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September 22nd 2013
Published: September 26th 2013
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I barely moved as Ken got up, kissed me goodbye and left for the airport. I slept until 7:30. When I got up Jason and Amy were up packing to head back to Las Vegas. Ugh! One minute we are all together, the next minute I am saying goodbye as everyone heads in different directions. I get that blue feeling. Time to remind myself how blessed I am. I send Jason and Amy off with some Lemon pound cake, hugs and say goodbye. Justen gets up and we have coffee together before he takes a shower and heads to work. Hugs to him too! What a great Birthday!

Now I am alone in my own house. I can't remember the last time this has happened. I did some laundry and cleaning so Justen won't have to do it. I finished packing and headed to the airport. On the way I stopped at Beyond Bread and picked up a half of Joel's Jolt sandwich and a chocolate chip cookie-my lunch/dinner on the flight back to Tucson. I always have a window seat; unfortunately the girl next to me spilled over unto my seat so it wasn't very comfortable. I actually dozed a bit. When I landed in Atlanta, Ken was at my gate-his flight arrived about 30 minutes earlier. We got my luggage, got the rental car and headed to the grocery. We picked up a few things and then to the hotel. A long day but feeling content. Goodnight.


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