Blogs from Victoria, Australia, Oceania


Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Essendon May 16th 2024

Today we head home. But first up is a visit to the Naracoorte Caves National Park. Issy remains convinced that caves have been designed specifically to lull her into a false sense of security before thousands of tonnes of rock collapse in on top of her, so it seems I’m on my own. We read that there are 28 known caves in the park. Only four are open to the public, with the locations of the rest being kept secret from the general populace so they can be used for scientific research. I join a tour through the largest publically accessible cavern, the Victoria Cave. It might be called a Caves National Park, but it seems the big ticket item here is fossils. We’re told that the Park is one of the ten most important fossil ... read more
Prehistoric megafauna, Victoria Cave, Naracoorte
Victoria Cave, Naracoorte
Victoria Cave, Naracoorte

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mildura April 26th 2024

We seem to have spent a lot of time traversing the globe over the past few years, and we’ve often been quizzed on our impressions of the empty arid centre of our wide brown homeland. And our response? Um, ahh … well we’ve never actually been there, which has always felt just a tad embarrassing. So we’ve decided it’s time to put that little wrong right - a three week and six thousand odd kilometre road trip up into our Red Centre. That feels like it’s going to be an awful lot of driving, but if that’s what it takes …. And today’s first step to get us in the mood, well that would be a lazy five hundred and fifty kilometres from Melbourne up to Mildura in the far north west of Victoria on the ... read more
Murray River wildlife, Mildura
House boats, Murray River, Mildura
Lock 11, Mildura

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne March 30th 2024

Here we are, back on some blogging! hope your travelling is bringing you to amazing places! After Cairo came a big week in Congo followed by a lot of wine, golf and friends at home in South Africa. No blogging on those as it has been done before! Funny fact, my lovely wife Tanya has been more often to Melbourne than I have. My first and only visit must be something like 18 years ago! We actually flew in Melbourne together few years ago, but this was to drive the Great Ocean road! This time, I flew in the long way from Durban to Johannesburg, hopping from their on Emirates to Dubai and the long flight to Melbourne! Good for me, got my upgrade on miles all the way through and business class was pretty empty ... read more
Happy couple...
Old Melbourne Goal
Brought some top bubbly from South Africa with me...

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne March 27th 2024

This morning, we packed our bags for the last time on this holiday. Both down to our last pair of clean undies we need to get home to do a big wash! We had a quick breakfast with Meredith then (mainly) Bernie started the task of re-packing the truck for the final leg of the journey. The truck had been parked out on Carrington Street overnight, but Bernie managed to move it into the lane adjacent to the apartment this morning which meant we didn’t have quite so far to ferry the luggage to the truck. Aiming to be on our way by 8.00am we managed to pull out onto Carrington Street at 8.30am. We negotiated our way out of the city in moderate peak hour traffic. At the last set of lights before the start ... read more
Coonalpyn Cafe
Coonalpyn Spray Painter
Coonalpyn Silo

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 16th 2024

Though I’ve been to Sheepyard Flat I can't remember doing anything here, so today is my chance. Davons Flat is only a short walk from where I will be picked up tomorrow, so I have the whole day to rest and explore. Though there are some good day hikes from here I want to give my feet a break so take just a short walk along the river to Frys Hut. The hut is impressive and would have been a comfortable place to live. Fred Fly built it in the 1940s and it was his home until his death in 1971. On the way I pass a large chimney, a legacy of the gold rush years in this valley. The gold rush here was short lived and a financial failure for just about all the companies ... read more
Frys Hut
Parrot at campsite
Friendly birdlife

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 15th 2024

I was cold last night, but the camp looks good in the morning sun. I don’t need to start too early, but the 1st 7.5 km today are uphill all the way to the Eight Mile Gap (1150m) and I want to do this before the day gets too hot. The walk is a steady climb but not too steep so I find I can keep walking without needing too many breaks. It takes me about 3 hours to the gap where I stop to rest and check to see if I have phone reception. While I’m sending my messages 2 couples arrive in 4wds towing caravans. I talk to one couple, they are off to Refrigerator Gap and are volunteers for the Oscar 100 event that is on this weekend. From now it is all ... read more
Camp at Davons Flat

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 14th 2024

I am now 8km and 4 hours behind my plan, so it is foolish to push on for another 4 days to Hotham. So, even if I have difficulty sending a message out today, I feel I need to walk into the Jamieson and Howqua valleys rather than on to Hotham. With the decision made I don’t rush to start walking, but when I'm up at 7am I find the couple who camped last night have already left. The weather looks poor with cloud base only just above the camp which is at about 1500m. I’m walking by 8:30am and reach the saddle at the bottom of King Billy in about an hour as it is easy walking. Before the saddle I see a water monitoring station so correctly guess that this is a good area ... read more
AAWT noticeboard at King Billy saddle
Jamieson river by my campsite
Camp day 4 in the Jamieson valley

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 13th 2024

I slept Ok and there were no storms during the night. I am getting quicker at breaking camp and today I'm off walking at 7:30am. The initial 2km are slightly uphill but on a good track. From there it is a short ascent up to The Nobs which is probably my first real viewpoint of the hike. The track down to the High Cone campsite and saddle is quite steep in places but I reach there at 10am and stop for a rest. I also go looking for the nearby water source but as I expected there is evidence of moisture but no actual water that I can find. The next section of the track is hard work as it is very overgrown with numerous trees down across it as result of bushfires. Though it is ... read more
Looking back to Mt MacDonald from the Nobs track
View south from The Nobs
Mt Clear from the south

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 12th 2024

Apart from the annoying flies which had a liking for my feet, I was generally happy about how things went yesterday. It was good to be out in the country and I learnt a few good lessons. Last night I slept as well as I could have expected, and I seem to have no ill effects from the 1stday. However, I am concerned about water. My water capacity is 2.6l (maybe not enough!) with the 0.6l being a LifeStraw, so although I can drink just about anything safely, I am constrained by the amount I can carry if there are no places to fill up on-route. The other factor was the speed I could walk. Yesterday I was more or less on the pace indicated by the guidebook, but I realise with the weight I'm carrying, ... read more
Looking towards Mt Sunday from Nobs track
My day 2 camp at the Nobs track saddle

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Mount Buller February 11th 2024

We left Heyfield shortly after 9am and found the road from Licola to Jamieson was a good 2 wd track so had no problems reaching Mt Skene, but still took 90 minutes reminding me that we were already in quite remote country. At the junction with the Barkly River Jeep track, we pulled over. I shouldered my pack, and with my full water bottles it felt heavy. By the start of the track we found a food drop container, which made me think I might meet some others on the AAWT, though this container was dated for pickup at the end of January. After a photo and J’s best wishes I plodded off up the track. The weather looked good, clear and perhaps a little too hot, but the forecast was for cooler days ahead. The ... read more
Day 1 Lunch stop

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