Blogs from Arica & Parinacota, Chile, South America


South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica November 22nd 2018

Another relaxed start to the day. The hotel was relatively busy and had a full table of German speaking tourists this morning. We had to wait a few minutes to have breakfast. The Swiss couple from yesterday came out, so we took their place. Gradually people left until just one other couple was left, so I asked them “Sprechen sie Englisch” and they did, so we started conversing, they are from Austria and traveling in Chile for 3 weeks. We have met so many nice, like-minded people on this trip. We left on schedule at 09:00 and our first stop was the small town of Socoroma which was the closest town to the epicenter of the earthquake in 2007 and was mainly destroyed but has since been restored with help from the Government. The building are ... read more

Up earlier than we needed to be this morning so it was very relaxed. Met a nice Swiss couple, Helen and Henry, who do a lot of traveling. They have spent quite a lot of time in Australia as well. We left the hotel on schedule at 09:00 and drove back into Lauca NP and stopped at a trail that ran along a series of caves and this was like the vizcacha hotel as we saw a lot of them, mainly sleeping on the rock ledges. The trail was a circuit and crossed the highway and on the other side we saw many different bird species. Left there at 10:20 and as usual stopped a couple of times for photo opportunities before stopping at the main site for today, Lake Chungara. Throughout the morning we had ... read more

Arica et le parc national Lauca du 23 au 27 septembre Après une nuit de bus nous sommes à Arica qui sera surtout une étape pour nous permettre de louer une voiture (et oui on y est arrivé!!!) et de faire les courses pour les 3 prochains jours de road trip. On aura quand même pris le temps de se balader un peu, d'apprécier les rues piétonnes et de visiter la cathédrale San Marcos construite par Gustave Eiffel. Enfin elle est en réparation, et on s'est fait dégagé au bout de 35 secondes, mais sinon elle était belle ! Le lendemain matin nous voilà parti à bord de notre bolide, un beau pick-up tout blanc flambant ancien. La route pour le parc lauca défile. Nous passons les géoglyphes de Lluta, qui ne sont rien d'autres que ... read more

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica April 3rd 2016

The non-punctuality of the overnight buses in South America is something that you sort of get used to. They are never on time and there have been instances where they've turned up an hour late. Driving into Arica, me and the 2 lads I was travelling with were told that we would arrive for 8 in the morning. Although early it was still a good time to grab a taxi and head to the hostel as the reception staff would be awake and eager to take us in. However the bus drove into the bus depot at half past 5. Even the most alert receptionist would probably not answer the door when rung, but undeterred we hailed a taxi and gave the address and by 6 we were outside the hostel. Ringing the bell, we heard ... read more

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica January 31st 2016

R: we're writing this one more for completeness really. We had some difficulties getting away from Cusco, as it's becoming clear to us that we have chosen quite a complex route and maybe we should have let the connections lead us, rather than our wish list. Anyway, we intended to fly to the southern border then cross into Chile before moving on to the Atacama desert. Not wanting to waste too much time on buses we booked a flight to Tacna, but had to go back to Lima first with Peruvian airlines. They had gotten us to Cusco well enough (despite having realy old planes). But the day before we were due to leave, they abruptly cancelled our flight and rescheduled us so we were doing the border at night. Well, we had no choice, so ... read more
Monument to surfing
Elaborate Customs building
VW Library

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica May 8th 2015

From Lauca National Park in Chile’s northern extreme, we descended over four and a half thousand metres to the city of Arica at sea level. Pop went the ears and bang went the lungs! We went from the cold and icy, windswept and barren Andean Altiplano to the hot, expansive and treeless sand of the super-dry Atacama Desert in a couple of hours. We sported our super-hero capes as our oxygen levels increased and our extra red blood cells (that we had spent the last four weeks making at the high altitudes) cried: ‘hurray!’. Renting bikes in Arica and peddling up the hills was no large task for the two super-hero gringos! A little further down the Chilean coast, we stopped in the city of Iquique, also in the desert. There was a peaceful protest in ... read more
The Palm-lined Streets
Dead Seal

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica February 9th 2015

Today I took my flight from Santiago to La Paz. I’d left my packing to the last minute which made the morning more stressful than it needed to be, but I’d packed my food for the airport the night before, got the metro at rush hour with all my backpacks, got a bus from the centre to the airport, checked my luggage in and got through security with plenty of breaks for coffee and plenty of time to relax. Security was relaxed. The only items that were prohibited on the plane were explosives, sharp objects and fizzy drinks. I suppose the liquid laws haven’t reached Chile yet, and perhaps terrorism from Islamic groups is non-existent here. The first flight which took about 2 hours dropped us off in the middle of the desert in Iquique, still ... read more

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica January 28th 2015

Terminamos nuestros tres días de paseo en la playa de Arica, Chile... Fue un cambio increíble después del frío y la altura del altiplano. El cuerpo y la mente se alegran en el calor y el nivel del mar. El viaje en bus que nos trajo hasta Arica fue increíble: 8 horas de viaje por el desértico altiplano que comunica a Bolivia con Chile, paisajes deshabitadados de humanos, solo algunas pocas sencillas casitas y manadas de coloridas llamas, hasta llegar al punto limite de Bolivia y Chile, el hermoso lago chungara, rodeado por grandes picos nevados que se imponen sobre el árido y plano paisaje, y además, la cantidad de aves y animales que trae el agua, entre ellos cientos de flamingos rosados!.... Todos habitan en este inhóspito lugar. Fascinante todo, hasta que llegamos a la ... read more
Muelle de pescadores
La playa
Momia de 8000 años de edad

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica January 23rd 2015

23.01.15 nach Green Bakers Lodge Der Tag war wunderschön, warm, prima Wetter. Zuerst die unglaublichen Serpentinen, die von oben gesehen so toll ausschauen. Den Rest des Tages entlang des Sees “General Carrera” und nur am Schluss noch über einige Berge zu dem Fluss an dem unsere Lodge lag. Leider war die Straße sehr befahren und jedes Auto, das uns entgegen kam, hüllte die Straße in eine Staubwolke - die war manchmal so dicht, dass man erst mal gar nichts sah!!! Ich blieb manchmal einfach stehen und ein gemeiner Bus war so weit in der Mitte, dass ich in den Graben fahren musste. Werner, das Gruppenekel, war nicht so feige, er fuhr trotz Gegenverkehr munter weiter und es schmiss ihn. Was dann folgte, war ein Höhepunkt der Schauspielkunst. Die ganzen nächsten Tage humpelte er elendiglich daher, musste ... read more

South America » Chile » Arica & Parinacota » Arica January 4th 2015

On Friday we left La Paz in pouring rain to make the short one hour flight to Arica in Northern Chile. In just sixty minutes we came forward about sixty years, from the traditional culture of the Andes, unchanged in centuries, into the twenty first century. It was a pity about the rain because flying over the Andes would have been most scenic. However, once we were over the northern Chilean desert, the clouds cleared to reveal a land of sand. After ten minutes more, our Airbus soured over high dramatic sandstone sea cliffs, dropping vertically to the Pacific Ocean. The pilot headed out to sea a short way then made a sharp turn to approach the shore and the airstrip, sitting parallel to the sea, beneath massive high sand dunes. Any readers who saw the ... read more
El Morro de Arica
Pelicans in the fish market
Vultures on the rocks

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