Blogs from Ephesus, Aegean, Turkey, Middle East


Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus October 14th 2023

We had to be off the ship early this morning to meet our guide Emret. So we enjoyed an early breakfast on the ship then, as soon as they opened the gate to let us off, we were on our way to another amazing day in Turkey. Emret and the driver were caught in the traffic of hoards of busses coming into the harbor area for the gazillions of tourists from the other huge cruise ships. Even though we started out a tad late we made it to Efes before most of the huge crowds. Efes (Ephesus) was one of the seven churches of Asia Minor mentioned in the Bible. It is important to know that Efes was the largest city in its day, with over 250,000 inhabitants calling it home. It featured some of the ... read more
Ornate step decor in minor theater
The minor theater
Columns along Domitian Street

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus November 23rd 2021

We are here in Turkey on a 90-day visa, therefore decided to stay for most of it in order to fit in some travel around Turkey. High on our list to get to was the archeological site of Ephesus as we had heard from many others it was definitely worth seeing. There are other places along the Turkish coast that we will more than likely get to next season that are closer to Ephesus, but with extra time and less tourists here now, we decided it was worth the extra travel time to do it now. We found we could easily catch a daytime bus from Marmaris to Aydin so we could actually see some of the scenery on this trip. We could leave at 8:30AM and get to Aydin by 11:40AM, then wait about 30 ... read more
First Bus Stopped in Adyin & 2nd Went to Selcuk
The Scenery Ranged From Farmland to Mountains
Also Plenty of Olive and Citrus Trees on the Way

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus December 31st 2019

Ich muss zu meinem Zimmer in Izmir noch hinzufügen: auf dieser Reise ist es das kleinste, dafür ist das Internet relativ gut. Es ist mehr ein Touristenhotel, was sich auch beim Frühstück und den Gästen dazu bemerkbar macht. Nach der Morgenmahlzeit wurde ich für die Tour nach Ephesus abgeholt. Es gab eine Mitreisende, einen Führer und eine Fahrerin. Wir sind also etwa 50 Kilometer nach Süden gefahren und nach dem Besuch eines ersten Geschäfts waren wir beim Marienhaus. Dieses wurde allerdings weitgehend nachgebaut. Von dort sind wir zur Ruinenanlage von Ephesus. Das Wetter war sehr schön und der Führer erzählte viel. Von dort sind wir zu einem Teppichladen, wo wir auch zu Mittag gegessen haben, danach zu den Resten des Artemistempels (dieser war eines der 7 Weltwunder) und zuletzt besuchten wir noch ein Ledergeschäft. Ich habe ... read more
Die Ephesus-Ruinenanlage.
Beim Marienhaus.
Beim Marienhaus.

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus March 30th 2018

Hot on the heels of our visit to Troy, today we are off to see another ancient city, this time Ephesus. This city was named after one of two things; either 'Efersia’ - Amazon Queen - named after the legendary wacko Amazonian women who cut off their left breasts to make it easier to use their bows and who are said to have founded the city OR after the symbol of the city, 'apis’ - honey bee. I know which I prefer, take your pick. There are also two reasons to explain why Ephesus is situated where it is. There's the highly implausible: access to the sea for trading and between mountains as it's easier to defend OR the much more likely: Ionian Prince Androclos was given a sign by the Delphi oracle who said to ... read more
Ephesus resident cat
Explaining how the columns were made
Ephesus mosaics

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus July 18th 2016

We were met today by our guide Ali from the Best of Ephesus tours. Our first stop was to be a visit to the Temple of the Virgin Mary where it is believed that John the Baptist bought Mary to live the rest of her life following the crucifixion. It is a small house and has been renovated. After leaving here we drove to Ephesus where we spent the next two hours walking through this amazing site in 40 degree heat. Water, hat and sunscreen were the order of the day. The excavations were amazing and the site is huge. The great theatre which seated 25000 people is often used today for concerts. Elton John has played there. The Celsus library - amazing. There was room here for 12000 scrolls. They were stored in the niches ... read more
The great theatre
Oldest ever advertising?

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus August 22nd 2015

Today, we were in Ephesus...a beautiful and ancient city among the mountains of Turkey. We visited the tomb of St. John and ruins of a basilica erected over his tomb. We also visited the House of Mary; this was the most sacred place that I have visited thus far. In the Gospel of John we read, "When Jesus saw his motherthere, and the disciple whom he lovedstanding nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,”and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home." According to tradition, John took Mary along with him on his missionary journey to Ephesus. We had the opportunity to visit this sacred Home of Mary today in Ephesus. This is one of the few sites along the journey, where pictures ... read more
Baptismal Fount (Basilica of St. John)
Candles outside House of Mary
House of Mary

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus June 28th 2015

We're parked under a tree for shade which has the tiniest of flowers which readily fall off in the breeze. When we went out this morning the chairs looked like they had a covering of snow. We now have the awning out... Off we walked to catch the dolmus (taxi minibuses) from town to Ephasus. We asked the way to the bus station & the chap flagged down a bus & said he'll take you & will put you on the right bus for Ephasus. We set off & 5 minutes later he was banging his horn & waving at a bus on the other side of the road who stopped, we got off one, paid him then jumped on the other & we arrived at Ephasus 15 minutes later having nearly knocked a motorcyclist off ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus April 25th 2015

I'm making good on my promise to write more blogs after I returned home on April 23. Actual date in Ephesus was April 7th, a beautiful warm day so welcomed after some chilly days in Istanbul. It was my second visit, the last being in November, 2000. Doesn't matter. I was still gobsmacked by the history, the casual ruins of ruins rolled over to one side of the main agora now, a walkway, but in ancient times marketplace. Some history, I know boring, but it helps to put things into perspective. Ancient Ephesus was founded by the Athenians about 1000 B.C., it lay at the confluence of empire, trade, and religion. It was a major banking and merchant metropolis with a population of around 300,000. At that time the city had a good harbor with land ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus October 11th 2014

We spent the day at Ephesus marveling at the restoration and all the tourists, many of whom more interested in selfies than history. The terrace houses of the wealthy are quite amazing--frescoed walls, intricate marble floors, and covered to protect from the elements. Maury was excited to see the amphitheater where St. Paul preached to the Ephesians. On our own for dinner, we tried Izmir's oldest seafood restaurant, Deniz. Not much English spoken but interesting to see a relatively affluent segment of Turkish society out for a weekend meal with family. Yes, there are babies and small children in restaurants at 9p.m. and women drinking raki and wine!... read more
Ephesus (55)
Ephesus (26)

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus July 14th 2014

There were stones piled everywhere. Lengths of columns. building blocks, sections of red-brick arches. Some marked with nomenclature numbers while others had no identifiers at all. Weeds grew between the stones as if they hadn't been moved in a while. We were in Ephesus which is a premier destination for folks visiting Turkey though not many people will spend a night here. Most visitors arrive via tour bus from Izmir and most of these are cruise ship passengers taking a day trip. Ephesus was one of ancient Rome's greatest Asian cities. A fine natural harbor and the commerce it invited supported a population that, at one time, reached between 35,000 and 50,000 residents. Founded by the Greeks around 1,000 BC it didn't reach its zenith until the Romans arrived about 150 BC. After the harbor silted ... read more
Mosaic Floor
Smartest Person In Ephesus
Street To Old Port

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