Day 53 - Flying home - losing 9 hours

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April 13th 2024
Published: April 13th 2024
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Day 53 - Flying home - losing 9 hours

Bernard left me at security, and I’m off! I wandered through duty free, I know not to buy cigarettes here for Andrea, as they are so expensive. I’ll wait I’m in Dubai. My Apple Watch died whilst I was away, I may have mentioned it yesterday’s. I’ve lost the plot! But I did buy a new one to replace it.

My flight set off perfectly, and on time. My first flight, Sydney to Dubai is 12 hours long, but in transition, I lose about 6 hours. When I land in Dubai, my body will feel like it is 10:40am, but as I have dropped the 6 hrs, as I land, I go back to 4:40am. I’m not sure that my body is entirely happy about that!

We have been given dinner last night. It was ad chicken, mash, peas and gravy. I ate the mash, peas and gravy. The chicken was so pink, it didn’t even look real! I cut my losses, Andy left the chicken, whilst I worked on incorporating the very sweet….. I think it’s brioche! I did dunk it into my gravy, then took a huge bite, thinking it was bread, but sadly not! It was very sweet brioche… I think! I did eat the dessert though. It was a light sponge, with a fruity bottom, although I couldn’t work out the fruit! I drank my mini water that was supplied with the dinner, and was looking forward to washing it down with a really gross cup of airline coffee, but I didn’t, because the air hostess walked right past me. The lady in the middle of my row got one, she did prompt me to call her back. Honestly, I didn’t think it was worth it! I’m probably safer drinking the water.

I watched a film during the first part of my flight; The Colour Purple. This was the newer version. I would say that I preferred the original one, but it did keep me entertained!

Going to the loo, was worth doing, as it got me up on my feet, and moving around. I think I went about 3 times, but I’d say it was more for the activity of moving around, more than it was to go to the loo. It was a really long wait each time, but that allowed me to do a few stretches. The also kept moving my feet and legs whilst I was seated because of could feel them tightening up. I did manage a few sleeps throughout the flight, but they were short.

I decided to finish a film that I was watching on my iPad, weeks ago. It’s called Nyad, it’s based on a true story about the line female swimmer who took 5 attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida. I only had about half an hour left, but it was worth the watch!

Next came breakfast. I was offered omelette, or frittata. I opted for the omelette. It was a bit lain omelette with a chicken sausage and beans. I left the sausage. It looked like a kids toy sausage! I enjoyed the fruit, yoghurt and mini croissant that came with it, and this time I did manage a coffee! My thoughts were right the first time. It wasn’t very nice. I decided a rubbish coffee, was better than no coffee!

I think I may have nodded again, as we are getting closer to Dubai. I have only two and a half hours to go. I decided to watch another film because it will fill in the final couple of hours. I chose a film called, The Lesson. I haven’t heard of it, so I’m going in blind. The only person that I recognise is Richard E. Grant. It’s listed as a thriller, it was easy viewing, I wouldn’t call it a thriller, but I missed the end! I’ll have to see if I can catch up on the next flight! I don’t think it will matter if I don’t!

The flight has been long, but easy, as all the passengers in my area are easy travellers, no excessive noise, or interruptions.

Finally, we land in Dubai. I automatically followed the crowd. I inadvertently walked to C gate. In my head, I had 12:25 locked in. First big mistake! I had taken the time to go to toilet, get a coffee, and generally meander. I was really chuffed to get a text from Bernard. His apartment is on the flight path, he has an app on his phone that gives flight information as the planes fly over. He sent me a video of my plane flying over his apartment! That’s clever! Second mistake!

I was looking over my information, thinking I had a few hours to wait! Then I noticed, 12:25 is my landing time, not my flight time. My flight leaves at 7:45. Initially, I didn’t even look at the board because I thought I had it sussed out!!!

So it’s full on rush. I’m currently in C gate, and I need to be in A gate. I got a stride on, looking for A gate. I got directed through another security section, for the second time! This all takes up time. Next I was directed down an escalator… to a bus! The bus seemed to be waiting forever. How slowly time goes when you’re in a rush! The bus finally moved! It took about 20 minutes to get to the very far side of the airport, but I can at least see the A gate signs now! They start at A1, I need A10. I continue walking, quickly! When I arrived, people are already boarding, even though there is about 45 minutes before boarding opens. Then I realise why. It is a random, full on, security and search queue! So this is now my third pass through security.

I guess it doesn’t matter now though, I know that I am in the right area, at the right time! But sadly for Andrea, I didn’t get time to go through the duty free area!

It’s now 7:30 in Dubai. Minus the 3 hours that I lose when I go to the UK, so let’s just call it 4:30! I am boarded, sorted, and ready to take the final flight! In London, it is currently 4:30 (UK). I land at 12:30 (UK) in Heathrow. That’s an 8 hour flight, in reality. So it’s like 11 hours for me! Phew, I’m going to be so tired after this! The clock has now been wound backwards for 9 hours today….. crazy! This all messes with me head!!

The food came round at 5:30.(UK) Here we go…. A toasted egg and cheese roll, a fruit dish, yoghurt, a muffin, and a coffee. Looks good! Well that was the best food I’ve had since having my last brunch with Bernard in Sydney!

My breakfast snack was ok, and the movie that I chose to watch whilst eating turned out to be on too! It was light, chick flick called Anyone but you. I enjoyed it! It now 6:30 (UK) only 6 more hours on the flying part of this journey home! I didn’t know anyone on it, bout it was set in Sydney. I actually made myself snigger, they were outside the QVB!!! Then I also recognised George Street!!! I know my way round Sydney, even on the TV!! Ha ha

I’ve been putting my original SIM CARD in my phone, changing my default card on tap and pay. Just getting ready for arriving on London. It’s now 8:00 (UK) so only four and a half to go!

At about 9:45 (UK) the brought dinner round. It’s beef, mash, and peas. Honestly, I don’t know why I even ate it. I can’t eat it! I ate the mash and peas, then the coffee whip. I also drank the water. I don’t k ow why I put myself through it!!! I know I don’t taste much, but it the slop texture!!!! And the look of the potential meat.

I’ve managed a little nap! I am fine nd myself constantly checking the time. It seems to o be so slow, but I suppose that’s because I’ve lost 9!!

You know how you feel cheated when the clocks go back, and you lose an hour and n bed, I fell like that…. But times 9! I am so sluggish! It’s now 11:00, only one and a half to go!

I’m struggling now. I have exactly one hour to go before landing at Heathrow. The coffee man also put in another appearance with his disgusting cardboard coffee, again, I took one, even though I whine, and complain about it! I can’t even satisfy myself with the thought that any coffee is better than no coffee… I think I’ve changed my mind on that thought!

The guy near the window needed to get out to go to the loo. That’s a good excuse for a loiter in the aisle for about 5 minutes! I have noticed that my ankles are now the same size as my knees!!! They are very swollen. They actually were after my first flight, but they went down with my walking around, but they very soon swelled up again!

Woop woop, we’re finally landed, I’ve just got the airport to deal with, then that the longest part done. I’m guessing it’s going to be hard lugging that case across London from Heathrow to Kings Cross, but if I get on the Piccadilly line, it’ll take me all the way!

Well that was a nightmare. The plane got held back from parking up!! I’m on site check a tight time limit to get the train at 2:48, if I miss it, I’ve got a 3 hour wait!

My case seemed to take ages to come through the baggage carousel. Then I was speed walking all the way to the Piccadilly line! I went as fast as I could! Then I had about 18 stops to Kings Cross. I was literally checking each minute past!! It’ll be a miracle if I make it!

I got to the tap and go machines, which I can’t access, as I don’t actually have a ticket. I am on Sammy’s family & friends, so you just get it on the train, type of thing! The guy was holding me up, asked no me questions. I’m sure he didn’t understand my accent, and what I was saying!!!! Then , all of a sudden, he realised what I was saying, then said….RUN!!!!!….it’s not gone yet!!!
I ran like a lunatic across the platform, I literally slid round the corner er, there were 3 members of the train staff stood looking at me, I was about to burst into tears, I was so relieved that I had caught it. I have been travelling for 32 hours, without taking off the time changes, I felt that I didn’t have a three hour wait in me!

I blurted out, half crying, I’m Sammy’s Aunty Lesley…. Then I was fully crying, the man just ushered me into first class…

I simply can’t tell you how relieved, and grateful I was to see the 3 of them stood there like angels … to me anyway!


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