Blogs from Oruro Department, Bolivia, South America


South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department February 28th 2024

Around thrее in thе aftеrnoon and my dad an' Sarah pick mе up an' drivе mе to Tilcara and whеrе wе say our goodbyеs an' I wait for thе bus. Thе bus is dеlayеd by roughly thirty minutеs. I snoozе throughout thе еntirе thrее hour drivе to thе bordеr. I risе an' walk to thе Bolivian city of Villason from thе Argеntinе city of La Quiaca. Dеspitе thеrе bеing a road and cars do not and for somе rеason and cross thе boundary. At thе documеnt chеck and though and thеrе arе a good numbеr of pеoplе waitin' and an' thе linе is movin' quitе slowly. I spеnd approximatеly onе an' a half hours in linе. This placе is unbеarably cold—+5+8—I am not surе what This city is at a high altitudе and but thе mountains ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department September 27th 2016

SAJAMA du 27 septembre au 1er octobre Nos dernières heures au Chili auront été mouvementées. Pour s'y rendre, il nous fallait partir de Putre, et marcher 5 km rejoindre la route principale, y être pour 10h30, heure à partir de laquelle notre bus pouvait passer au croisement. Mais avant ça, nous avions quelques petites choses à régler. Première étape : chercher des bolivianos. Qui dit changement de pays, dit changement de monnaie. Or dans un tout petit village de montagne, la tâche n'était pas aisée. Par chance, il y avait au moins une banque. Nous y sommes donc allé pour l'ouverture à 9h. Malheureusement, impossible d'obtenir des bolivianos. Embêtant lorsque l'on sait nous comptions nous rendre à Sajama, village perdu à 20 km de la frontière dans un parc naturel portant son nom, avec bien sûr ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro November 3rd 2015

Geo: -17.9753, -67.1108La Paz to the Amazon En route to La Paz we stayed in Samaipata for a few days. The first time we walked to the main plaza who should we meet but Axel. He was camping which in his case means sleeping in a hammock on a campsite but as Samaipata is 1,500 metres high he was finding the nights very cold and thinking of moving into a hostel. He had been walking in the hills the previous day and had severe sunburn on his shoulders and back.Samaipata has a number of waterfalls around it but the main reason for visiting is to see La Fuerte, ruins going back to 400 AD which had been home to many different peoples over the centuries. It is one of the places where Erich von Danniken proposed ... read more
Model of El Fuerte
The real El Fuerte
History of El Fuerte

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro August 2nd 2015

Distance driven today: 310 miles/499 km Cumulative distance driven: 12,064 miles / 19,415 km (4,000 miles to go) Today’s trip: Puno, Peru to Ururo, Bolivia Broder crossings: 1 Finding the steepest street in La Paz with an impossible grade: yes We got up early today in order to make it to the Bolivian border in time. The temperature in the morning had dropped to sub-freezing and we were reminded of the fact that we are at a high altitude on the South American Altiplano. For the first two hours we rode along the western shores of Lake Titicaca and drove through many smaller indigenous towns. By 11am we were at the border at the rather disorganized town of Desaguardero. Peruvian immigration took all of 1 minute to stamp our passports, while the Peruvian customs took 2 ... read more
Indigenous street market at Pomata before the Bolvian border
Welcome to Bolivia
Hydration stop at LaPaz suburb

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro April 2nd 2014

Carnival in Sucre was a blast. Carnival in Oruro was completely over the top. For most of the year Oruro is a grim mining town with nothing much to recommend it, but a week before Lent it explodes into a frenetic fiesta of colour and music. It's the most raucous and outrageous party of all. Aida urged us to go, telling us it was 'different'. She though, was content to watch it on the TV. We dithered; wandering about the cost - hotels put up their prices five-fold - and worrying about all that water-throwing. Finally, we bit the bullet, booked a hotel and seats for the procession, and off we went. 'What time does the Entrada begin'? I asked the man in the hotel lobby on the Saturday morning. He nodded towards the street, took ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department June 7th 2013

Our next stop after Sajama was Oruro, once a thriving town at the centre of Bolivia´s economy, it´s now slightly run down probably a ghost of its former self; But pretty plazas and grand buildings remain, making it still worth a walk around. We spent most of our time there wandering through the chaotic and lively market, sampling food and drink from some of the many stalls. One thing that we did notice in Oruro was the poverty, something that we didn´t see as much of in Chile, but unfortunately is common across Bolivia. A bumpy train ride brought us to Uyuni in the South of Bolivia, arriving in the early hours to this cold town. Our reason for going top Uyuni, probably like every other tourist, was for visiting the salt flats and surrounding National ... read more
Flamingos on the lake
Fish Island Cacti
Tiny Stu

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department May 28th 2013

We spent our last days in Chile in the town of Arica, where we visited some of the oldest mummies in the world preserved, as they were found under one of the houses. We also watched a world class bodyboard competition here; I have never seen such large and powerful waves as those on the shores of Arica´s beaches. We left Arica on a morning bus headed for the Chile/Bolivia border. We´d decided to make our first stop in a small village, Sajama, in a National Park and the bus literally dropped us off on the roadside soon after the border. Luckily there was a man with a minivan, so we got a ride to Sajama along with an old Bolivian lady who was dropped off in the middle of nowhere to herd her Llamas! We ... read more
Our acommodation in Sajama
Hot springs under Mt Sajama
Mothers Day Dance Off

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro March 29th 2013

The ride from Potosi, was uneventful, just a great ride, after Tiny got a flat tyre, not 10 kms into the ride we arrived in Uyuni for a two night stopover. Everyone managed to get fuel on arrival except Tiny, that had consequences in a couple of days when we went to leave, the town had run out of fuel!! Howard picks up from Uyuni and our adventure out onto the Salar... Up at 6 am,onto the internet doing a blog and then after a quick breakfast, out the front at 8-30 for 2 x Landcruisers to take us to the Salar. First we saw some small flamingos near the Train Museum we had gone to the previous night. Carlos was the guide with Juan Carlos our driver and Roberto in the other vehicle. There ... read more
Rosco took the low road

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro February 17th 2013

Vakar grįžau vėlai, td šiandien ilgiau miegu. Šiandien karnavalo programa beveik tokia pati kaip ir vakar, tik dalyviai nedėvi didžiausių kaukių. Pasirodo vakar bent 10 iš 40 mokyklos gyventojų, nukentėjo nuo kišenvagiu, vieni prarado fotoaparatus, kiti pinigines, o viena voietė mergina prarado ne tik piniginę, bet ir pasą. Panašu, kad keliaujant po pietų ameriką anksčiau ar vėliau beveik visi gauna po pamoką. Karnavalo dalyviai šiandien atrodo labiau atsipalaidavę, nedėvi didelių ir sunkių kaukių, kaikurie atrodo vakar taip pat pašventę ir dar nespėję atsigauti po šventimo. Bet atmosfera nė kiek neblogesnė nei vakar. Oruro mieste ant kalvos yra didelė marijos statula, tad pažiūrėjęs kelias valandas karnavalą nutariu ten užlipti ir pažiūrėti kaip mietas atrodo iš viršaus. Ten aišku irgi pilna žmonių, kaikurie šokėjai baigę pasirodymą taip pat ten. Nedaug čia daugiau yra įdomių objektų. D... read more

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Oruro February 16th 2013

Naktis buvo labai šalta, klasė kurioje miegojau ant grindų su kiaurais langais, tiksliau vienas langas išvis be stiklo, tad temperatūras kaip ir lauke apie +5, o mano miegmaišis tokiai temperatūrai nepritaikytas. Bet reik pratintis nes dar laukia tokios 3 naktys toje pačioje klasėje. Nors mano situacija palyginus su kaikuriais kitai visai neblogai, nes kaikurie net miegmaišių neturi ir miega apsirengę viską ką turi ir apsikloję rankšluosčiais. Kadangi su miesu dar nespėjau susipažinti, pusryčiauti keliauju su tais kurie čia atvažiavo anksčiau, keliaujam į turgų. Už maždaug už maždaug 3 litus turguj gaunu sumuštinį su keptu kiaušiniu, bei arbatos iš kokos lapų. Porą valandų pavaikštinėjam po turgų, po to šiaip po aplinkines gatves, tad po truputį susipažystu su miestu. Didžioji karnavalo diena ryt, tad šiandien susitinkam visi mokyklos gyventojai su žmonėm organizuojančiais visą mano bei ... read more

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