday, you’ll know that my hubby and I got very ripped off by a taxi driver in Tbilisi. He charged us 150 laris (£47.95)for a journey that should have been no more than 15 laris (£4.79). I’ve been annoyed at myself for letting him get away with it. So when I saw him in Meidan Square this morning, chatting with another driver, I plucked up the courage to confront him and Glyn followed me close behind. I took taxi driver’s photo and one of his number plate before he realised who I was. Obviously he tried to fob me off, with more nonsense about being a tourist taxi driver and there being traffic (there’s always traffic in Tbilisi). Now I knew he was lying but recently had this confirmed on ... read more

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