Blogs from Purmamarca, Jujuy, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 18th 2023

Purmamarca has everything you need in a small town: cute plaza, friendly people, good food, wide variety of places to stay, interesting culture and spectacular landscapes. This blog (and all my blogs) is on my website with lots more photos. I went to Purmamarca for its famous hike around the hills behind town, which they call Rainbow Mountain. Having seen Cusco’s Rainbow Mountain and the Painted Hills in Oregon, I wanted to see how this one compared. It’s so completely different that I don’t think it can be compared. The hike is a simple walk and there is a road for those who don’t want to walk. You can do it in half an hour if you are just there for the walk. If you want to stop along the way for photos, give yourself an ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca January 19th 2023

So our time in the jungle had come to an end - I don’t think any of us were particularly sad to leave the heat and humidity. A really early wake up and trip to the airport and a half-empty flight, and before we knew it, we were in Salta. An unnervingly simple car pick up process and we were on our way. Mercifully easy path to the freeway - lots of police stops where we apparently drew no interest - and a quick lunch empanada stop and we reached our destination - Purmamarca. Bum steer from google on the location of the hotel, but some bodgy Spanish from me and help from half the town and we found out abode for the next three nights. We weren’t able to check in yet so we had ... read more
Starring Little Ted
This one worked!
This one maybe didn’t…

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 4th 2022

Bonjour à tous Une journée qui avait très mal commencée, mais qui se finie à merveille. Hier au soir je suis allé souper, à Salta dans cette rue animée. Ce soir de nombreux commerçants ont installés, des étales et vendent toutes sortes de produits locaux, de l'artisanat, des vêtements, des livres, etc. les restaurants se font concurrence avec de la musique à tue tête certains avec des danseurs, je choisi celui où il y a le plus de monde. Je vais encore faire une expérience avec une "cazuella de caprio" qui est une casserole de cabri. Dans une grande assiette, des carottes en rondelles, des lentilles, et quelques bout de viande plein de nerfs attachées aux os dans une sauce proche de l'eau. En clair il vaut mieux que je mange une pizza, je ressorts pas ... read more
route du jour
Salinas Grandes
la route du jour

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca May 20th 2014

I knew I had done a bad thing. I should have known, after we crossed into Chile the first time, that you can't get anything past them. A border guard scrutinising our passports on the bus had already gruffly told me in angry Spanish to put my boots back on. They were only three day old socks so I didn't get what his problem was. And now this. The customs official triumphantly pranced back from his inspection of the bus with his golden retriever in tow. He gathered all the passengers together opposite the immobilised luggage conveyor belt where he carefully placed an orange plastic bag. My orange plastic bag. In seconds the dog was on it, leaping onto the conveyor belt and with its front paws stamping repeatedly on the bag whilst looking up intently ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 12th 2013

12/4/13 Free day in Salta Unfortunately despite having a free day we had to get up and check out of the hotel by 10, so no real lie in. We had to move to a different hotel and ended up at the Posadas del Sol which was a large place but really close to the main square, it was nice enough even though it was full of business groups having lectures on catering! It was colder today and raining on and off which was a shame but we went to visit the MAAM – High Altitude Archaeological Museum, which is where the Lllullaillaco Children are kept. These are the mummies of 3 children discovered during an archaeological dig on the mountain of the same name. Only one is displayed (in a temperature controlled glass case) at ... read more
Salta (8) MAMA Archaeological Museum
Salta (10) Plaza Principal 9 de Julio
Salta (14)

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca February 15th 2013

Papusryčiavę sėdom į Saros tėčio mašiną ir nuvažiavom į Tilcara, tai vienas turistinių miestų. Visų pirma turėjom užpilti kuro į mašiną nes jau visai nedaug likę, bet kolonėlėje jokio kuro nebėra, turėtų avežti šiandien apie 5 val. vakaro. Palikom automobilį mieste ir išėjom pasivaikščioti. Pirmiausia nuėjom iki autobusų terminalo, nes jau šianakt iš čia važiuosiu į Boliviją. Man tinkamiausias autobusas 3 nakties, tad laiko dar turim užtektinai. Tilcara visiškai turistinis miestas, centre vien kavinės, parduotuvės ir hosteliai. Porą valandų pasivaikščioję nutarėm grįžtį į Maimara, kuris daug jaukesnis už Tilcara. Papietavę nuėjom valandėlę pasėdėti prie upės, po naktinio lietaus joje vandens gerokai daugiau nei vakar. Po to važiuojam į kitą turistinį miestelį Pulmamarka. Čia turistų irgi nemažai, bet pats miestelis žymiai mažesnis ir jaukesnis nei Tilcara. Aplink iš visų pusių kalnai, o ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca February 8th 2013

Aujourd’hui, découverte de la plus grande ‘mer’ de sel d’Argentine. Avant de profiter de ce lieu exceptionnel, nous passons d’abord dans le village hyper touristique de Purmamarca, protégé par la colline aux 7 couleurs qui décline effectivement ses couches calcaires. Puis nous abordons un col à 4170 mètres, avec un dénivelé important puisque Jujuy est à 1300 mètres. Tout cela en bus je vous rassure. Il fait frisquet au col, et même les vigognes préfèrent être plus en contrebas. Lors de la descente, nous discernons au loin une zone blanche lumineuse qui tranche. Puis, quelques dizaines de kilomètres plus loin, nous voici à 3500 mètres et face à nous cette fameuse mer de sel coupée par la route 52 qui mène au Chili. Surprise, je ne pensais que tout était solidifié, mais non, c’est plutôt majoritairement ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca January 19th 2011

Rano sme sa pekne vyspali, nikto nas nebudil, zistili sme ze sme si ustlali priamo na mravenisku, ale dnu sa im dostat nepodarilo. Z Tilcary sme kracali do dalsej dedinky - Maimara, kde mal byt jeden z najfotogenickejsich cintorinov podla nasho sprievodcu. Cintorin vyzeral uplne obycajne ako mnoho inych ktore sme videli predtym, nebyt sprievodcu ani po nom nepatrame. Potom sme zacali stopovat do Purmamarci, ktora bola vzdialena asi 20 km. Nevedeli sme ako to pojde a boli sme pripraveni celu vzdialenost odchodit, hlavne sme si vsak chceli skusit ako to vyzera so stopovanim v Argentine. Na zaciatku to vyzeralo beznadejne, ale po vyse hodine nam konecne zastavil maly nakladiak a zobral nas az do Purmamarci. V Purmamarce sa nachadza Cerro de los Siete Colores /vrch siedmych farieb/ a naozaj hral roznymi farbami - cervena, purpurova, ... read more
Quebrada Humahuaca
Quebrada Humahuaca
Maimara - cintorin/ cementery

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca December 21st 2010

After a 10 hour overnight bus from Buenos Aries, we arrived in Argentina’s second most populous city, Cordoba. Whilst here we visited some beautiful cathedrals and roamed the streets, which were packed morning, noon and night with people buying from the hundreds and hundreds of street stalls. We found a really cool, vibrant fruit, veg, fish and carne market, which was littered with restaurants for lunch. Altogether it was a pretty relaxed couple of days in Cordoba, with a notable rise in temperature. We then took another 11 hour overnight bus to our final destination in Argentina, Salta. After strolling the first day (with a compulsory mid-afternoon siesta!) we decided we should see some of the sights on offer, so took a tour on our second day along the Quebrada de Humahuaca. This is a gorge ... read more
Cerro de Siete Colores
Spectacular scenery!
Patience is a virtue

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca January 15th 2010

Travelling the way we do is full of uncertainty. When we enter new territory, we are never sure where we will get off the bus or where we will stay the night. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but is always interesting. Arriving into Purmamarca, we didn't need a friendly bus driver or a big "Bienvenidos" sign to let us know we had arrived. A rainbow striped hill gave it away. It is called the 'Cerro de las Siete Colores' (Hill of the Seven Colours), well it couldn't be a more accurate name. To be honest the colours didn't seem real. It was as radiant as technicolour, making everything else look monochrome in comparison. The town itself was highly photogenic too: cobbled streets and terracotta-coloured buildings with mud roofs. A 1,000 year old algarrobo tree gave ... read more
Artesania market
Cactus altar

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