Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz February 10th 2023

(Day 225 on the road) After my stint in the Amazon, I headed to the coast for a while, to the small - but not very pretty - surfer town of Huanchaco (and the awesome nearby pre-Inka ruins of Chan Chan). I ended up staying a few days longer than I had planned, as the road to my next destination - Huaraz, high up in the Andes - was blocked by protesters. So I was stuck for a while waiting for the road to be cleared. I did manage to find a nice room with a view of the sea (plus a nearby hostel with morning yoga classes and a great vegetarian restaurant), but unfortunately my room also overlooked the road running between my hotel and the ocean. Now, the thing about city streets in Peru ... read more
Plaza Mayor in Trujillo
The perfect hat
Quechua woman

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Huascaran National Park August 15th 2018

Country number three, Peru! No points for guessing the main place to visit here, but some points for those who know of The Huascaran National Park and the main city of Huaraz located 8hrs by bus North East of Lima! This area is the highest point in the Andes and has excellent opportunities for day hikes and multi day treks and is where the famous mountain logo from the Paramount movies is located. Our stay in Lima was brief, we only saw a very small portion of Mira Flores in less than a day before catching the overnight bus to Huaraz. We had instant mountain views from our room and the temptation to visit immediately was there but first we had to spend a few days acclimatising. We had several day treks planned and our first ... read more
Pura Raimonfii
Laguna 69 Trek Landscape

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz » Huascaran National Park June 1st 2018

Huaraz (25/05/2018-03/06/2018) I wandered the empty streets of Huaraz at 5.30am in the dark looking for my hostel, but I felt totally safe. I climbed the steep cobble-stone street up to Alpes Hostel, gasping for breath (oh hello, altitude issues!) and checked in to this beautiful hostel. Whilst searching the long corridors (and many floors) for the baños, I accidentally stumbled onto the hostel rooftop... where there was a gorgeous sunrise over the surrounding jagged, snow-capped mountains. Wow.. Huaraz, you are beautiful! What a view! Still tired from the lack of sleep on the night bus, I napped in the cold, breakfast room until 9pm when the staff (so much love for the staff here) let me check in early. I went for a second nap (in my bed this time) before rising at 11am to ... read more
Preparing The Pozo
Thermal Baths

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 17th 2017

Myself, Jana and Dane, an American dude from the midwest did this trek together. Originally, I'd planned on doing it myself, but afterwards I was glad that I'd decided to join then. Lorena really fucked me up emotionally. All I wanted to do was retreat into my shell of comfort...It was a strenuous, but beautiful trek. What kind of bothered me was that fact that Dane's schedule dictated the trek. He needed to be somewhere in said days, so it felt like we were rushing the whole time and didn't really get a chance to enjoy the moment. I lost my tent poles on the ride back to Huaraz. It was a bonehead moved that happened due to fatigue. We had pizza the night we made it back to the hostel. It was a memorable moment ... read more
Beautiful People
Beautiful People

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz November 15th 2017

I was in Huaraz hanging around, looking around for info on treks. I met back up with Jana and met a couple of Americans. We went out for their birthday at an Indian spot. It was ok masala. I remembered messaging Ivan and he told me about Laguna 69. So, I decided to take a day trip there with a group of people from the hostel. The hike to the lake was long for me, but the lake was amazing. I've never seen water like that before. So clear...... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Huayhuash June 10th 2017

Well it's been a while since we've had a big adventure due to an unfortunate incident snowboarding last year, but things finally mended, and after a more relaxing holiday to the Maldives (which i have to say was amazing - great snorkelling), i managed to coax Tarryn (and her mum) into the idea of a trek that had long been on my mind (since the start of this entire blog in fact!). The plan was to return to Peru and, after acclimatising for a few days in Huaraz (perhaps my favourite location in Peru from previous trip) hit the infamous Cordillera Huayhuash (infamous for the 'Touching the Void' story) and do the famous circuit. The only slight catch being that we'd do it unsupported and carry all our food (or at least food till we got ... read more
Peak of Yerapuja
Suila summit close up
Arrival meal in Lima

South America » Peru » Ancash January 1st 2017

8 heures de bus plus tard nous arrivons à Huaraz, une ville de montagne nichée entre la Cordillera Blanca et la Cordillera Negra à environ 3 090m d'altitude. En venant au Pérou nous savions que nous allions côtoyer des altitudes auxquelles nous ne sommes pas habitué et nous nous étions renseigné au sujet du fameux sorroche, le mal des montagnes. Malgré nos précautions, il est vrai que nous nous sommes surpris à être un peu engourdis à notre arrivée et surtout à être essoufflés en montant les escaliers de notre auberge ! On décide alors de prendre notre temps pour nous acclimater avec petites balades dans la ville, randonnées progressives et surtout infusion de coca. EL MERCADO CeNTRAL Le marché de Huaraz comme il en existe dans toutes les villes principales au Pérou. Tout est organisé ... read more
Huaraz by night
Laguna 69
Huaraz centre

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 28th 2016

Have you ever been to Narnia?? We haven't either but it sure felt close enough. Trekking in south america is a highly popular activity that travellers from all around the world come to try. Huaraz is definitely one of the most popular places in Peru to see some stunning scenery. Apparently its home to one the best mountain ranges in the world and also the mountain in the Paramount Pictures logo that you see at the beginning of films. From Mancora we took an overnight bus to a town called Chimbote - 11 hours away. Around 8am our bus stopped in Trujillo and everyone got off. Just waking up, we were a bit confused as to what was happening. After asking the driver, we were told we needed to catch a another bus but had to ... read more
Epic Glaciers of Huaraz
After making it to the lake, we thought we had seen it all. How wrong!
Hopping over the ice cold lakes

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 5th 2015

Huaraz is a small town that is central for hiking in the Cordillera Blanco. It is the base for the Santa Cruz trek (4D, 3N) & for smaller day trips out from the town. Me & Jin travelled together to here. How I got there: Booked our tickets with Linea for S/.25 at the agent in Huanchaco - you need your passport (or at least the number) to complete the booking. The bus left at 8am from the Linea terminal in Trujillo on Avenue America. So we had to catch a "H" (no heart!) bus from Huanchaco at 6.30am in order to be at the terminal on time as the trip takes 1 hour. Tell the conductor you want Linea/Av America & they stop right outside the station - the agent wrote it down for us ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash July 25th 2015

Day 58 More desert, first puncture (kinda), and celebrating Peru’s Independence Day in our own way Distance driven today: 265 miles / 426 km Cumulative distance driven: 10,608 miles / 17,071 km Today’s trip: Huanchaco to Huacho, Peru Repaired rear tire puncture: in less than 10 min As soon as we left Huancaco just outside Trujillo, we entered the desert again. Once again we rode with strong side winds wanting to push the bike over, and with a fair amount of sand blowing intro our helmets, and onto our clothes. When we reached the city of Chimbote a few hours, we decided that it was time for us to buy a Peruvian flag and mount it on our bike. Below is the context for that decision. July 28 is the day when Peru commemorates that it ... read more
Desert north of Chimbote
The culprit
The tire repair

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