Michael Egan

Mikes world

Michael Egan

I am going to attempt to keep a blog about my world travels. My daughter, Michelle and her husband Travis have been painstakingly teaching me how to use all this new technology.

Since officially retiring, I have decided to travel the world, doing trips that allow me to experience the things I enjoy most; motorcycling, horses, polo, trekking, spending time with my friends, seeing new places and meeting new people.

My first major trip was in April 2009. I took a trip with Ayres Adventures to South America (Escape to Macchu Picchu). I travelled from Cuzco,Peru (Macchu Picchu) to Foz de Iquazu, Brazil on a BMW Motorcycle - GS1200. There were 5 people in our group - Nuno, our guide from Portugal; John from South Africa; and Peter and Michael from Germany. We covered 4600kms in 17 days. to view photos go to SA Photos .

This past fall I decided to do a 2 month trip to Africa. I left on September 21, 2009 and returned on November 21, 2009. The first part was a 16 day motorcycle trip with Ayres adventures - Call of the Wild. it commenced in Johannesburg, South Africa and ended in Windhoek, Namibia.

From there, I flew to Nairobi, Kenya, and meet up with my son, Robbie. We did a 10 day horseback riding Safari in the Masaii Mara with Offbeat Safaris.

Next, we climbed Mount Kenya , the second highest peak in Africa. This was a 5 day Trek to the peak.

The last part of the trip with Robbie took us to the Island of Lamu off the coast of Kenya.

After Robbie left, I fleww to Cape Town, met some friens, and then drove along the coast staying in hostels and lodges before returning back to Canada.

Spring 2010, Travelled to Europe starting with a 10 day motorcycle trip through Portugal and northern Spain, then 5 days in Nice, France at a friends condo, followed by a 15 day motorcycle trip throough Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia.

Fall, 2010 , I left Oct 12 for a 2 month trip to India and Nepal. We started with a Rick Shaw race in southern India (Richshawchallenge), an 8 day tour through Rajistan (including Elephant Polo), a volunteer program in the himalayas with (Edge of Seven, and ending with a 15 day charity motorcycle trip through Nepal with (Saffron Road Motorcycle Tours.

Summer 2011 - I decided to take an extended trip this year leaving Toronto on August 12, and planning on returning early December. The first segment is (the Caucasian Challenge), a car rally from Budapest to Armenia in 16 days.

Following that I went to New Zealand for a 1 month motorcycle trip. I was planning on going to Australia, but I was exhausted and headed back home.

Spring 2012

Following another great polo season in Florida, i decided to head back to Asia for a motorcycle trip through Tibet. Our starting point is Kathmandu, Nepal from where we immediately cross over into Tibet to explore this interesting desolate country for 3 weeks.

November, 2015. Well, I finally made it to South East Asia. It has been on my list for a long time. Probaly since my daughter and her husband came here in 2008. The last trip adventure trip I did was with my son, Jeff, in 2013 when we motorcycled around iceland (still havent published the blog, but I will!). Its not that I've been lazy, but I actually went back to work for a while. Enough of that, time to travel again!

Enjoy the blog!

Cheers, Mike

Asia » Pakistan » Lahore November 2nd 2022

Lahore I went to the hospital to get X-rays and see what the damage is from my motorcycle crash. The doctor said I fractured 3 ribs, 6,7, and 8, on my right side. I told me not to travel for a week, and gave me 5 different prescriptions for pain, antibiotics, acid reflux, etc. The next day, we said our goodbyes, and four of us got into Moin’s Land Rover for the 4 hour drive to Lahore. Our first stop was the Ato mechanic to get the AC fixed. That only took 2 hours, and then on with our journey. We arrived at Moin’s house about 9:30pm. I met everyone then went straight to be. I could barely walk and was relieved to finally be in a nice warm bed. Tuesday Oct 16 I have been ... read more

Asia » Pakistan » Islamabad October 18th 2019

September 27, 2019 I’m on my way to Pakistan. I am flying from London Heathrow to Istanbul, Turkey, and then to Islamabad Pakistan. The purpose of this trip is 2 fold: To do a 2 week motorcycle trip through a PakistanAnd to play polo in the 104th FIP (Federation of International Polo) Ambassadors Cup in Lahore, Pakistan Our fearless leader on the motorcycle trip is Moin Khan. I was introd... read more
October 11 - Beautiful Tayler is born!
The Route through Northern Pakistan
Fitting right in with the locals!

Europe » Ireland September 12th 2019

September 12, 2019 I am currently in florida at my home in Wellington getting ready for a 7 week trip to Northern Ireland, Ireland, Wales and Pakistan. It’s a little disconnected, originally the plan was to go horseback riding in Ireland. However sincE my ultimate goal is to visit all of the countries in the world (I am currently at 83. ) I wanted to add a new country, I decided to add Wales. Once this first part of the trip was planned, I was invited to play polo in Lahore Pakistan from October 28 to November 3 As part of an FIP international polo tournament. How could I resist? So of course I said yes. I had 4 weeks to fill between Ireland and polo. I decided to do a motorcycle trip through pakistan. My ... read more
The Johnson Clan
Tim Hortons in. Belfast - YES!!!!
Riding in Antrim County

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito October 29th 2018

Having completed a fantastic trip to the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, I have decided to do a motorcycle trip from Osorno, Chile to Ushuaia, Argentina. Adventure Pantagonia 21 days elapsed,19 day riding route DAY 1:Arrival in OsornoDAY 2:... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos October 29th 2018

GALAPAGOS This year I am starting a seven-week trip to South America. The first 2 weeks are in Ecuador, starting in Quito, and doing an 8 day visit to the Galagos, and then return to Quito. I will be travelling with my girlfriend Patty. In fact, Patty was the inspiration for this part of the trip. She loves animals, and is fascinated by Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection, which was initially conceived in 1835 by his visit to the Galapagos. Following the Galapagos part of the trip, Patty will be returning to Toronto, and I will be travelling to Chile to do a motorcycle trip from Osorno, Chile to Ushuaia, Argentina. Our itinerary is as follows: Nov 5, 2018 Quito We were met on arrival and transferred to your hotel. Today we visited the historic city ... read more
Juvenile Frigate

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng November 27th 2015

Day 10 Vang Vieng - Luang Prabang A scenic road through the Luang Prabang mountain range with some challenging sections. The mountains and the pass roads get higher and higher, that means it is gettig cooler. Our hotel in Luang Prabang, the religious capitol of Laos with its old French center is wonderful and we can stay two nights here to get some rest. Day 11 Rest day Luang Prabang One day to relax! Some did an elephant ride in the morning, some explored the old town of Luang Prabang and went shopping on the night market and some went for an extra off road loop through the jungle. We all had a great day. Day 12 Luang Prabang - Luang Namtha The toughest day of the trip, 320 km through the mountains, with a stretch ... read more
Cracking  nuts with the locals
Every family member helps out

Asia » Laos November 11th 2015

November 11 - 2015 Arrived at the Tide Resort Hotel in Chon Buri, an ocean front resort on the Gulf of Thailand for local Thai people (very few foreigners). This is the starting point for our Edelweiss tour through Southeast Asia. In our group are 11 individuals from 6 countries: Mike - our guide from Germany. Foa senior Guide with Edelweiss.rmerlly an architectect, he packed in his day job 15 years ago and is Neil Bradley - Great Britain. A surgeon from England specializing in leg surgeries. Mike Egan - Canada David Maslen - Great Britain - Investor. Just got his motorcycle license last month, but rode when he was young. Geoffrey Pullen - Great Britain - Dentist and motorcycler Nick Richards - Great Britain . Hotel entrepreneur and double marathon runner. Markus Ricolli - CH ... read more
Piglets for dinner

Asia October 29th 2015

November 1 - Nov 28, 2015 Viet Nam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos This trip is in 2 parts: Part 1 - A motorcycle trip for 5 days (Nov 4 - 9) in the mountainous country around Hanoi. I am going to Hanoi by myself, but have hired a local guide to go with me. We will be riding Yamaha 125cc bikes. Part 2 - I booked a 17 day trip (Nov 11 - 27) through Edelweiss Motorcycle Tours . I will meet a group of 10 riders in Bangkok on Nov 11, and we will commence a motorcycle tour from Bangkok, through Thailand to Cambodia, then through Laos, and finally re-entering Thailand in the North ending the trip in Chaing Mai. I departed from Toronto on November 1, flew to Hong Kong (15 hours) and (after a ... read more
Wat Arun - Bangkok
Happy Buddha!
My fearless leader - Hoa

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík May 22nd 2013

This blog is only 2 years late - better late than never! I am on my way to Asia so look for my new blog , coming soon! May 22, 2013 Toronto After another great season in Florida, winning 4 polo tournaments ( 1 - 12 goal, 2 - 6 goals, and 1 - 4 goal), watching Zacara winning the US Open, entertaining many guests from Toronto, I returned to Canada refreshed an ready for my spring trip. This year, my oldest son, Jeff (who lives in Nanaimo, BC), is joining me on a motorcycle trip to Iceland. Following Iceland economic problems stemming from the 2008 European meltdown, the country has been promoting tourism. One of their ads caught my eye, so I googled motorcycling in Iceland and came across the Biking Vikings (www.bikingviking.is). There was ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Paro May 2nd 2012

The Road to Tibet, ....I mean Bhutan - Part 2 April 25, Pokhara to Janakur, Nepal After an enjoyable stay back at the Temple Tree hotel in Pokhara, we are ready to continue our journey. We have 3 long days averaging about 360 kms per day, which doesn't sound like much, but over here that is between 8 and 10 hours driving time, a long time on a motorcycle over horrendous, dusty, busy roads. The first leg is Pokhara to Janukpur. Rabi arranged for special accommodation at a guest house located inside a Leprosy treatment center. My first encounter with leprosy was on my last visit to Nepal when we raised money for the Sewa Kendra leprosy center in Kathmandu. The chief medical officer and nurse gave us a tour of the facility. There were over ... read more
Parasailing in Pokhara
Fresh Orange/Pomeganted Juice at the Indian Border
Learning to clean at an early age

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