Blogs from Västra Götaland County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 18th 2023

Tourists in Gothenburg today. Looked at hop on hop off bus and maybe just get a metro ticket for the teams, buses and ferries. Neither of these happened. Then saw a hop on boat doing the Harbour out the front of the hotel. Maybe that might work. Got a call from Pippa so we chatted with her and Charlie. Pippa is missing us. Hadn’t been to Eastland for a while. Nice to know we are good for some things. Haha. Had a quick chat with Stephanie then hit the streets. Walked around to a few of the highlighted spots in the Gothenburg book we had. Worked well until the rain came. Sheltered under cover at one of the museums that looked back down the main avenue in Gothenburg. Very scenic and dry. Rain eased enough to ... read more
Voted ugliest building in Scandinavia 7 times.
Main avenue in Gothenburg
Skansen Kronen. The crown at the top relates to Kronen.

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 17th 2023

We are now over 6 weeks since we left home. Seems just like yesterday - not really. Had breakfast with Christer again and bade him farewell. We have had a great time with him and have learnt lots about Sweden and Karlstad as well. He has been a fantastic host and I think he enjoyed having company to look after. A few farewells, photos and finally away. We were heading to Gothenburg via a few places Christer had recommended. First stop was Fjallbacka which is on the coast across from Karlstad. Not sure what to expect but once we parked the car we walked down into the Centre of town. Lots of people, boats and dogs. Turns out that Ingrid Bergman (of acting royalty) decided this was to be her happy place. Even bought a house ... read more
Ingrid Bergman bust in Smogen
Smogen and the houses and Harbour.
Houses tucked into the jetty and rocks in Smogen.

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg June 27th 2023

After yesterday’s rainy afternoon in Copenhagen, the forecast for today was windy in the morning with temperatures rising during the day and a bright sunny afternoon in Gothenburg, Sweden as we headed northeast. Unfortunately, the weatherman could not have been more wrong. As we left a slightly breezy Copenhagen in the morning, the rain began and the temperature began to drop. By the time we got to Gothenburg, it was cold, rainy, and we were in shorts and t-shirts. But the bus ride was nice, and the scenery began to change as we crossed into Sweden and headed northeast. Maja went over some of the differences between Denmark and Sweden that we may not have noticed. There are not nearly as many bicycles in Sweden as Denmark, as all of Denmark is almost completely flat while ... read more
Gothenburg City Tour
Escape to Gothenburg Church
Kristina in Gothenburg Church

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Trollhättan August 28th 2022

I’ve always had a soft spot for Saab cars and so, as we are passing, have to visit the Saab Museum at Trollhatten. In the 60’s Saab built a great reputation as rally cars and then in the 70’s launched the Saab Turbo which quickly became my dream car. J sits this one out – which is probably sensible – as though I love the museum it’s not for everyone. I always wished my father had bought a Saab, though he did look at them. I think he came close once but the specific car he had he eye one (a Saab 99 EMS) then sold and I don’t think he ever came close again. I also remember a Saab connection with Newcastle that was then celebrating its 900th anniversary at the same time Saab introduced ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Smögen August 27th 2022

One of the best ways to experience the west coast of Sweden is to do some hiking. J finds a trail to a place that sounds interesting - King Tryggves grave on the island of Tryggo. The island is not connected to the mainland but I'm told you can walk across at low tide. High tide today isn't until 5pm so we should be fine. Turns out the information isn't quite correct and we need to wade across but the water isn't more than knee deep. The grave itself is a huge cairn of stones 20 metres across. The history of the site is not well understood. The cairn is considered to be from the Bronze age and Kung Tryggve died in 963, and though a stone coffin was found in the centre of the cairn ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg June 22nd 2022

We were back on the road and our next stop was Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden. I was prepared for cooler temperatures as we were heading closer to the northern latitudes. and but the weather here took me by surprise! I learned later that day from the tour-boat operator that this was due to the moderating influence of the Gulf Stream. The drive on E6 through Sweden resembled driving through south central Pennsylvania, with similar vegetation greeting our eyes. Along the highway that hugged the west coastline of Sweden; were signs for McDonalds and Burger King and surprisingly, none for local eateries. We stopped at a McDonalds for lunch and what was interesting and different about this was the way they recycled/disposed their waste. Once used, every item had its own dispose slot and ... read more
green pastures and beautiful sights, E6 North, Gothenburg bound!
Swedish Fika
a feast for my eyes

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Hjo March 5th 2021

In early March we took our trusty car and drove down to Västergötland District for a weekend. Ake grew up in this part of Sweden, so we've been here many times and know it fairly well. We might one day dedicate an entire blog entry to the sites in and around the village where Ake grew up. There are plenty of interesting things to see there so such a blog entry would make sense. But that's for some other time. Here we will focus on the places we visited on this short trip. But for the fun of it we have also gone through our archives and we have thrown in a few additional photos taken at previous visits to this region. Källby Källby is the village where Ake grew up. When we drove down we ... read more
Lidköping town hall
Lidköping as seen from the river
Runestone in Källby

"She lived on the wrong side of the river, in a disused dairy store" Most non-Swedes who read this have probably never heard of the town Trollhättan. It is a medium sized city, population of about 60,000, in the southwest of Sweden. Trollhättan may not be famous or spectacular. But there are several things there that we found interesting and that's why we went there this summer. One of the things that draw us there was actually a dairy store that doesn't even exist anymore. We'll get back to that later on. First we will tell you about some more typical sightseeing we did in the city. The river Göta Älv runs through Trollhättan. Göta Älv has long been an important trade route for transporting goods from south central Sweden to the west coast. However, in ... read more
Street art
The river Göta Älv
18th century locks

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg July 31st 2019

Je prendrai un train pour Göteborg. Je acheterai et manger dans différents cafés. Je verrai la ville, Haga. Je visiterai le Jardin Botanique de Göteborg et Liseberg. Je verrai comment les gens vivent parce que je veux m'y installer.... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg July 31st 2019

Spent the morning wandering around Copenhagen before a 1 hr train trip to Malmo. The line is a combined road/rail link via an 8 km Oresund Bridge that partly spans the strait separating Denmark and the Scandinavian Peninsula. The link then descends a further 4 km by tunnel to reach Sweden’s 3rd city. Unfortunately the spectacular above ground look of the bridge is completely unseen from the train deck below. After a brief wander around the cobbled Old Town streets of Malmo its was back to the train station & a 3 hr trip to Gothenburg & a 3 night stay at the Le Mat B&B. The bridge has spurred a tremendous revival of Malmo from an industrial economy to a service economy dominated by IT & education whilst Gothenburg has prospered by retaining its traditional ... read more
Apoteket Lejonet
Apoteket Lejonet.
Malmo old town street

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