Day 52 - Last day

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April 12th 2024
Published: April 12th 2024
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Ohhh… I write this blog with a heavy heart. It’s my final day! We agreed with a sleep in today, especially after the tiredness that we both felt yesterday! It’s bloody typical, I was awake at 7:30!! So annoying! I persisted, I laid in bed, watched a couple of Chateau renovation videos, then snoozed a bit more. I finally got out of bed at about 9:15.

Bernard doesn’t work on a Friday, so he was doing a bit of sorting out in the living room. He’s been sleeping on an inflatable bed, and sharing Gavins bathroom for the last two weeks, as he gave up his bedroom, and en-suite for me. Bless him, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of it.

I stripped the bed, he hoovered the lounge. Bernard was sorting out the washing, whilst I completed emptying the contents of my suitcase onto the stripped bed. We’re working well together!

Bernard has a GP appointment at 12:15 today, so we will get the bus over to another suburb called Leichhardt. I will meander, or maybe have coffee, whilst he has his visit.

We set off for the bus, it’s just a couple of stops up the road. We actually got there early, so we were able to sit and have a coffee at a little corner cafe e before he goes for his appointment.

I stayed a while after Bernard left, deci left, I slowly enjoyed my coffee, and caught up with my blog. then after about 20 minutes I set off walking. I decided to walk downhill, to complete the full length of the retail area, then crossed the road, to check out the shops on the opposite side. I walked the whole length of the main street. When I reached the end, I crossed over again, and returned to my starting point. Just as I arrived back, Bernard called to let me know that he has completed his appointment. He’s now walking back to meet me.

We went back to the first cafe to have brunch. We had eggs, salmon, hash brown and toast, with coffee. We both enjoyed it, but me leaving later today, it as the forefront of our minds!

After brunch, we decided to walk back to Petersham, instead of getting the bus. It’s a lovely day, the sun is shining, and it’s a nice walk!

It only took about 20 minutes, and at least we got a few steps in! When we got back, I’ve got my full case to organise. My pile of stuff has grown by the day! Ha ha! Here goes!

It took a few re-starts, but I’ve managed to squash it all in! To be fair, it’s not a large suitcase, I’d call it medium sized, so I feel that I’ve done well! Although it does feel a bit on the heavy side!

I checked the temperature at home for when I land tomorrow. It says it will be 19 degrees in London, so I’ve packed all my warmer gear. I’m coming home in a skirt and vest, but I’ve got my faithful sweatshirt jacket thing for, just in case’. It’s also really useful on the plane!

Bernard and I just relaxed on the sofa for a couple of hours, then we were joined by Gavin. Aww, I’m really going to miss these two, and Kevin too. Yes a bit of a wrench, I have to say!

Gavin has kindly offered to take us to the airport. It’s only about 20 minutes in a car. Bless him, that’s so kind of him. The thought of leaving is getting more sad, as I get nearer to the airport. When we arrived, I said my final goodbyes, and thank you to Gavin. Bernard brought my case in for me, he stayed with me whilst I got checked in. It was all very easy, and straight forward. We’ve got plenty of time, so Bernard stayed for a last drink before I go.

We said our last goodbyes, and had our last hugs near the security entrance. Tearing up, he’s tearing g up.., oh dear!

I was very soon brought back down to earth when I got to security as you have to have your wits about you. I got through absolutely fine! I went straight through to duty free. There’s nothing I need here, just a coffee…. Then I saw the Apple products,… my Apple Watch had died whilst I’ve been here. I checked out the prices, it’s $50 less here. I would replace it as soon as I get home anyway…. And I’ve got dollars left, do I decided to buy one whilst I’m here! I got my watch, then a coffee.

I’m now in the departure area. I’ll see you all soon xxxx

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