Blogs from Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America


Being a travel completist became the nature of the whole exercise in the wake of a truly comprehensive travel history, and a recent world tour, and the lure of South America proved to be too strong to be able to resist, so resist I didn't, and was heading for Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia, the first point on the 2-nation South American itinerary. Santa Cruz came across as a substantial urban zone with a scattering of features which would really make it seem like an unacknowledged place on an offbeat traveller's world itinerary. The hub of all activity is more than likely 24th of September square, where the cathedral is located, along with a few urban features of note, from which you may gain your bearings, and head off further into the urban zone ... read more
Amboro National Park
The Salt Flats of Uyuni
La Paz

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Buena Vista December 20th 2022

I spent my last weekend in the northern part of Amboro National Park which is the entrance to the Amazonea. I had two days here so one day we went looking for wildlife and the other day I did a 6 hour trek to Mararacu Waterfalls. I stayed at a small family owned resort on the border of the park. They had lots of animals living on their ranch including peacocks who slept up in the lighted tree which was beautiful to watch. I came back to Santa Cruz in time for the big World Cup game. I was at a bar full of Argentinian fans so it was an exciting environment to watch them win. You could hear parties and fireworks for the rest of the night. While my time here has come to an ... read more
Love the birds!
Amboro National Park - trek to Mararacu Waterfalls
Amboro National Park - trek to Mararacu Waterfalls

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Samaipata December 5th 2022

I spent the weekend on Samaipata which is the start of the Amazonia region. It is lower altitude from La Paz and very lush. I stayed at a small hotel that has a huge garden to supply their restaurant. The first day I toured the garden, the small town and walked to a winery since there were no taxis. I didn’t realize it would be straight up hill. Even out of La Paz I was still climbing! The next day I took a hike in the Amboró National Park to see the giant ferns. The park is located in a unique geographical position where three different ecosystem converge: the Amazon, the north of the Chaco and the Andes. Amboró Park contains more than 800 species of birds, more than the US and Canada combined. There are ... read more
View from the 1750 Vineyard
Flowers in Bloom
Their newest wine is Sauvignon Blanc!

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz October 26th 2022

While Bolivia is much closer than Uganda it has been a challenge to actually get there. There is only one airline: Bolivian Air that regularly flies into the country. I would best describe them as Spirit Airlines of South America. My flight left out of Miami, but from a tired old terminal I had never been to before. i had an overnight flight to Santa Cruz, the largest city in Bolivia at 3.3M residents. I arrived at 5:00am and proceeded to get a Visa ($160 USD for Americans) and clear customs. I then had a 12 hour layover until the next flight. My original plan was to get the luggage checked back in and head into town to see the sites. But, there are currently protests going on in Santa Cruz making it very difficult to ... read more
Road Blocks
Road Blocks
Road Blocks

Suzanne here... Back in Santa Cruz, it was a relatively short walk to our hotel, the Backpacker Apart and Suites. It was fine. Clean and bright with very friendly staff. The only drawback was a pitiful shower. We went staight out to grab some lunch, keen to try Alexander's where we'd had coffee and cake at other branches before. This one proved to be miles out of town, and the food wasn't even that great tbh. Still, it was ok and did the job of giving us the energy to explore the town. I'll admit this didn't take long, but it is quite nice. After a wander, and freshening up at the hotel, came the most important decision of our day, where to have dinner. We were not bowled over by our choices so decided to ... read more
The main Plaza
Around the main Plaza
Around the main Plaza - Cathedral

David here... The flight from Sucre to Santa Cruz was easy and quick. The flight attendants didn't even have time to make coffee, much to my disappointment. As we had an early flight, we changed our original plan to stay in Santa Cruz and decided to go straight to Samaipata. Made more sense and would give us two days in Santa Cruz at the end. We landed at Santa Cruz and located the mini-bus into town, which left from Departures. The bus cost 6Bs each and was packed but 45 minutes later we were dropped off at the old bus terminal in the south of the city as we expected. On the bus Suzanne got talking with a Bolivian lad about his city, travelling and, unfortunately, Chelsea, who he supported, though we did suggest he should ... read more
Church on the main plaza
The hills around Samaipata
The hills around Samaipata

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz September 16th 2016

Fünfter Rundbrief: Zweite Etappe Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia Nachdem ich aus Brasilien zurück nach Santa Cruz gekommen bin, erwartete mich eine neue Etappe mit der Kirche meiner Freunde, die ich im November schon besucht hatte. Ein Projekt, das ihre Kirche hat heisst Radical Bolivia und dient dazu dass sich Menschen für die Evangelisation begeistern und in ihren Kirchen sich einbringen können. Deshalb organisieren meine Freunde einmal im Jahr – im März – ein Wochenende, wo sie Begeisterte auf spielerische Art schulen in Evangelisation, Teamarbeit und vieles mehr. Denn ganzen März durch gingen wir als Team in verschiedenen Kirchen dieses Projekt vorzustellen, um neue Menschen dafür zu begeistern. An unserem Ausbildungswochenende hatten wir zum Abschluss einen Evangelisationsanlass geplant, um das Praktische anzuwenden. Diese Anlasse geschahen immer am 3... read more
Radicales 2016
Kinder unterrichten
Englischunterricht in "Las Pampitas"

Después de 2 días de descanso en La Paz tras la experiencia del Choro, estamos listos para atravesar el país hacia el este, donde las montañas dejan pasar a la selva que anuncia la cercanía del Amazonas. Alizée, algunos amigos y un festival nos esperan. Así que tomamos un bus hacia Santa Cruz, capital económica de Bolivia. Esta ruta debería de tomar unas 15 horas, pero al final resultaron ser 21h. Por qué? pues imagino que porque la carretera principal que atraviesa el país es en sus mejores tramos lo equivalente a una nacional, siendo los peores tramos caminos de tierra, de tierra tierra. Pero siempre quedara la duda ya que en los tramos asfaltados el chofer creía que iba conduciendo un coche de carreras y adelantaba todo lo que se le ponía por delante, siempre ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz December 14th 2015

Dritter Reisebericht aus Bolivien Durch ihn hat Gott alles erschaffen, was im Himmel und auf der Erde ist. Er machte alles, was wir sehen, und das, was wir nicht sehen koennen, ob Koenige, Reiche, Herrscher oder Gewalten. Alles ist durch ihn und fuer ihn erschaffen. Kolosser 1,16 Schon wieder sind knappe zwei Monate vergangen und ich durfte viele schoene Erlebnisse sammeln, die ich mit euch teilen moechte. Als Erstes bedanke ich mich von Herzen fuer alle eure Gebete. Meine Dankbarkeit laesst sich nicht in Worte fassen. Moege Gott euch dafuer segnen und beschenken. Ende Oktober war ich fuer eine Woche in Arequipa. Es war eine emotional schwierige Zeit. Viele Von euch wissen, dass ich dort fuer ein Jahr gelebt hatte. Danach kehrte ich drei Mal zurueck. Hatte auch einen peruanischen Freund an diesem Ort. Oft dachte ... read more
Freunde in Arequipa

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department November 17th 2015

The challenges of the mountains in Peru Well, I was looking forward to the next few days as we rode into new territory for us in Peru. We had no problems leaving Lima as we headed down the coast to Pisco before turning east and heading into the high Andes. The ride to Ayacucho was just a bikers dream, except for the snow and 2deg C temperatures as we climbed to over 4,000 meters with stunning views,we finally arrived just on dark as the rain started. The following day was a ride to Urabamba in the Sacred Valley out of Cusco, we knew it was going to be a big day as it was over 500km (turned out to be 604km), well we can do that easy on a good day, but what we didn't realise ... read more
Goats we met along the way.
Rocky feeling the cold
A real welcomed break in Peru.

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