Blogs from Uppsala County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Uppsala September 6th 2022

When originally scheduling my visit to Scotland in 2020, the R/T cost to Edinburgh was 60,000 frequent flyer miles. When I sough to book in 2022, the cost was 100,000, with 70,000 for the return flight. I considered taking the train from Edinburgh to Manchester, where a return flight was 33,000 miles. But then I thought outside the box. I have viking ancestors buried in the mounds at Uppsala, just north of Stockholm, so since I was in Europe (i.e., the neighborhood) I checked on what the cost would be to fly from Edinburgh to Stockholm (Arlanda airport) to Colorado Springs...only 47,000 miles vs 70,000 from Edinburgh or 33,000 (plus train) via Manchester! So, I added one day in Uppsala to my itinerary! In conjunction with my ancestral visitation to Devon in 2019, as recounted in ... read more
Viking Burial Mounds in Gamla Uppsala
Viking Burial Mounds in Gamla Uppsala
19th Century restaurant in Gamla Uppsala where I had lunch

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County May 10th 2021

Kopalnia w Falun Od kopalni lazurytu w Afganistanie 8000 lat temu po złoża ziem rzadkich w dzisiejszych Chinach, monopol na wydobycie surowców naturalnych był kołem zamachowym i źródłem bogactwa całych regionów. W XVII wieku taką rolę wobec Królestwa Szwecji odegrała kopalnia miedzi w Falun. Zaspokajając 2/3 ówczesnego zapotrzebowania Europy na miedź, kopalnia stała się głównym źródłem dochodu i pozwoliła na sfinansowanie niezwykle kosztownych wojen, które rzuciły na kolana potęgi takie jak Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie i Rzeczpospolitą. Chociaż w Falun wydobywano miedź już od X wieku, to pełnię świetności kopalnia osiągnęła w wieku XVII, gdy wydobywano do 3000 ton miedzi na rok. Na dzisiejsze standardy jest to ilośćraczej niewielka, ale w czasach przedindustrialnych była ona zawrotna. Właśnie to powoduje, że kopalnia, a także jej n... read more
Kopalnia w Falun
Kopalnia w Falun
Kopalnia w Falun

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County May 10th 2021

Falun mine From the lapis lazuli mines in Afghanistan 8000 years ago, to rare earth elements mined in contemporary China, mining monopolies have played a crucial role in the development and wealth accumulation of entire regions. In XVII century a single mine in Sweden provided 2/3 of copper in Europe. The copper mine in Falun became the main source of income for the Kingdom of Sweden and financed extremely expensive wars, which brought to the knees the most powerful countries of the era such as the Holy Roman Empire and Poland-Lithuania. Despite the fact that copper was mined in Falun since X century, the peak was reached in XVII century, when up to 3000 tonnes a year of copper was mined. While this is a meager quantity for today’s standards, back then it was an absolutely ... read more
Falun mine
Falun mine
Falun mine

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County April 10th 2021

What is a runestone? A runestone is a raised stone with a carved runic inscription and additional ornaments. Thousands of runestones were erected in Scandinavia in the Viking Age. Today, the majority of runestones is presented at or near the place of its discovery, making the Swedish countryside dotted with these majestic stones. Where are the runestones today? Some are in museums, some are lost, but thousands of them are scattered throughout the Swedish countryside. The rundata database lists thousands of runestones. The area most densely populated with runestones is Uppland. Here is the map of 103 runestones I have visited mostly around Uppsala, the capital of Uppland. When living in Sweden discovering runestones was a fre... read more

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County April 10th 2021

Co to jest kamień runiczny? Kamień runiczny to stojący kamień z wyrzeźbioną runiczną inskrypcją i dodatkowymi ozdobami. Tysiące kamieni runicznych zostało wystawionych w Skandynawii w czasie Ery Wikingów. Dzisiaj większość kamieni stoi w swoim oryginalny miejscu lub stosunkowo blisko niego. Powoduje to, że szwedzki krajobraz jest upstrzony tymi majestatycznymi kamieniami. Gdzie można znaleźć kamienie runiczne? Niektóre są w muzeach, inne zostały zniszczone, ale większość jest wciąż rozrzucona po Szwecji. Według bazy danych Rundata istnieje kilka tysięcy kamieni runicznych. Rejonem, w którym kamieni runicznych jest relatywnie najwięcej jest Uppland: rejon na północ od Sztokholmu ze stolicą w Uppsali. Niniejsza mapa przedstawi... read more

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Bålsta August 8th 2020

One planet, one former planet and Planet Tatooine Sweden is divided in 25 provinces. These provinces have no administrative or political function but may have identical borders with the administrative regions. In the previous two blog entries we wrote about what we did when we travelled in Ångermanland Province and in Jämtland Province. This blog entry will include stories from mainly the provinces Hälsingland and Medelpad. But we will also include a story from the province Uppland. Skokloster Castle Skokloster Castle is no more than one hour by car from Stockholm. We were passing by on our way north in Sweden and decided to stop there since Emma hadn't been there before. Skokloster Castle is large and impressive. Supposedly it is the lar... read more
Skokloster Castle
Skokloster Castle
Skokloster Castle

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Uppsala February 18th 2020

Dear All Greetings again! In this blog entry I will write up about my adventures on my second full day in Sweden. After my first incredible day exploring Stockholm, I thought it would be hard to beat, but it turned out each day was just amazing, and so varied from each other. I felt I really packed a lot into my three days of exploring this small and beautiful part of Sweden. For my second day, I planned a day trip northwards, about 70km by train, taking around 35 minutes by the express service, to the ancient and historical centre of Uppsala. I was not disappointed. The city is famous for its current status as a university town, but also for its importance in both Swedish and Viking history. I also enjoy visiting a place a ... read more
Viking Burial Mounds
Me, Fyrisån River

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Uppsala August 6th 2017

Well, we finally got a couple of rainy days. When it rains here, it rains hard! It rained most of Sat morning and into the afternoon. Then it got nice and stayed nice for the rest of the day. Sunday morning started out nice and then we had scattered showers around lunch time. Then it gets nice and sunny again between showers. So, we did some road trips to see some towns a little further away. We went north as far as Gavle (on the Baltic) and then back down to Uppsala. We quite enjoyed walking around Uppsala and did a little shopping. Today we headed the opposite direction down to Nynashamn (on the Baltic coast) and then on to Arsta Havsbad (on the Baltic) and then Sodertalje. In Nynashamn there was a festival going on ... read more
The pier in Nynashamn
Food pic - sorry
Shrimp sandwich on baquette

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Uppsala July 20th 2016

Gestern habe ich auch in Umea gut gefrühstückt (weil ich am Vorabend so spät gegessen habe, habe ich nur Corn Flakes zum Frühstück genommen). Dann habe ich ausgecheckt und bin zum Västerbottens Museum. Dieses ist nach der Provinz der Stadt benannt und ein Art modernes Heimatmuseum mit einer Ausstellung über fruehes Skifahren, Kunst und einem kleinen Museumsdorf. Dann bin ich wieder zurück und im Bahnhof in dem hier endenden und startenden schwedischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszug X2000 eingestiegen. Der erreicht in dieser Gegend zwar nicht seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit, sondern nur stellenweise 200 km/h, aber er ist der Grund, warum sich die Stadt gut als Nachtquartier angeboten hat. Auch dieser Zug hat kostenfreies Internet für alle Passagiere bis zu 200 MB. Das ist anscheinend im abgelegenen Norden Schwedens kein so grosses Problem wie im dichtbesiedelten Deutschland. Die Zugfahrt war ganz an ... read more
Der wartende X2000 nach Uppsala.
Västerbottens Museum.
Västerbottens Museum.

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County » Uppsala April 13th 2015

Yesterday, as per Brayden and Johanna's advice, I grabbed the 11:11 train to Uppsala, a quick 40 minute ride north of Stockholm. I got there and it was just the crappiest day; raining on and off (it was like I was back in Iceland with all the weather changes) and I experienced probably the strongest wind I've ever been in! But, I toughed it out and walked around the very cute town for the afternoon. It felt very quaint and homey, somewhat like a downtown Bobcaygeon or Halliburton. There was a massive cathedral that revealed itself as I rounded a corner and of course I wandered in to check it out, after the service was over (and yes Shawn, I took off my hat!) Uppsala is home to a pretty impressive university campus, Uppsala University, that ... read more
Up close
Up close 2.0

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