RedPlanetClaire's Guestbook

25th September 2023

Great Article
Great article, very informative. If you are visiting Sri Lanka, this luxury hotel offers luxurious accommodation nestled high atop the beautiful Hanthana mountain near Kandy, Sri Lanka – a perfect getaway for those seeking serenity and escape from everyday life. Check out our place!
16th September 2023

Great experience!
It was a good read. I had to cancel my trip to Uganda and Reanda during pandemic time, but they are in my bucket list. Yes, safety is an important consideration in any unknown place and I take that seriously. Fortunately, I made some good friends in Kenya and TZ during my trips, but Uganda is still unknown to me. Someday.....
17th September 2023

I hope you get there, it is worth it. I had the same in that I was booked to go to Madagascar during the pandemic and had to cancel that. I still want to go.
19th September 2022

Lucky Escape
I think the driver was lucky you didn't see him again while walking back to your hotel.
18th September 2022

Sulpha Springs?
Were the ones that smelled bad sulpha springs? Rotten eggs, pheewww !!
16th September 2022

Are you sure Driver-Guide Was Georgian?
I ask because his style of driving is reminiscent of my baptism of Cypriot driving when on my way from the airport to my unit. The bus driver decided it was perfectly ok, to pull out and overtake a car as we were fast approaching a bend. Nothing to worry about there you say, but the thing is, this was on a narrow mountain road!!
17th September 2022

Bad driving
I think bad driving is a pretty universal phenomenon when travelling. This guy was deffo Georgian, plus I was told they don’t have immigrants working here as the wages are far too low apparently.
14th September 2022

That is the best travelblog you have written. I do look forward to them popping up each evening. Not that I want to go traveling, Trentham is a long way from Cheadle for me.
15th September 2022

Thank you
Thanks Mike, I’m so glad you’re enjoying them :-)
11th May 2022

I've always wanted to go on a safari and seeing this fills me excitement! It'll be me in one of those jeeps one day. Thanks for sharing.
2nd September 2022

And when it happens, be sure to write a blog and let me see it!
17th January 2022

I'm following your journey...
as I will be touring Scotland in August. I hope the heather in bloom and the midges are dead!
17th January 2022

That's a good thing about travelling in January - no midges!
17th January 2022

I'm following your journey...
as I will be touring Scotland in August. I hope the heather in bloom and the midges are dead!
1st August 2019

Pricey cruises...
The prices I see on, which includes most cruise lines, are very reasonable. Have you tried other search engines?
1st August 2019

I haven’t, but I will. Thank you for the info
27th July 2019

Dolphin in Bangladesh
your post is so nice . in Bangladesh there are many tourist spot please visit my blog to see more
22nd July 2019

Like you we've been on few cruises...
those where one can't get to by air or land...Alaska Inside Passage and a repositioning cruise from Honolulu to Lahaina to American Samoa, to Samoa, to Fiji, to Vanuatu, to New Caledonia, to Sydney. The first had crowds of Chinese and the second crowds of Aussies. The Aussies were great fun, even nicer than the few Kiwis. We met many cruisers who had sailed dozens of times...not for us although this is the easiest way to see many Caribbean islands, so maybe I have one left in me!
23rd July 2019

This is actually our first cruise and seeing Svalbard for the first time from the sea has certainly convinced me it is a good thing to do!
20th July 2019

Black tie dinners...
I didn't want to pack clothes that I would only use once. So on that evening I stayed in our cabin and the waiter brought me two lobster dinners!
20th July 2019

Good call!
Exactly! We are doing the buffet now to avoid dressing up!

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