My Birthday and work week

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September 23rd 2013
Published: September 26th 2013
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It's my birthday-but a work day...and I've already celebrated with my family. i am supporting a Go-Live at a clinic this week. I like this part of my job. I like working with the doctors and other clinicians, getting out of the office, off my butt! I like that Ken is here at the hotel with me this week. We will head back to Asheville where the RV is on Thursday after work. We didn't go out for dinner this week. I am trying to eat healthy and after being on my feet all day, I am tired. The clinic I am supporting is a Pediatric clinic. Man oh man, I am reminded how blessed I am. My days are filled with seeing child after child of very sick little ones. There is this whole other world where parents (and of course the sick little ones) spend so much of their time in hospitals, clinics, trying to get healthy. I don't know this world. As I see it, taking it in, I have to take a deep breath and hold back the emotions. This is their life. I am so utterly blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. Help me Lord to give more.


27th September 2013

I can't imagine how strong those parents and children must be. What a life filled with appointments, procedures, medication
27th September 2013

You can see the emotions on their faces. Some were already transplanted and had smiles and looked healthy. Others were waiting for a donor and were very sick. On a happier note, I guessed Alice, 10/4, 7 lbs, 10 oz-responded to email. Thanks for including me. I hope we are always friends.

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