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May 7th 1989
Published: May 7th 2010
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today marks a full week that we have been here...and the time really has slipped away. ever look at your alarm clock before you go to sleep, notice the time...roll over and back again to see that the time has magically changed 8 hours during the motion of rolling over? that is what it feels like at this moment.

james, has introduced us to the game of BANANAGRAMS...if you have played it, you know how awesome it is...if not...google that shit. well, we came up with a kickass idea to make it life size (we call it SAVANNAGRAMS) and play it in the park. for tomorrow, since james works for SCAD (google it) there is a thing called model in the park. we will do the modeling thing for a few and then will bust out the game of SAVANNAGRAMS. each tile is a foot squared...i have a feeling it is going to turn out pretty fuckin rad.

still, up to this point...i am enjoying savannah...and so is butch...we have now 'donned' james as our cousin. and going forward in the future always have a place to stay. james, his kids, and all of their immediate friends have been very inviting. thus, another reason our stay is going so well...

still, up to this point...the weather gods are taking great care of us. and for that we are grateful.

you're allowed to walk around the city with your drink of choice, as long as it is in a cup.

i took another venture down to echo-park to get my fix in...and to tell as many tourist as i can. its always easy to tell a tourist when traveling...they're the ones with outfits that kinda stand out, always have their camera ready to take a picture, eating whatever the "city food" that is known for, and never looking straight ahead...but all around to take in the beauty of what it is that are gazing at.

since we've been here, we got to get javon (james' son) to pull his drums out of the attic so that he can jam out with butch and i...its pretty cool, cause...non of us are really that great at instruments..but damn we have fun...plus, james' house is the spot for all the kids to hang and kick it...so, we pretty much always have a willing person ready to jam whenever we want to fuck around with the instruments...it makes for a fun time...

well, i kinda dont feel like writing much at this time, for my beer is getting warmer as each finger touches another key...


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