Blogs from Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru, South America - page 2


South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 22nd 2012

I was going to name this post ‘The day I had to dig deep and put my big girl panties on!’, but James didn’t think that was suitable for a post that also includes him! We did the popular Laguna 69 hike on the 4th day in Haurez, which meant that we were both pretty much acclimatized (or so we thought), and were ready for some leg stretching. It is hard to say or write Laguna 69 without inserting a winking emoticon but apparently the 69 had nothing to do with what you think – but more of a lets-just-give-it-a-number and we’ll name it later, kind of situation. We had an early pick up from our hostel and together with a bus full of other travelers, made the 3 hour trip up to the national park. ... read more
Team green and khaki
Mountain Stream
First Laguna

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca May 30th 2012

A week ago, I hadn’t heard of Vallunaraju. I’d barely heard of Huaraz, to be honest, having not really focussed on the itinerary beyond the end of the then-current leg of our Dragoman expedition in Lima. The friends leaving us there were of more concern than what might lie in wait for us once we escaped the grey drabness of Peru’s capital. Now I’ve gazed on her peaks and dared to aspire to conquer her. I’ve trudged through her snowfields and peered down her icicle-ringed crevasses. I’ve heard the wind whistle across her base camp and flap our lightweight tent so viciously that we half-feared we’d be suffocated in the night. We didn’t arrive in Huaraz with the intention of doing much more than maybe a day’s horse-riding. Lima had been far from tranquil, and we ... read more
colourful mosses
what a colour!
pretty in orange

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 25th 2011

La Cordillère Blanche est un massif montagneux des Andes péruviennes qui s'étend sur 180 kilomètres de longueur et comprend 35 sommets d'une altitude supérieure à 6 000 mètres. Son qualificatif de « blanche » vient de sa neige éternelle et de la couleur de la roche qui la compose, le quartz et le feldspath. Le Huascarán, avec 6’768 mètres d'altitude, est le point culminant de la cordillère et du Pérou. Il fait également partie d’un parc national du même nom, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco en 1985. Certains décrivent la Cordillère Blanche comme la plus belle cordillère du monde. Pour nous, néophytes, difficile à juger. Cependant, du peu qu’on en a vu, tout de même une semaine passée dans la région, cela pourrait bien paraître justifié ! Les montagnes sont grandioses, les couleurs des lacs ... read more
La voilà, la Cordillère Blanche, de loin
Ruelles de Caraz, la mamma à droite avec son bébé dans le dos et les mototaxis à gauche
Laguna de Parõn, spectacle de couleurs

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 5th 2011

The last two days have been spent climbing Vallunaraju and surround peaks. It was about a two hour drive even though it is probably about 20 miles and then a several hour climb to where the guide and myself set up base camp. Just reaching this camping area and viewing the surrounding landscape great. After a few hours of restlesss sleep at this altitude it was off to the climb at 12:30. Very cold and somewhat difficult we spent the next 12 hours climbing and trekking in the area. The pics do a much better job of showing the area then I could do with words.... read more
Base Camp View
Base Camp View - 1
Follow the Guide

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 30th 2011

Today was one of the best day hikes ever. Changed to do Laguna 69 as there were some hikers headed there. You have to travel 3 hours by transport first and then are dropped off at about 10,000 feet. You have to hike it from there about 6-7 miles one way but the reward is incredible. This is a clear blue green lake nestled at about 15,000 feet +. There are a few (very few) level places on the trail and the rest is zigzagging up some steep terrain. It takes about 4 hours up, two back and then the return ride which of course does not leave when you get there. Finally back in Huaraz and beat. Will post more tomorrow as I am doing a short trek just to keep working towards climatization. Today ... read more
Another shot from the bus
Arriving at the start point
Starting Point

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca May 18th 2011

Last days of travel.... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca April 20th 2011

On our way up north we were unsure of our next stop but heard many good things about Huaraz so we decided to stop there. We arrived at six in the morning and were greeted by a tour guide/hostel worker. He provided us with a cheap hostel and on our way tried to get us to sign up for a four day trek tour that goes through the huge mountain pass of Cordillera Blanca. We were tired and ready for bed and not thinking very clearly we decided, why not. Turns outs it was a great desicion. We spent that day walking around Huaraz then relaxing in the thermal baths, getting ready for the big trek. Day 1- The first day we drove a couple hours until we reached the mountain range, then we started hiking ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 23rd 2010

To continue my bombardment of blogging while I have the motivation... After a lovely catch up with my mum I decided to make a quick trip to Huaraz before the rainy season kicked in... or so I thought. One of the guy's from La Paz was already there and the girl I did the Colca Trek with was going so I hopped up there to try and meet them and trek together. It's the first time I've ever gone somewhere purely for one thing and I felt a little bad about not seeing or doing more. But with my time of just a week before some friends were returning to Lima, I went, I walked and I came back, sick,again. I could say more, but since this I've learnt a lot from a return to La ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 14th 2010

Dneska jsme byli vzhuru asi v 6, protoze jsme nemohli spat kvuli desti. Mame tady v Peru obdobi destu - az do brezna, a to v horach znamena, ze prsi dost casto. Moc jsme toho nenaspali, ale snidane nam spravilachut - fazole z konzervy s chlebam, pro Kacku lemsip proti nachlazeni a cajdu. Sbalili jsme se a vyrazil kolem 7 na trek. Cekalo nas zdolat prevyseni skoro 1 kilometru- Paria byla asi 3.800 a nejvyssi bod Punta Union 4760. To je stoupani a pak po prekonani prusmyku jen dolu. Vcera jsme sli pred dalsi skupinou turistu, ti uz byli brzy rano na ceste a tak jsme byli zvedavi kam dneska dojdou oni a kam my. My sli solo, oni s pruvodcem a oslikami, kteri jim nesli veskerou vybavu - jo, lenivci... Zacatek byl jeste v pohode, ... read more
kolem nas/around us
kolem nas/around us
kolem nas/around us

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca November 13th 2010

Na najblizsich par dni sme si naplanovali zdolat Santa Cruz trek, ktory trva 3 - 4 dni, ide cez Cordilera Blanca a je povazovany za najkrajsi v tejto oblasti. Den predtym sme si nakupili, zbalili vsetko co sme potrebovali a o 6.30 rano sme plni ocakavania sedeli v autobuse. Meskali sme len 10 minut a to kvoli sliepkam, ktore trebalo vylozit na strechu. Nase nadsenie vsak netrvalo dlho, pretoze na konci ulice autobus opat zastavil a tentoraz na dobrych 45 minut - dalsia nakladna na strechu, tentoraz nejake plechy. O 7.30 sme konecne z Huarazu vyrazili, za mestom este trebalo podplatit policajtov za prilis velky naklad na streche, ale to bola uz len taka malickost. Do nasho cielu - Vaquerie sme nakoniec dorazili s 2 a pol hodinovym meskanim, ale na to si tu uz pomaly ... read more
ranajky/ breakfast
kolik psu vidis/how many dogs can u c
Cordillera blanca

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