Polo in Lahore, Pakistan

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Asia » Pakistan » Lahore
November 2nd 2022
Published: January 1st 2024
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I went to the hospital to get X-rays and see what the damage is from my motorcycle crash. The doctor said I fractured 3 ribs, 6,7, and 8, on my right side. I told me not to travel for a week, and gave me 5 different prescriptions for pain, antibiotics, acid reflux, etc.

The next day, we said our goodbyes, and four of us got into Moin’s Land Rover for the 4 hour drive to Lahore. Our first stop was the Ato mechanic to get the AC fixed. That only took 2 hours, and then on with our journey. We arrived at Moin’s house about 9:30pm. I met everyone then went straight to be. I could barely walk and was relieved to finally be in a nice warm bed.

Tuesday Oct 16

I have been here for 3 days. It feels like 3 of the most relaxing days. Of my life! Living in their beautiful home are:

Moin and his Vietnamese/American wife

Moey and his lovely wife, and their 2 children. Zara 3, and Wally, 7

Moin’s parents Jamal and

And me, the white guy

I have my own Bedroom and ensuite.

The living room is the gathering spot. Any time day or night I can go down there, and there is usually someone to talk to. They have full time kitchen staff, si if I need anything I just need to ask. This is difficult for me since I am used to getting things for myself, but I’m getting in to the swing of tings.

Breakfast is whenever you wake up. Usually coffee, toast , eggs, and fruit. Lunch is at 2 and diners is at 9. Yesterday I was feeling better, so Moin , Moey, and myself went to the barber shop to get cleaned up after our trip. WE each got a haircut and shave, and I also had a head and shoulders massage. I felt like a new man.

Today we went to Moin’s cousins house. Hi cousin is an orthopaedic surgeon, who did his school in New Zealand, and practiced there for 15 years. He just returned to Lahore t be with his family and to work in public health. His cousins father is a heart surgeon. He joined us after my review. Bye is an amazing person. He was the Minister of health for the previous administration for Pakistan.

The good news is that he said my injury is not as bad as originally thought. In fact he invited me out to play golf, and said I might even be able to play polo.

Toady was a lazy morning, slept til 9:30, had breakfast, read my book - The forty rules of love Moins mother gave it to me. I’m not sure if she was trying to tell me something, or whether she just thought I might find it interesting. It is about the Sufi’s which are a very liberal type of Muslim. It is written by a Turkish woman, but has relevance to life in Pakistan.

In the afternoon Moin and I went shopping for clothes for the Polo tourweek. All I had were jeans and T-shirt’s for the motorcycle trip so I needed to get some nice clothes for the social events. I ended up buying a nice sports jacket, 2 dress shirts, a belt, and leather dress shoes for about $90. Not bad.

The next afternoon, we went to the Wagah Border closing. This is a daily event that has happening every day since 1959. It is held at the border between Pakistan and India, about 30 minutes from where I am staying. It starts about 2 hours before sunset, and signals the closing of the border for the day. As you probably know, Indians and Pakistans have not gotten along since their independndance from Britain in 1947.

We were there for about 2 hours. We had an opportunity to see the last group cross the border from India. It was a family of 9 Sikhs with all there bags. Not sure exactly where they were going?

On each side of the border, each country had a stadium where people would come to cheer their side on. Music was very loud on each side, each trying to outdo the other.At the time of closing, each side would. Lower their flags in a very formmal way. There was a bit of a competition to see who could lower the flag the quickest..

Then each side would have there guards do a fairl aggressive routine to try to say to the other side that we are better than you.

It was obviously choreographed between each side, but keep in mind that they do not like each other. Of all my travels in the world, this is one of the most amazing things I have ever watched.

Another day I went with Moin to see the motorcycle racing track that he has built to promote enduro racing among young people in the country. It is obviously a passion for him and has been quite successful.

I have eaten most of my meals with the family, however I was invited to dinner at Aga Aly Mukaza’s house on 2 occasions an met his wife and 2 of his children, Musa and Adam. His 3rd son Hashim goes to Brockets Unicersity near Toronto in Canada. Aga is a member of the polo club, and is also a key organizer of the AmbassCup Polo Tournament.

Another evening, I went to Dinner at Faaiz Khan’s house. Faaiz is a former polo player, but had an accident and is not playing any more. Faaiz’s had some beautiful equestrian art n his house. I mentioned to him that I was looking for some Pakistan art featuring Buzkashii for my house in Florida. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture that I had found on the internet about 2 years ago. He laughed and pulled his phone and showed me a picture by the same artist, and said “something like this?” It turned out that he knew the artist. So the next day, he the the artist, Momin, and found theat he had one piece left in stock, and send me a copy. I loved it, so I ordered it. It arrived 2 days later and I loved it.

Monday was an easy day.

On Tuesday, we went to the polo club for a press conference. It was in their beautiful clubhouse. The Ambassador Cup tournament was being done in conjunction with a Charity event called Polo in Pink. There was press from every major English speaking newspaper. Agha Ali Made the introductions, including the FIP representation from Iran,

The Players were:

United Staets

Joe Meyer and his wife, Susan

Dr Tan

Great Britain


Andy cork


Costa Rica

Francisco Escobar and his wife Isabella

Ronald and his wife Maria




Mike Egan

David Payne





The president of the polo club, the Chairman of the event, and some of the main sponsors. Each of these individuals made a brief speech, and the it was handed over to the floor for questions. One of the questions was why did all of the visiting players want to come to Pakistan to play. So the moderator handed the mike over and each player had an opportunity to comment. The next day there were articles and photos in each of the papers.

Following the press conference, the first of 2 games commenced. Fortunately I was playing in the second game as it was very hot. We won the game, and I had 3 goals and set up 2 others. I was very fortunate that the owners of the team Sponsor - Diamond Paints, Husaifffa and Schoeb were good players, But more important, provided us with good horses. After trying several horses, I chose - Vodka, Sensation, Vanessa and Mary Poppins. I could not have been more pleased. Very often when I travel to play polo, we are given horses that are not very good. Consequently, it is difficult to play to your handicap, but also it is a lot more work.

Thursday, we went to a place called Mona Depot, which is about 2 hours west of Lahore. Mona Depot is an Army facilitywhere they breed Mules for use in the mountainous border areas. There are currently about 4,000 mules actively being used mostly in the Pakistan - Afghanistan border region. A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. They are very sur footed and also mute.

At the facility they also breed sheep, Toroughbred Horses, Polo horses and donkeys. They have about 10,000 acres that is maintained beautilly. The commanding Colonal gave a prostration about the histor and current activity’s at theDepot.This was followed by a horse and buggy tour of the property. Afeter returning to the starting pony were were treated to a buffet lunch in the garden, and entertained by local musicians and crafts people.

My motorcycle guides grandfather was a colonal there in the early 70’s and set up a world class veterinary clinic.

Friday was another polo match. We played against ..... and won 6 to 3 .

Sunday was the big day. We had secured a position in the finals. The Presint of Pakistan was there to watch the game. Consethere was a lot of security

The festivities started at 1 pm, with a horses parade, tent pegging and a model Airoplane exhition. Tent pegging is a traditional sport that goes back to the Moghul days, when they would charge through the enemies tent village and use a spear to remove the tent pegs, thus collapsing the tents.

Our match started at 2;30. It was a very fast paced game resulting in an 8-6 win by our team. It was a very good team effort with each of us playing well. I had 2 good goals. Following he game were the award presentation, with the trophies being presented by the President of Pakistan. When the president printed me with a trophy, he asked how my rids were, as I played with 3 broken ribs from my motorcycle accidentWhat an amazing finish to a great week@


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