Tracy and Eric


Tracy and Eric

Currently Eric and I just finished up teaching English in Chile for a year and are now traveling around South America. We dont know exactly where we are going or when we will be home, and that is a beautiful feeling!

North America » United States » Oregon » Klamath Falls July 12th 2012

After a long month of school Eric and I decided to take a break by going into the sky lakes basin wilderness for three days. Not really knowing much about it we left with our trusty GPS and enough food for three days. Our hike in was relatively easy. It was about five miles until we reached the first lake. We found our campsite pretty quickly, but decided to put down our packs and hike around for awhile just in case we found another one. We hiked for about half a mile until we found the next lake. After searching we decided to go back to the first site we saw. We quickly put up the tent then headed to the lake for a swim. We were the only humans for miles so we decided the ... read more
My Rainbow
Our Camp
After A Long Hike

South America » Colombia » Cartagena May 15th 2011

Our last stop in South America. It has been a great trip, all the way from the tip of Patagonia to the far North of the continent by bus, it has been a good ride. The first thing we did in Cartagena was search for a boat. Our plan was to take a boat all the way from South America to Central America. It took us a couple calls but we found one for a reasonable price and it seemed like the boat was going to be a good boat. After that was accomplished we spent the next couple of days at the beach. It is sooooo hot in Cartagena that I could barley stand it. Not only was it over 105 degrees everyday but the water is also very hot. Getting in the water does ... read more
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South America » Colombia » Taganga May 10th 2011

Taganga is the sort of place that you get "stuck", which is exactly what happend to us. Our plan was to stay for a couple of days and we ended up staying for almost a week. Taganga is a small beach town on the northern coast. We were really interested in diving so the first thing we did was look into it. Apparently it is one of the cheapest places in the world to get certified so we figured if we don't do it now we never will. The first day we signed up for the coarse and got started. The first thing we did was watch these really boring videos. We tried to watch as many as possible that first day so we didn't have to watch them later. By the time we were finished ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca April 20th 2011

On our way up north we were unsure of our next stop but heard many good things about Huaraz so we decided to stop there. We arrived at six in the morning and were greeted by a tour guide/hostel worker. He provided us with a cheap hostel and on our way tried to get us to sign up for a four day trek tour that goes through the huge mountain pass of Cordillera Blanca. We were tired and ready for bed and not thinking very clearly we decided, why not. Turns outs it was a great desicion. We spent that day walking around Huaraz then relaxing in the thermal baths, getting ready for the big trek. Day 1- The first day we drove a couple hours until we reached the mountain range, then we started hiking ... read more
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South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 9th 2011

After 16 months in South America without seeing any family(besides Tracy of course), it was very nice to see some familiar faces when my Mom came to visit us with her best friend Janet. We did some more exploring around Cuzco for the first couple days, going to museums, ruins, and some very nice restaurants(also something we haven’t seen in 16 months). Apparently my Mom and Monica had conspired to surprise us with her presence when she arrived unannounced the next day. After a short reunion, we left for the Valle Sagrada, the Sacred Valley of the Incas. This was a very important central location of the Incan Empire where there are hundreds of ruins all over the valley. Ollantaytambo - We first went to Ollantaytambo where lies the Temple of the Sun. A massive pyramid-like ... read more
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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Sorata March 25th 2011

We took a day trip from La Paz to Tiwanaku, which is about an hour and a half away. Tiwanaku is a pre-Inca civilization that created a massive stone structure where they lived. We walked around their site for a couple hours and what I found fascinating was all the statues they built out of stone and also the carvings they did in the stone. They were a very talented civilization, so talented that later the Incas took their architecture and used it as their own. On our way back from the site we were riding in a local collectivio, or van and on one of our stops we pick up someone and loaded a lamb in a blanket on top of the van, then it started to rain. We all felt very bad for the ... read more
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South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre March 21st 2011

Oh how we loved Sucre! It is a beautiful town nestled by surrounding mountains. Sucre is a very modern town for Bolivia. We were still traveling with our new friends so we were able to explore the town with them. The first day we arrived we walked around the city a little, then went up to a wonderful viewpoint. It was quite a climb because this was our first stop at high elevation and we were not use to the low oxygen level. Once we arrived at the top we could see everything. There are very nice buildings in Sucre, a colonial town so most of the buildings are painted white. On our way back into town we witnessed a school riot going on. It consisted of angry college students mad about the high tuition prices. ... read more
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After crossing the border from Brazil into Bolivia, we took an old train to Santa Cruz, the most modern city in Bolivia. We met some cool people from Vancouver, Wash. DC, and London and left town after a few hours to the mountain village of Samaipata. The scenery was stunning on the way up there. Thick lush green jungle clinging to steep cliffs carved out by waterfalls and rivers red from the crimson earth of Eastern Bolivia. The ride was a bit scary, passing trucks at high speeds on muddy roads with 100 ft cliffs everywhere. We stayed at the first hotel we could find as it was pouring and it only cost US 2 dollars. The rain kept us indoors so we went to a small family restaurant and ordered beers and played cards for ... read more
living quarters
under the falls

South America » Brazil » Mato Grosso do Sul » Bonito March 13th 2011

The Pantanal, one of those things that I am glad I did, but will never do again. The pantanal is a swampy area full of animals and lots of insects. We decided to do a three-day two-night tour. The first day it took us a while to get out there and we didn’t arrive until dinnertime. When we got close to arriving we learned that the pantanal has been flooding and we had to take a boat to our campsite. This consisted of fitting ten people in a tiny boat and having a guide try to push us through the water. When we finally arrived on our island we had dinner then went out for our first adventure, a night boat ride. During this ride we saw many different kinds of animals including alligators, or caimans ... read more
Hiking waist deep
baby alligator

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador March 3rd 2011

Carnaval in Salvador, where do I start? It was a week full of drinking, dancing, and that's about it. The first day we arrived we found our hostel and quickly made friends with everyone in our hostel. We figured we are going to need a strong group of friends to survive the week. That day we went to pick up our "shirts" or tickets for a bloco. The blocos are moving stages packed with enough amplification equipment for a large rock concert. On top of the blocos are the most popular bands in Brazil. Behind the bloco's there is a gated off area or I should say roped off area where if you have a shirt you can have the protection from the people. On every side of the blocos for as far as the street ... read more

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