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May 3rd 1989
Published: May 3rd 2010
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so i walk into this liquor store to buy some cheap ass beer (cause that's what one buys when on a long journey with a tight budget) and i see a sign that says "Golden Dollar Coins Not Accepted"...and of course, i ask why...the man behind the counter says "It doesn't say In God We Trust"...This, is another sign of reminding me, that i am in the south. Also, from saturday morning at 12 until monday morning at 7...except at a bar or restaruant, you can't go buy alcohol....some crazy shit.
we stayed, i believe it to be 5 days with goose and friends and then rolled out to where we are now, savannah, a dude name james' house
we are becoming official fans of couch surfing and definately recommend it to others.
savannah is set up off the river and is designed properly, google oglethorpe...that dude was smart. it is pedestrian and bicycle friendly. so far i'm diggin this city, but have only been here two days...i'll recheck my words on that later. of the coolest things i have every seen or heard is here in this city...and to witness this experience, is absulotely free. its so cool, you want to grab up all the walk byers and show them. well, ateast that is what we did...and did so for a HOT MINUTE. i challenge you if you ever go by it (in front of fannie's and bobs on the river) to do your best to get others to engage in this...the hesitations, the no's, the one's that try to play it off like it aint hot, the one's that bring friends back, the one's that stand by telling others its legit, their immediate expression, and more importantly...their smiles...
WANNA know bout it now...dontcha?
well...on the river there is this strip of the road where on the left side are 'sections of seating' types that looked like small gardens/parks. there is one that has a huge anchor in a fountain...but, the COOLEST one is what i believe to be called echo-park...on the ground, a brick circle that has a huge X through it. when you walk up to where the X crosses...and hear your echo...and if you take a half step in any direction it doesn't, obviously you step back on the X and continue to speak...the lower you get to the ground the deeper it gets. the CATCH, anyone that is around, CAN NOT hear your echo...only you can. its AWESOMELY AWESOME, RADTASTICALLY RAD, EXCITINGLY FUN, and gives you bursts of happines.
I tried videotapin it to see if i could show...but it doesn't work...tried calling, but the person didn't really is one of those things that if you cruise this town, even if its just to get gas...walk down to the river, walk to the right for a'll come across it.
if you're still reading this...i'm sorry it's so long...but echo-park is really that cool that i had to write about much so, after we straighten up for a bit...i want to go to the visitor center and have a chat with the workers in regards to this hidden treasure...

anyways...savannah is cool...


3rd May 2010

I stumbled upon your blog by accident, but really enjoyed your Echo Park post! I can't believe they wouldn't accept your money because it didn't "in god we trust"! My blog is looking for travel tips (like not to rely on those dollar coins!), photos, etc, to share. If you have the time, check it out at, or email me at Continued fun on your travels! Heather :)

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